Music Server

What's a printer? Is it a client or a server? Hmmm... after answering, go and ask a hacker!


My 2 cents:

I think people here are using the words "Personal Computer" and "Computer" interchangeably. Given the context above, I think the word "Computer" is apt and the OP was mislead by using the word "Personal Computer".

My 2 cents:

I think people here are using the words "Personal Computer" and "Computer" interchangeably. Given the context above, I think the word "Computer" is apt and the OP was mislead by using the word "Personal Computer".
I am not mislead about computer but I think some are confused about NAS
what about your opinion on NAS?
Do not agree. see my inline comments in reply to sammy

Not sure which part of my statement you disagreed with but here is a description of the Olive Symphony (I believe an older model) hardware:

with a 32-bit IBM PowerPC processor, an LCD screen, an 80GB internal drive, a CD-R drive for ripping CDs and burning playlists, analog and digital outputs, a headphone jack, a Night Mode that reduces dynamic range, and, most usefully, a four-port Ethernet switch and a Wi-Fi access point for networking to other devices.

Source: Olive Symphony CD player/Wi-Fi Music Server |

The hardware sounds very similar to my older iMac. The symphony ran Linux. I am quite certain Olive's newer offerings would be no different though it is hard to find data about them.

Anyway, I guess I now understand better what you want. You are probably looking for an appliance with few control knobs. Good luck with your search!
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it may have firmware/OS like HP/IBM/Dell device. a device which has Nas service/function may have other features/services but NAS device need not have other function like Music /Video player streamer etc. we can opt for products from storage vendors Like IBM/HP/Dell but no point here you are mixinf network attached storage with a device/PC which can act as NAS. you need to research more on storage technologies. if you want I can share link to whitepapers on NAS

Yes NAS need not have other services, so per you it makes sense to have couple of HDD together and develop dedicated machine for say a music, a dedicated machine for Movies, a dedicated machine for files and one for Images as well ........ all connected to the your IBM "NAS".....:rolleyes:

We are talking about a Home NAS for Home entertainment system here .....on which having a music server, media server does make sense. Which home user gonna be interested in a Dell NAS with xyz industry standard storage technologies with all kinds of RAIDs available, when it cannot even stream music ........

No sir , it is not mandatory to have NAS device to have all the funtion. are you suggesting it will have Switch, router, display, music server, video section.. everything. are there no NAS device available without these? Go to Storage vendors device and searcg their standalone NAS options. I gues you are only referring to a PC used/tweaked as NAS server and not dedicated NAS.

Never said its mandatory ...did I ... I said a proper built NAS can........ ...... does not state It has to be, but definately it should be ...given the reason I stated above ...

The model of xtremer you have might have NAS capabilities, but it started off as Media Player. E3200 is a router just because it can let machines connected to it and share storage does not make it a NAS ...lolzzz
it does not matter how it started. even PC started as just computing device for simpler application. abd evolved to have many other functions .

With xtremer what I meant was I always thought it was a Media Player, they may have come up with a NAS as well now ...... so cannot comment.

I did not claim that E3200 is dedicated NAS. it can attach a USB device, create user. assign permission and can be accessed by my PC ,smart TV, laptop though.

So ...???? infact it makes the claim even more irrelevent ...??

not all NAS device can be tweked and can be amde music server. HP/Dell?IBM NAS do not provide customization to haave another application layer over their platform.

errr its a Home NAS we are talking about used for Home entertainment system as I said above as wel ...........being a network manager for xyz years ...., come out of Dell and IBM. No one would buy those for Home purpose. (unless they come out with some dedicated device for the same)

you need to polish your knowledge about server. a server is just not windows 2000/2003/2008/2012 server or a PC or Linux/unix. A server is just not a computer in strict terms. computer is also not a PC in strciter term

By your own wiki link provided .......Network-attached storage (NAS) is file-level computer data storage connected to a computer network

NAS is often manufactured as a computer appliance a specialized computer

I rest my case ..... :D

I have already a disk full of wav files connected to my marantz. I need a device with good interface and DAC .

A PC with XBMC and Xonar Essence ..... all the way ..... a top notch interface and a quality DAC as well ... :)

with so many lolzz in your replies I sense you are making a fun of my comments and that gives me urge to do that from my side as well but please research more and do not limit you NAS knowledge to PC only.
NAS is network attached storage and is not limited to some application running on PC. the concept is to share the files/data over network and is widely used in entrprise networks and is not just for home network and PC based NAS

mmmm ..."lolzzz"..... might give an impression, of making fun but it isnt, I can apologize for that ......BUT I guess you are stuck with a NAS of an industry level/standard that is used by company labs and all.......... here we are talking about a NAS that servers a purpose as a home entertainment NAS.

...... hope this give a more clear perspective of what we talking about

.......cheers .. :)
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Seriously guys... why pick on a guy who wants to spend his money his way.

PS - I was in that very boat a while back. I even was planning on something that was going to rip my CDs and store them in 3 TB HDDs and cost me some $3000. I forgot the name of that product... otherwise would have given the OP that link too.

I nearly bought it... just backed out at the last minute and decided to get the latest PC with the latest h/w like i7, 16 GB RAM, GFX, Asus Xonar + external DAC. Either way whatever floats your boat. Most people will think we audiophiles are crazy anyways...
On paper, a NAS is strictly a storage device which can be accessed over a network. I guess, at least that was what the inventor would have imagined.

Nonetheless, no where does it say that the computing power of a NAS cannot be used for other tasks, like what Sam has mentioned.

It would be very difficult for anyone to define the exact tasks to be carried out by a device to give it an appropriate name.

A better analogy would be a mobile phone which as per definition should make and receive calls. But, the current generation of phones have computing powers equivalent to the older generation computers, that does not mean the name of the device should change.

@vkhandelwal - I think what you need is on the lines of a squeezebox touch (SBT) and I don't think there are many alternatives out there to it unless it is a combination of devices or a DIY venture.

I would personally love to know if a one switch music device is available which is not a computer that needs to be built.
I have a CD6004 which has a USB port. Would using audio CD files saved on USB drive give similar audio performance as in audio CD. Also will apple ipod connected to USB port give similar audio peformance as audio CD.
Would using audio CD files saved on USB drive give similar audio performance as in audio CD. Also will apple ipod connected to USB port give similar audio peformance as audio CD.

Yes if they are saved in WAV or FLAC, given the fact your 6004 is capable of playing wav/flac files of the USB.

With apple flac would not work so it has to apple lossless, about the quality, there should not be much of a difference given the fact ipod is a pretty decent audio player ....
Yes NAS need not have other services, so per you it makes sense to have couple of HDD together and develop dedicated machine for say a music, a dedicated machine for Movies, a dedicated machine for files and one for Images as well ........ all connected to the your IBM "NAS".....:rolleyes:

We are talking about a Home NAS for Home entertainment system here .....on which having a music server, media server does make sense. Which home user gonna be interested in a Dell NAS with xyz industry standard storage technologies with all kinds of RAIDs available, when it cannot even stream music ........

Never said its mandatory ...did I ... I said a proper built NAS can........ ...... does not state It has to be, but definately it should be ...given the reason I stated above ...

With xtremer what I meant was I always thought it was a Media Player, they may have come up with a NAS as well now ...... so cannot comment.

So ...???? infact it makes the claim even more irrelevent ...??

errr its a Home NAS we are talking about used for Home entertainment system as I said above as wel ...........being a network manager for xyz years ...., come out of Dell and IBM. No one would buy those for Home purpose. (unless they come out with some dedicated device for the same)

By your own wiki link provided .......Network-attached storage (NAS) is file-level computer data storage connected to a computer network

NAS is often manufactured as a computer appliance a specialized computer

I rest my case ..... :D

A PC with XBMC and Xonar Essence ..... all the way ..... a top notch interface and a quality DAC as well ... :)

mmmm ..."lolzzz"..... might give an impression, of making fun but it isnt, I can apologize for that ......BUT I guess you are stuck with a NAS of an industry level/standard that is used by company labs and all.......... here we are talking about a NAS that servers a purpose as a home entertainment NAS.

...... hope this give a more clear perspective of what we talking about

.......cheers .. :)
All I can say is that you have to get out of PC and home mode and not use terms in your sense or home use only. why should I come out of my network mode and go into your home mode when you are not ready to do that.. BTW I think you got offended as I shared my work but look at your first post and then think why I wanted to share my field with you things will be as they are.. you and me cannot change that... your idea of NAS is different and you think that NAS is a integrated device . for me NAS is storage device. I guess you are trying to change the definition of things like servers , NAS and others.. but what is the point??.. apologies that I tried to convince you what NAS is.. cause you are not ready to research on a particular thing and want to continue with your limited knowledge. I may have limited knowledge of audio and that is why I am here.. but I am not going accept a wrong comment on things which were not relevant to discussion. but what is the point??.. apologies that I tried to convince you what NAS is.. cause you are not ready to research on a particular thing and want to continue with your limited knowledge. . I shared some stuff with link. would you share in similar terms so that I can update my knowledge of NAS. learning is continuous process no one is definitive or expert in all technology . considering you excerpts fro Wikipedia I can understand what your idea of computer . we call the device with name of what its primary purpose is . for example a home router might have few Ethernet ports but we call it by its primary function as router. you are using PC as NAS . you are not using a NAS as a PC or music server/streamer. give me an example of NAS which can act as music device. xtreamer is a media streamer which can act as NAS. just like PC is a computer which can play the role of NAS apart from many other roles. I asked for a music server and you asked me to use NAS for that. that was where all this confusion started.I am out of further discussion on this cause that's not worth it and this is not the right forum to discuss computers and network technologies and systems. probably we can discuss this in some other forums.. as we are wasting time of people who might visit here for music server.. thanks for your help and feedback.. appreciate that..
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Seriously guys... why pick on a guy who wants to spend his money his way.

PS - I was in that very boat a while back. I even was planning on something that was going to rip my CDs and store them in 3 TB HDDs and cost me some $3000. I forgot the name of that product... otherwise would have given the OP that link too.

I nearly bought it... just backed out at the last minute and decided to get the latest PC with the latest h/w like i7, 16 GB RAM, GFX, Asus Xonar + external DAC. Either way whatever floats your boat. Most people will think we audiophiles are crazy anyways...

I did not want to spend y money my way . If my intention was that I would not have been wandering here in this forum. this forum has helped me a lot and I appreciate that. one solution which work for one may not work for others and that is why discussion forums and different products are there..
On paper, a NAS is strictly a storage device which can be accessed over a network. I guess, at least that was what the inventor would have imagined.

Nonetheless, no where does it say that the computing power of a NAS cannot be used for other tasks, like what Sam has mentioned.

It would be very difficult for anyone to define the exact tasks to be carried out by a device to give it an appropriate name.

A better analogy would be a mobile phone which as per definition should make and receive calls. But, the current generation of phones have computing powers equivalent to the older generation computers, that does not mean the name of the device should change.

@vkhandelwal - I think what you need is on the lines of a squeezebox touch (SBT) and I don't think there are many alternatives out there to it unless it is a combination of devices or a DIY venture.

I would personally love to know if a one switch music device is available which is not a computer that needs to be built.

see my reply.. devices are generally known for their primary function. all other services are add ons. by your example the primary function of mobile phone is phone the name may change to smart phone, touch phone, whatever but phone will be suffixed as its primary function is telephony. PC may have NAS and music server function both by adding applications on top of OS but that does not mean we can replace the name of PC to NAS device. in this age of powerful devices where the phone can have quad core processors and ample space we can tweak devices to have many functions inbuilt but that does not change the definition or basic purpose of that device else its name will get changed. devices may have computing power but in general terms we cannot call them computers. see the first reply of consultant ,if you say use your computer or PC as NAS it will mislead me because I did not want streaming function I wanted a simpler device with good DAC which can store my files and connect to the amp directly. I did not want network capability to stream or receive but remote control over network so that I can select playlist or songs. I had said that PC will not work for me as I have family members who would want simple selection of songs and play. I also have space constraint in my living room else being an IT person my first preference would have been using a PC as I do have Maudio USB fast track pro which I could have used as external DAC.

Agreed with you that options are limited and squeezebox is one of them. am travelling next week probably will try to get Olive o3HD or squeezebox .
do see the specs of Olive devices , there are many other options I have found but those are expensive and out of my budget.
and Thanks for your comments and suggestions..
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If you want a squeezebox, hurry. It seems that Logitech are ditching the range.
I guess you are trying to change the definition of things like servers , NAS and others.. but what is the point??
No comment on anybody's personal intentions --- but I very much support keeping the names and definitions of things correct, understanding the actual power; possibilities and propensities of PCs; keeping a simple view of the digital world and all that kind of stuff. We use trickle-down from the commercial world, but there is no need to either rename anything, or pretend that it works in a different way because it is processing music. No doubt, as you say, we are on the same page on this.

Still, borders have become blurred with all these devices. I was amazed to find that, with my Squeezebox Duet controller, I was holding a linux computer in my hand. Yes, I could (and did) telnet to it. Having not, then, 'returned' to Linux, the last *nix machine I'd been involved with buying took three people to lift it!

BTW... I never did understand the difference between NAS and SAN!
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If you want a squeezebox, hurry. It seems that Logitech are ditching the range.

No comment on anybody's personal intentions --- but I very much support keeping the names and definitions of things correct, understanding the actual power; possibilities and propensities of PCs; keeping a simple view of the digital world and all that kind of stuff. We use trickle-down from the commercial world, but there is no need to either rename anything, or pretend that it works in a different way because it is processing music. No doubt, as you say, we are on the same page on this.

Still, borders have become blurred with all these devices. I was amazed to find that, with my Squeezebox Duet controller, I was holding a linux computer in my hand. Yes, I could (and did) telnet to it. Having not, then, 'returned' to Linux, the last *nix machine I'd been involved with buying took three people to lift it!

BTW... I never did understand the difference between NAS and SAN!

stripped down Linux is used in many devices as it is open source and kernel is small enough to put in devices with less flash inbuilt.
between SAN and NAS main difference in few lines is
SAN is collection of storage devices which can be connected directly/indirectly(using a SAN switch) to the server over Fiber ,SCSI or SAS. interface
NAS is primarily a storage device which can be connected to the network and other devices use that over network file system such as NFS/SMB
Yes NAS need not have other services, so per you it makes sense to have couple of HDD together and develop dedicated machine for say a music, a dedicated machine for Movies, a dedicated machine for files and one for Images as well ........ all connected to the your IBM "NAS".....:rolleyes:
it makes sense to make a device which can use multiple source of storage. an all in one device may be compromise with component built in to keep the cost down. so if somebody is already having a NAS (home/enterprise ) whatever. why would not he go for just a device which specializes in music only as that gives him option to have better hardware design for that specific funtion.
We are talking about a Home NAS for Home entertainment system here .....on which having a music server, media server does make sense. Which home user gonna be interested in a Dell NAS with xyz industry standard storage technologies with all kinds of RAIDs available, when it cannot even stream music ........

then why you call PC as NAS? router will be router whether it is home segment router SOHO router or enterprise class router. It would have helped if you could have clarified that you are sharing your definition of NAS and not NAS in general terms. I would have asked you first what you meant by your definition of NAS is it Network attached storage or network attached server :lol:

Never said its mandatory ...did I ... I said a proper built NAS can........ ...... does not state It has to be, but definately it should be ...given the reason I stated above ...

A NAS to be properly built does not mean it has serve roles as music server/veideso server image player whatever. A properly built NAS should properly serve clients as NAS first it may have other features but if one is looking for NAS it will check what functions of NAS)storage device) it provides and then what additional thing he/she may get.

With xtremer what I meant was I always thought it was a Media Player, they may have come up with a NAS as well now ...... so cannot comment.
please do not comment what you are not aware of. research first if you have a urge to comment.

So ...???? infact it makes the claim even more irrelevent ...??

errr its a Home NAS we are talking about used for Home entertainment system as I said above as wel ...........being a network manager for xyz years ...., come out of Dell and IBM. No one would buy those for Home purpose. (unless they come out with some dedicated device for the same)

you are talking about PC used as NAS. you were not talking about Home NAS. home router has 4 port or more switch inbuilt but when we are talking about home router we do not refer that as switch. similarly PC serving as NAS is not a NAS device and cannot be referred as nas (like you suggested to use a NAS as music server). a PC which is having both NAS and music server/player is a PC playing dual role of NAS and music server using third party application,. your replies suggest to me that you are not ready to listen to anybody and want to stick with you own definition of need to come out of your limited knowledge of IT and stop using words in your own parlance and stop thinking yourself as a person who know everything in every domain.

By your own wiki link provided .......Network-attached storage (NAS) is file-level computer data storage connected to a computer network

NAS is often manufactured as a computer appliance a specialized computer

I rest my case ..... :D
Please do not rest your case or yourself until you have acquired knowledge to some extent whereby you can share that with other without misleading. I doubt if you even understand what a computer or computer appliance is? A computer need not be your system with CPU, keyboard , mouse only .. definition of computer has changed and will keep on changing in this modern world.
A PC with XBMC and Xonar Essence ..... all the way ..... a top notch interface and a quality DAC as well ... :)

Did you see my question at first place. I was looking for a device which I can connect to MY PM7004 (that does not have network interface). that means I have to connect the suggested device directly to amp. If I connect PC directly to my AMP using external DAC why would I use NAS function. would you please ask the posters about what their requirement and the equipment they have is before start throwing suggestions.
mmmm ..."lolzzz"..... might give an impression, of making fun but it isnt, I can apologize for that ......BUT I guess you are stuck with a NAS of an industry level/standard that is used by company labs and all.......... here we are talking about a NAS that servers a purpose as a home entertainment NAS.
I was not offended by any means by your lolzzzzz. I just wanted to share that please do not post like what your first post was . we are here to share our knowledge and information.. posting more than 2000 post does not make you a mahaguru in every domain. you may be in some but not in all.. I am not stuck anywhere and there is nothing called home or business or whtever .. only thing which matter is technology. in IT we have to be constantly upgrading/enhancing our knowledge of technologies. I am doing that and ready to learn from every individual.. are you ???
...... hope this give a more clear perspective of what we talking about

.......cheers .. :)

Thanks with this final reply I am out of this particular section of music streamer/server . hope to meet you somewhere/sometime down the road in the IT world. till then all the best !
After Page 2 didnt read since it has turned into Storage discussion (Btw I am an IT Manager too, and one of my responsibilities is to look after the Indian Data Center of the company I work for, so I would not go ahead into the Storage discussion which looks to be between amateurs, :p).

Though I understand OPs needs and aversion to a 'PC' but I will still go ahead and suggest a HTPC, there are cases from companies like Silverstone which are available in India, they would be around 15k just for the case but comes with remote, rest you can build a proper PC inside with Windows Media Center on it. OS on SSD would mean it would boot up within 5-8 seconds.

Edit : Problem with a PC is that people go ahead and play around with it but if you use it just as any other standard device and just keep it in a corner without changing settings etc. on your whim, then todays PCs can work on for years without needing reboots etc.
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All I can say is that you have to get out of PC and home mode and not use terms in your sense or home use only. why should I come out of my network mode and go into your home mode when you are not ready to do that.. BTW I think you got offended as I shared my work but look at your first post and then think why I wanted to share my field with you things will be as they are.. you and me cannot change that... your idea of NAS is different and you think that NAS is a integrated device . for me NAS is storage device. I guess you are trying to change the definition of things like servers , NAS and others.. but what is the point??.. apologies that I tried to convince you what NAS is.. cause you are not ready to research on a particular thing and want to continue with your limited knowledge. I may have limited knowledge of audio and that is why I am here.. but I am not going accept a wrong comment on things which were not relevant to discussion. but what is the point??.. apologies that I tried to convince you what NAS is.. cause you are not ready to research on a particular thing and want to continue with your limited knowledge. . I shared some stuff with link. would you share in similar terms so that I can update my knowledge of NAS. learning is continuous process no one is definitive or expert in all technology . considering you excerpts fro Wikipedia I can understand what your idea of computer . we call the device with name of what its primary purpose is . for example a home router might have few Ethernet ports but we call it by its primary function as router. you are using PC as NAS . you are not using a NAS as a PC or music server/streamer. give me an example of NAS which can act as music device. xtreamer is a media streamer which can act as NAS. just like PC is a computer which can play the role of NAS apart from many other roles. I asked for a music server and you asked me to use NAS for that. that was where all this confusion started.I am out of further discussion on this cause that's not worth it and this is not the right forum to discuss computers and network technologies and systems. probably we can discuss this in some other forums.. as we are wasting time of people who might visit here for music server.. thanks for your help and feedback.. appreciate that..

Ok . the argument continues ......

This my friend is a hifi digital entertainment forum, with members sharing home entertainment queries and gadgets and interests ...... by keeping my self in the home mode for what ever I (infact we all) here suggest seem logical and make sense. You on the other hand with your DELL and IDM are out of place not me, so here its no me who has to come out of that mode you have to ..............

If I had been on a technical DELL/IDM server forums, I would have come out of my home mode and discuses there with a different perspective ......... hope you get the point .....

I didnt get offended when you shared ur work but it usually aint a good sign to back your knowledge with degrees or experiences, it does not state a thing specially on a discussion forums, knowledge will show... in time with the posts you make ...... Plus its high probability you might simply underestimate the other guy.

For me as well NAS is a storage device, but here on this fourms, you can not suggest a NAS just for storage, heck infact when I can have my NAS serving up as a Music, file and media server as well, why shouldnt I ...... thats a simple question ...????

FreeNAS is a widely user NAS os, but if there is a small plugin/app that can make me stream music as well from that same machine, I should not do it coz some mr xyz says its a NAS, only meant for storage ..... what logic ..????
and if I do ..... it aint a NAS, it becomes something else
..????? cheezzzzz

ok how about an FTP server. you version of NAS by IBM does act as an ftp server right , why to incorporate even that ..... NAS strictly is a storage device right so ftp also should not be running on it ....??? and if ftp can run why not a music server as well ....????

Finally you didnt ask just for a Music Server, you asked for a music server that can also store music ...... and a NAS can exactly do that.

No comment on anybody's personal intentions --- but I very much support keeping the names and definitions of things correct, understanding the actual power; possibilities and propensities of PCs; keeping a simple view of the digital world and all that kind of stuff. We use trickle-down from the commercial world, but there is no need to either rename anything, or pretend that it works in a different way because it is processing music. No doubt, as you say, we are on the same page on this.

Thad, are we changing the names and definitions for NAS, no I dont think so ..... infact vkhandelwal is, by saying that if we add a music server to a storage device it aint a NAS it becomes something else ....

We are not using a PC add things and make it NAS ...... we are using a NAS ...... a storage device with all NAS functionalists and ADD few extra features to it ..... like Music server, file server ........ would that now not make that machine a NAS ..... ofcourse not .......
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.