Please suggest cheap speakers, indian made, DIY, anything!


New Member
Jun 20, 2009
Ok, Here's my current setup:

Video: SONY VP-AWL 10 Projector 720p native
Audio: Onkyo SR-505
Mirage Uni-Theater

And I connect all these:

XBOX 360 (Component and Dolby Digital 5.1 through Optical)
Macbook 13" 2.0Ghz (VGA and Onboard Sound Card)
HP NX9600 PIV 3.2Ghz (VGA and Onboard Sound Card)
PC: PIV 2.4 Ghz (VGA and Onboard Sound Card)
Samsung VCD/DVD Player (Don't remember the Model but through component and optical)

Now the PROBLEM:

1) I'm low on the moolah!
2) I'm LOW on the moolah!
3) My mirage unitheater speakers went kaput!!!

The Mirage UniTheater is Left-Right-Center housed in one long casing, it was very decent but my bro cranked the amp to +12 DB, messed with all the settings and just burned the drivers. (I think the center is still ok though!)

I am so pissed off from listening balloon pops when I fire machine gun in Call of Duty and Imogen Heap sounding like Daffy Duck that I'm bordering depression, already showing symptoms of it:mad: Though I'll love to buy a decent pair of Wharfedales, Polks or somefink, I don't have the money to buy decent towers (or even sattelites), still studying so no cash inflow :indifferent14::sad::mad:

Looking for new speakers, probably a 2.1 system (OR just a 2 speaker set), cheap as hell to connect to my Amp. I don't want 2.1 Multimedia PC speakers, those don't go well with the Xbox, DVD player or anything for that matter.

They should be decent enough, though I don't know how decent they will be with my PRICE constraint!

what are the cheapest options I have?
Can be Indian Made, Second hand, third hand, fourth hand, DIY, loaners, freakin Ahujas, repairing my Mirage etc, etc etc.

I live in Delhi!
There is a sound bar from iball or intex available at Alfa for around 2.5k. Its nowhere close to audiophile quality but better than a standard tv speaker
seriously you got to tell these guys your budget if its below 3000 then you can get to any ol computer shop and can get any speaker but dont expect audiophile quality.
Better still wait till there is an increased budget. It's better to wait rather than compromise and buy something not so good.
if it was for INTEX speakers, i don't think he would be in this forum :D

Listen got to set a target for yourself. I suggest you look for Norge range of equipment or chinese hifi components. All my stuff is chinese and it rocks!!
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Bro, you do need to give us some approximate figure to start with. Otherwise check out India's Audio Video Hi-Fi Classifieds, they do have stuff on sale from time to time.

I did that, nothing that turns me on!
As for the approx figure, I'm still figuring it out...
Instead of putting an amount to it, I'll say entry level towers or probably hand me downs from somebody upgrading, moving or stuff.

There is a sound bar from iball or intex available at Alfa for around 2.5k. Its nowhere close to audiophile quality but better than a standard tv speaker

I have a creative 2.1 sitting here that'll work as well, looking for something atleast entry level!

See you in 2040. Seriously.

I'm sorry dude but that was not to offend you or just waste your time, It was just a way to express my lack of funds and the virtually non-existent budget. Please, don't mind my bad language.

Intex speakers you can get it for around 300 to 500 its super s*#t but then they are speakers :D

Yep, I actually could go to himalayas for 6 months, just forget it all and enjoy the nature's sounds, the god actually does it the best!...

seriously you got to tell these guys your budget if its below 3000 then you can get to any ol computer shop and can get any speaker but dont expect audiophile quality.

How much I need for the audiophile quality, entry level? Thats my question. Thanks for trying to help me out here.

Better still wait till there is an increased budget. It's better to wait rather than compromise and buy something not so good.

Yep, but the problem is, I have a setup that I was already enjoying, I could've waited if I was assembling a new system but I used to sit there, play games, watch movies, sleep to Norah Jones everyday... theirs this huge void that needs to be filled immediately! I hope you are getting what I'm trying to say.

if it was for INTEX speakers, i don't think he would be in this forum :D

Listen got to set a target for yourself. I suggest you look for Norge range of equipment or chinese hifi components. All my stuff is chinese and it rocks!!

This is by far the best reply I have had on this thread. I mean, Cha got the nerve of it...This is what I'm asking for guys! I think I went overboard in my opening post saying anything will do! I mean anything that's atleast decent...

Cha dude, what doest the Norge entry levels cost? And what about those chinese ones, I'm eager to know more bout them... Where to buy, what to check for and the like... Is there a separate thread for this?

Guys, I know its much more fun suggesting B&Ws and Transmission Audios to guys with 500K to burn where you can suggest what you always wanted to own or atleast somefink that you already know is sweet to the ears but isn't this a bigger challenge?
I know it pisses you off when you look at a thread where the person wants "cheap speakers" that should also sound "good" but this is what I need...

I'll also like to add, I'm a somewhat noob in the audio department... Much better versed in the video, PC and gaming stuff so need help here...
hi shakelebolt,

The flagship Norge amp costs about might buy Polk Audio towers/bookshelf speakers. Then for CDP, you might look at Yamaha range.

For chinese visit the site called and
browse them and see what suits you. I van vouch for Bada DC222 amp and if you buy MHZS CDP, I can help you in modding it.

That's it
See you in 2040. Seriously.

:):):) This is one of the best I have seen. Sorry OP, but I could not help burst out laughing when I saw this.

I would suggest, in addition to Norge and CA, also see if you can locate a serious DIY in Delhi who can assemble a pair of speakers for you. Decently done, a floor standing pair would cost you something like 10K and sound quite decent. If people like Kamal can help, it will be great.

If extending your budget to 10k or so, consider the Yamaha NS-8390 floorstanders. I recently picked up a pair for 10.8k at Hypercity (Malad). Great for the price.
Is there a used market like chor bazaar in delhi???
You can have something from there though need to be careful!

I'm all ears if there's such a place...

hi shakelebolt,

The flagship Norge amp costs about might buy Polk Audio towers/bookshelf speakers. Then for CDP, you might look at Yamaha range.

For chinese visit the site called and
browse them and see what suits you. I van vouch for Bada DC222 amp and if you buy MHZS CDP, I can help you in modding it.

That's it

Hi Cha, I checked those websites but they are charging more for shipping than the speaker cost... Let me know if I'm doing something wrong there. I have the SR 505 so just need loudspeakers.
Thanks for offering help on the modding!

Audioengine A2: 10K

Norge/Pulz amp + Cambridge audio s30: 12-14K. Cosmic may work too, a nd easier to get in Delhi

MX5021: 6.5K.

I wouldn't drop below any of these three personally.

Aren't the A2 and MX5021 multimedia PC speakers?

then go for the cambridge audio S30....7500 bucks.....good speakers for the price.

Will check them! Thanks!

:):):) This is one of the best I have seen. Sorry OP, but I could not help burst out laughing when I saw this.

I would suggest, in addition to Norge and CA, also see if you can locate a serious DIY in Delhi who can assemble a pair of speakers for you. Decently done, a floor standing pair would cost you something like 10K and sound quite decent. If people like Kamal can help, it will be great.


Oh don't worry, I actually did laugh at that myself!
I'm open to DIY if somebody could tell me where to go! Kamal, please!

If extending your budget to 10k or so, consider the Yamaha NS-8390 floorstanders. I recently picked up a pair for 10.8k at Hypercity (Malad). Great for the price.

Just checking them. Thanks!
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Firstly what's your requirement? 5.1 or will 2 BS/FS do for now? If 2 are fine then the CA S30 are good you can even check out the Wharfedales 9.X which will cost a bit more. FS at this budget will not sound good (well at least I've not come across any that do).

If its 5.1 then any satellite/sub package at this budget for the HT will suck. PC speakers will be much better but they will be powered. Actually if you did not have an amp in the Onkyo then the Altec Lansing MX 5021 makes perfect sense.

Better leave stuff such as Ahuja alone. Ditto for speakers from Yammy, Onkyo and co. They kind of suck and at especially the budget you're looking for they will surely suck.
Firstly what's your requirement? 5.1 or will 2 BS/FS do for now? If 2 are fine then the CA S30 are good you can even check out the Wharfedales 9.X which will cost a bit more. FS at this budget will not sound good (well at least I've not come across any that do).

If its 5.1 then any satellite/sub package at this budget for the HT will suck. PC speakers will be much better but they will be powered. Actually if you did not have an amp in the Onkyo then the Altec Lansing MX 5021 makes perfect sense.

Better leave stuff such as Ahuja alone. Ditto for speakers from Yammy, Onkyo and co. They kind of suck and at especially the budget you're looking for they will surely suck.

I just need 2 BS / FS for now, preferably FS because BSs don't look good in my room, essentially because I use the projector and sitting on the width and not the length, so BS hanging out from a side wall looks bad. I know FS without a decent budget sucks, but...

I am looking forward to expand later my setup so powered speakers will be just waste of money.

I've noted your comment on Ahujas Yammys and Onkyos...


BTW, how much does a pair of decent FS cost? Something that I don't have to dispose off when I expand my system?
The best VFM ones I've seen are from Wharfedale, but they increased a bit recently due to the recession and dollar rate revision. I'm not too sure of the current rates, perhaps someone with the current rates will post them or check out the prices thread on this forum.

I just need 2 BS / FS for now, preferably FS because BSs don't look good in my room, essentially because I use the projector and sitting on the width and not the length, so BS hanging out from a side wall looks bad. I know FS without a decent budget sucks, but...

I am looking forward to expand later my setup so powered speakers will be just waste of money.

I've noted your comment on Ahujas Yammys and Onkyos...


BTW, how much does a pair of decent FS cost? Something that I don't have to dispose off when I expand my system?
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