Media Player Shootout! (Detailed Comparison Table on Page 2)

Media Player Shootout!

  • Total voters
India's favorite media player.......................????

What is this?
I mean are you taking HFV as Indias represenatative sample?
BTW half of the media player owners may be still thinking of voting.

Never run to conclusions ,and by the way I know many videophiles and owners who are not there on HFV...

By your yardstick, taking representative samples for predicting voting behavior of a wider population is all bunkus?!!:confused:

You mean, poll agencies like ORG, MARG, Neilsen etc that do accurate predictions of India's national elections based on samples of a few thousand people are wasting their time?!!!

According to you, advertisers who spend thousands of crores every year based on TRP data provided by TAM (Television Audience Measurement) - which itself is based on viewing patterns of a few thousand people - thinking that it accurately represents viewing habits of 50 crore Indians, are fools?!!

BTW are you doing MBA or just finished that?

Are you doing junior school or just finished 'that' (sic)?!:eek:hyeah::eek:hyeah::eek:hyeah::eek:hyeah:
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any one have any idea of this player?
eBay India: DVD cum Full HD 1080p TV Media player + eSata + Ntwrk (item 110581896374 end time 04-Oct-2010 13:09:50 IST)

kindly share your thoughts. I found very good response on avforum site.


From the specs it seems very good, in fact ideal, but unless someone on this or another forum has first-hand experience of how it performs, it's too early to form an opinion.

However, going by the specs alone, at this price I think its unbeatable. Also Kaiboer is a reasonably well-established company, though I don't know about service and support in India.
Hi all,
Here is a detailed comparison table of all the media players that are available in India now, or will be soon.

Hope this will be of some help to all the prospective buyers out there.


Data source ~ iboum
Thanks Whatsinname. Can I get the excel file of this comparison. That would be easy to sort and filter for better choice of buy. Hope you will get it for me.
Buddy there are methods of taking representative samples .....I am certain this is half baked method of predicting data..

I was in product management for long ,and any decent product guy first try to make his sample balanced....we are highly unbalanced sample.

BTW check this news - is it in line with your results of TV's?Where is panasonic and philips?

Sony takes top share position for flat panel TV shipments in 2Q10 for India, says DisplaySearch
Sony takes top share position for flat panel TV shipments in 2Q10 for India, says DisplaySearch

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Press release; Yvonne Yu, DIGITIMES [Thursday 9 September 2010]

Sony increased its unit share of flat panel TVs to 27.1% in the second quarter of 2010 and took top share position in the India market, according to the DisplaySearch. The total TV market in India for 2009 was around 13.8 million units, making it the third-largest country market for TVs in the world, ahead of Japan and Brazil, and accounting for 37% of the Asia Pacific TV market.

In the second quarter, the unit shipments share of flat panel displays (FPDs) was 45% in Asia Pacific, the lowest of any region, while in India, FPD unit shipment share was only 18% of the total shipments of 3.7 million units, as CRT TVs are still the primary TV technology.

"LCD TV sales in India are growing on year at nearly 100%," noted Indrajit Ghosh, DisplaySearch's director for India and South Asia. "In 2010, we expect LCD TV sales to exceed three million units in India."

"The India TV market has great potential for flat panel TVs to grow in 2011 and beyond. Developed regions like Japan, US and Europe will complete the transition to flat panel TVs by the end of 2011 or first half of 2012, when most analog broadcasting will be cut off," noted Hisakazu Torii, VP of TV market research for DisplaySearch. "Although Samsung and LG Electronics continue to be strong in emerging markets, Sony has approached the Indian flat panel TV market successfully with strong brand awareness and appropriate products for the Indian consumer."

There is strong competition among the three major brands in the Indian flat panel TV market, which have a combined share of 70% or more of shipments. Samsung had top unit share in 2009, but dropped to number two with a 22.7% share. LG had top unit share in the first quarter of 2010, but dropped to number three with a 21.1% share.

NOW CHECK OTHER NEWS ---Panasonic claims 48 % share!

Panasonic to invest Rs 1,400-cr in India in next three years - The Economic Times

Quote " Panasonic India is currently the market leader in plasma and LCD TVs with a 48 per cent share of the total market of 3.6-mn units of flat TVs.

48 % - whoa!


Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital. ~Aaron Levenstein

Torture numbers, and they'll confess to anything. ~Gregg Easterbrook

BTW _ Read Freakonomics -- Excellent on whacky statistics and economics!
Buddy there are methods of taking representative samples .....I am certain this is half baked method of predicting data..

I was in product management for long ,and any decent product guy first try to make his sample balanced....we are highly unbalanced sample.

BTW check this news - is it in line with your results of TV's?Where is panasonic and philips?

Ha ha, you are defeating your own point my friend!! Trying to refute a point made on media players with statistics of TV's!!

One is niche market product which is almost exclusively bought by net-savvy people who download media for watching or listening (like the people on HFV) and the other is a mass market product which is bought by, well, everyone!!

I have myself discussed the discrepancies between the voting patters here and the actual sales figures with regards to TV's in a post made yesterday.

But for media players, the members of HFV would be a very representative demographic, as here we have members from every strata of society that would reasonably be expected to buy HD media players, i.e. everyone from rich people with plush home-theatre set ups costing upwards of half a crore, to budget-conscious people (like me :D) who would think twice before even spending rupees 500!!

But all of these would have to be clued into the downloadable content scene, as most HFV members and ALL media players buyers are, because 90% of the general public has never even heard of media players!!
does the xtreamer produce lot of heat. and what about the fan noise.

I am using the orignial verison and my unit shortly will become a year old. I have not faced as such the fan noise issue as with the firmware you casn control the fan speed.

I have run it at times 7 to 8 hours continuously and never faced any issues or heat problems.

Also bought the sidewinder colling kit, but have not installed it yet, maybe will do it later.

So i am pretty satisfied with the product and its durabiity.
We've reached a kind of milestone - 50 votes. And the standings are still the same as they've been, more or less, since the beginning. We do have the Asus O!Play owners coming out finally to vote, as also people who have the Apple TV (earlier gen, I presume, the one that started it all way back when in 2007! How the world has changed since those ancient times!)

Dune And Seagate however, are still to open their account, though I know there is at least one Seagate Freeagent Theatre owner on HFV. And hey, there's a couple of Iomega Screenplay Director buyers out there too! Make your vote count!!


Let's see if WDTV and xtreamer can maintain their leadership positions even post the mammoth group buy of the Playon HD that is just about to happen anytime now.
And Xtreamer takes a lead for the first time!!


Dune is now the only major brand not to have opened its account. Quite surprising for a product that is supposed by many to be the best. Has anyone used it? How does it perform?
Hai mates,
I have a Philips DVD Player, but it can't play any mkv & flac files. I downloded lots of high def mkv movies with dts sound. To play all these formats i decided to purchase a Media Player.

I have a Logitech Z5500 to connect with it (optical/coax) for audio and 21" CRT with RGB (Component) for video.

Plz suggest me a good MP within 10k considering my audio - video sources.
Thanks in adv.
The Zimwell player supports USB external DVD player. Does any other player support this feature?
And Xtreamer takes a lead for the first time!!


Dune is now the only major brand not to have opened its account. Quite surprising for a product that is supposed by many to be the best. Has anyone used it? How does it perform?

IT DOES NOT exist per your perfect survey technique!!:eek:hyeah::eek:hyeah:
In TV thread I had mentioned that sample size is too negligible to decide anything. But that was for TV. As far as media player is concerned, let us look at it this way. HFV people are technically more knowledgeable than aam admi, who simply walkin to a store and ask "Show me a media player". (Here, I neither mean that all knowledgeable guys are on HFV or all aam aadmi are dummies.. pls :))

If ALL media player owners of HFV votes here, I think it should give an approximate indication of which is 'hot' or 'favourite' not necessarily the best or best selling. The reason is 100 votes from those who bought the gadget without knowing its capabilities are not as important as 1 vote from a tech-savvy member who made his choice after thorough researching.

If its a grossly pathetic way to decide something based on polls, then this feature should not be existing in any forums for that matter. For me, its more fun to see poll results than deducing a conclusion out of it!:D
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If its a grossly pathetic way to decide something based on polls, then this feature should not be existing in any forums for that matter. For me, its more fun to see poll results than deducing a conclusion out of it!:D

That is what I was telling.
Also in mumbai I think all the Hi End shops are selling some media players,I am of the feeling that MOST of their customer base is not there on HFV. DUNE,TViX are well represented in Hi Fi stores.
Again nationite HDVP1 was on Ebay deal of the week. the seller sold entire available stock ,as whoever booked later was given HDVP2.( My friend recd it) so there may be a good amount of Nationite users.

Again I know least 3 people who owe multiple Media players and NOT on the forum.The survey does not consider ownership of media players.

From the specs it seems very good, in fact ideal, but unless someone on this or another forum has first-hand experience of how it performs, it's too early to form an opinion.

However, going by the specs alone, at this price I think its unbeatable. Also Kaiboer is a reasonably well-established company, though I don't know about service and support in India.

I have seen this player and i think it's an unbeatable player available in Indian market. It will take some time to get known in the Indian market.
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