MP3 Editing Software


New Member
Aug 4, 2006
Can someone please help me with a good and light MP3 wave editing software on the PC where i can edit tracks as well sound waves
Specially looking for a MP3 Track editing software
Through which i can edit voice,cut voice during the normal play

Pls reccomend some

:confused: :confused: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Can someone please help me with a good and light MP3 wave editing software on the PC where i can edit tracks as well sound waves
Specially looking for a MP3 Track editing software
Through which i can edit voice,cut voice during the normal play

Pls reccomend some

:confused: :confused:

Hi kups,

I moonlight as a DJ, so maybe I can share a few tips. :)

I use a lot of softwares and tools to make mixes etc. What exactly are you looking to do? There are various edits you can perform on a music file. Most softwares are mp3 compatible. The choice depends on the goal though. Let me know what you exactly want to achieve and I could give you a host of options to choose from.

Removing vocal information from a full-fledged song is an impossible task. Unless you are a friend of the studio engineer who mixed the track, of course ;)

All audio editors will filter based on audio frequencies. So they'll either filter by cancelling those frequencies using an opposite waveform, or just cut out the band that is specified. You can assign to remove frequencies lying in the vocal band (ex 500Hz - 3kHz), but doing that will take away any other instruments in that band as well. So the end result is not exactly the 'instrumental' version of the track as intended.

For a lot of commercially released English music, the instrumental versions (containing only music and choruses) are released, and they're not hard to get. These are also called karaoke versions sometimes. This should work far better.


For Editing Mp3, I use Diamond Cut Millennium software (US $50), it does everything right from capturing tracks from CD, LP, Cassettes to adding finishing touches (such as getting Tube effect!), it is a great software for removing noise from old recording. Give it a try; a demo version is available on net.

Other free software worth considering is Audacity. It is open software project with excellent user interface, editing and effects capabilities. Both Win and Mac versions are available.

You may want to visit Hydrogen audio web forum devoted exclusively for MP3, Wav, AAC, and Ogg etc.

Hope this helps

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