Need amp for Dynaudio Audience 72


New Member
Oct 23, 2008

I am searching for a suitable amp for Dynaudio Audience 72 speakers.

Let me say a few words about these dynas :

1) They are very power-hungry.
- feed them upto 150-200 Watts and they will just digest them and be ready for more. So low-powerd amps struggle hard to drive them.

2) They are very honest.
- these are one speakers where the priciple of garbage in/garbage out works to point. Feed the speakers with mediocore electronics, you get mediocore sound. So unless you have good electronics to power them they disappoint you.

3) They are unforgiving to bad electronics and cables.

Depending on these points pls suggest a suitable int amp or pre/power combo upto 100k in budget(used/new).


btw i have read the previos thread about the amp for dyna but couldnt get conclusions from it.
Thanks for your input, Cranky.

What about McCormack DNA 125 ?
This amp is said to work well with dyna.. anybody ?

What about Unison research Unico ?(hybrid amp)
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I know two members who use dyna with dna 125- reignofchaos and bobby.
I purchased the dynas from bobby and he has the amp for sale.
But i am a bass fanatic, will the dna satisfy my needs?
I dont like neutral/ flat sounds.

The Dynes 52 & 72 series have very clean sound and do justice to the source. As you intended you would like to hear an emphasized bass, the 72s are pretty good at it and don't need additional help in bringing out the low end. However I feel that they sound very well when driven by relatively powerful amps in the upwards of 50W till 100. Beyond that it is overkill.

Instead of breaking out your budget on pre/pro, I'd go with an integrated that does not colour the source signature too much.

Bryston 60sst
Creek Evolution
Exposure 2010s
Primare I21
Naim 5i

are good comparos. I have heard them with the Bryston and the Naim and they sounded extremely detailed and absolutely stunning for jazz, vocals and classical music.

Disclaimer : from your listening preferences I am assuming you don't listen to rock/metal as some of my recommendations will not do justice.


I am searching for a suitable amp for Dynaudio Audience 72 speakers.

Let me say a few words about these dynas :

1) They are very power-hungry.
- feed them upto 150-200 Watts and they will just digest them and be ready for more. So low-powerd amps struggle hard to drive them.

2) They are very honest.
- these are one speakers where the priciple of garbage in/garbage out works to point. Feed the speakers with mediocore electronics, you get mediocore sound. So unless you have good electronics to power them they disappoint you.

3) They are unforgiving to bad electronics and cables.

Depending on these points pls suggest a suitable int amp or pre/power combo upto 100k in budget(used/new).


btw i have read the previos thread about the amp for dyna but couldnt get conclusions from it.
Marsilian, can you elaborate on that ......... as i am getting the dna a t half the price as compared to naim.

If you are a bass fan, I would recommend the DNA, however I couldnt find the reference of the preamp that you want to use...what do you plan to do here?

I dont have a preamp as of now.
I plan to use my AVR Denon 2309 with pre-outs as a preamp.

Can i retain a 5.1 and 2 ch setup simultaneously with this..

Marsilian, can you elaborate on that ......... as i am getting the dna a t half the price as compared to naim.


Wow Bazee. for that kind of price differential the 125 is a no brainer.
Just go for it if you have a good pre to match it. You will be done upgrading for a while except for maybe the transports.

For fair market prices and by way of relative comparison I will still put my thoughts down even though its sounds like a done deal. The Naim is one of the cleanest sounding integrateds out there. I heard this for many hours when looking for a system for my brother and its one of the cleanest integrated. The other choice was a Musical Fidelity. Since you prefer bass, this is also slightly forward and is a perfect fit for the beats.
I heard Bela Fleck, Fourplay and Patricia Barber, Norah Jones, Sting, Louis Armstrong, Taj Mahal, Vishwa Mohan Bhatt and Ry Cooder through the Naim and it sounded superb for the vocals as well as instrumentals.

To me, the 125 seems to colour the source a bit and is not as clean as the Naim. My one watch out would be that it should not overemphasize the bass as the 82s are very apt speakers that are relatively easily driven and have a naturally well defined bottom end.

Again, this would come out in comparison to the Naim or similar integrateds. However power wise and soundstage and dynamics, there are not many that can play with the McCormacks. They are a stand out product.

BTW, the Nuforce IA-7 is also an excellent integrated.

You have couple good choices Go with the one that fits your budget. Both of tham are good in their ways.
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I dont have a preamp as of now.
I plan to use my AVR Denon 2309 with pre-outs as a preamp.

Can i retain a 5.1 and 2 ch setup simultaneously with this..


You will get excellent soundstage with that combo. However remember that the 82s and 125 are capable of much more with a better pre. These play in a different league when it comes to sound signature and dynamics and hifi in general.

Pls suggest if anyone has a used amp/int for sale to match the dynas.

Regarding transport, how about Marantz CD 6002:
will it suffice..


Pls suggest if anyone has a used amp/int for sale to match the dynas.

Regarding transport, how about Marantz CD 6002:
will it suffice..



Why aren't you still considering the Mc 125? I thought it was a done deal. Marantz is a decent player in similar league of CA, NAD & Rotel.
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Nothing like that, marsilian.

McCormack is a first choice and will be deliverd to me in few days.It is just that the seller may bypass me if he gets a higher bid.
I just wanted others to know that i can do with used amps also; becos it only with used amps where we can get a higher model at affordable price.

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