Power Cords - Source Components - Do they make a differance ??


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2006
Mumbai - Bombay - INDIA
Power Cords

Do these make any differance on Source Components ?

What brands are 'good'

How much should one spend on them ?

Where to buy them from ?

Power Cords

Do these make any differance on Source Components ?

What brands are 'good'

How much should one spend on them ?

Where to buy them from ?


Well, u need a really awesome system to make out the differences power cords make (read >2L for stereo setup), also lots of good quality listening material and a trained ear to spot differences between power cables.
This is not my personal experience and what I have read and learnt from experts. I personally dont think it would make any difference.
Thanks Doors 666 !

So you are of the opinion that for set ups under 2 lacs - power cords make no differance. It cannot be hear;

Do we get good power cords in India ?
Who sells ?
What brands ?
Prices ?
Is a demo possible ?
Shanthi, this is a topic that has been beaten to death 100s of times on the Forum. Please search through the Forum for threads on this topic.

I have a different take on PCs. In general any system which can resolve the difference between a INR 1000 bucks interconnect and a INR 10000 bucks interconnect would also be able to resolve the difference between a 1000 bucks power cord and 10000 bucks power cord. The only catch here is, you should attach the power cord to the most sensitive equipments in the chain. For example, source in general react the most to PC, followed by Power amps.
Among the source, Transport again reacts more to PC than a DAC. These are general observations, there can be exceptions.
Mostly SMPS based power supplies react less to power cord change.
Similarly Pure Class A power amps react less to power cord change than a Class A/B.

However, IMO a power cord is almost as important as any other cable in the chain. The differences it brings are not subtle and the problems they solve at the entry point of an equipment (IEC socket) is better not be solved at exit point (IC and speaker cable binding posts).

Good power cords to consider:
Entry level : Tara labs, Vh Audio, Tg Audio, Dh Labs, Ecosse (all under $150)
Mid End : Cardas (Golden reference), Kubala Sosna, ESPS, Audience, Harmonix, Acoustic revive, Shunyata (all under $500 from audiogon)

I can send you a sample power cord which has worked wonderfully well in my system. You can try and return it to me if you are interested.
Similarly Pure Class A power amps react less to power cord change than a Class A/B.

I can send you a sample power cord which has worked wonderfully well in my system. You can try and return it to me if you are interested.

That is an interesting statement [blue]

I can use Euro Schuko cords - what are the option you can offer ?

Appreciate it..
You are moving in the right direction.

Please note that it is not only the wire as it is but the connectors (both IEC female and plug male) also which make the most significant change in your system. The best and sanely priced connectors are made by Furutech and Oyaide and you will never go wrong with them. Also, there are some exceptionally talented power cord makers who can give you better value for money relative to established players in the field of cables.

I use extensively Chris ven Haus (VH Audio) made Flavor series power cords and have more than half a dozen of them. Chris is a very knowledgeable guy and makes excellent cables. First I standardised all my sockets and plugs to 230 volts European Schuko type (US plugs are rated for 120 volts). Then I bought the cords with either Furutech or Oyaide connectors. Meanwhile, I also ended up using better cords in specific applications through the help of some wonderful and very knowledgeable mates of other forums who literally do R&D in this!

My current setup: Chris' Flavor-4 power cords with Oyaide/Furutech connectors in preamp, stereo power amp, multichannel power amp and power conditioner; Flavor-2 in surround processor; Tel Wire power cord (shielded)with Oyaide connectors in CD player (replaced a Flavor series I initially used and much better); XLO Reference 2 Type 10 power cord in DVD player (splendid shielded cord); van den Hul Mainstream power cords in Rel subwoofers (I tried the Flavor series but the vdH gets the best out of the subs).

Remember, shielded cords are better in digital equipment like CD and DVD players. When you go to power hungry amps, go for thicker and well made cables with equally good or better connectors (again, both IEC and plug at both ends).

Except for the vdH, all other cords I have mentioned above can be obtained for around $200-300 for 6 ft lengths.

Hope this helps.

P.S. I have nothing against Indian type plugs and sockets but do they compare with Furutechs and Oyaides? I doubt. Believe me, they make a huge difference. Always remember the fundamental fact that each component in an audio chain creates an output signal from its power supply and the better cables you use for power, interconnect etc, the more accurately it will reproduce the input signal received without adding or subtracting anything from it.

Good luck.
That is an interesting statement [blue]

I can use Euro Schuko cords - what are the option you can offer ?

Appreciate it..

:)...Well, the cords I have is terminated with Indian type. Would you be able to manage ? Its not anything esoteric, there are better things available but this one work, hence my suggestion to try them. Whats the power cords you are currently using ?

As for the "interesting statement", its only my observation not something that I can prove.
Whats the power cords you are currently using ?

Echole Obsession - 6' Oyaide 15 Amps to Oyaide IEC - Power Cord X 02 pieces
Transparent Cable - Power Link MM - Power Cords - 03 pcs [CD Player & Pre Amplifier]
Serial Number - 45388MM & 46367MM & 46368MM.
Acoustic Revive - RTP 2 & RTP 4 Power Distributor - Ultimate Power Conditioner
Acoustic Revive - Power Cord - 05 pcs - Power Referance
Silencable - Wizzard AC Link - 2.0M Oyaide Euro Schuko to Oyaide IEC - Serial #'s 797 & 798

These are some of the power cords I use...

I agree UnleashMe. I am deleting my post.


Venkat, you deleted the post a bit too late. I have already read it.

Anyway, I am quite immuned to the "Can of worms" and "Hornest nest" thing.
I know effect of cables have been debated and beaten to death on numerous forums.
But you know what, visit any forum which has been existing for sometime now and is popular Audioasylum, Audiogon, Hififorum.de etc etc...This cable debate is no more there. Now there is only cable related discussion: Architecture, Sound quality, Materials used etc etc..I am not a techie and do not posses experience in cable manufacturing hence I may not be able to exactly explain why each cord sounds different but one popular theory says:
Though Power Cord is the last one meter in the KMs of wire carrying electricity from the grid, from the Equipment's perspective it is the first one meter!!

However you are most welcome to visit my place when you are at Bangalore. Get as many power cords from any brand/make, we can sit the whole day, have lunch and you can compare them one after the other. If you find any two power cords which do not have an audible difference, I will join your camp;). I have already tried more than 20 cables, you can get another 20:cool:.
Thats the only way people have learnt (me included) and the debate has ended.

To quote an honest example, 5 years back with the system I had I could not hear a difference between a $10 Monster IC and a $200 Audioquest King Cobra IC. One of our forum member "Reignofchaos" was with me at that time:p...What else ?
some more;

Jorma Design JPC 2.5 Power Cable - Sweden - 2M [Sweden]
DC-Cable Taiwan Power Cables - Custom Termination [Front End Electronics - Digital]
VdH The Mainstream Hybrid Power Cable 2M [Indian Plugs from UK] - Holland

These are in spare...

Last edited:
Echole Obsession - 6' Oyaide 15 Amps to Oyaide IEC - Power Cord X 02 pieces
Transparent Cable - Power Link MM - Power Cords - 03 pcs [CD Player & Pre Amplifier]
Serial Number - 45388MM & 46367MM & 46368MM.
Acoustic Revive - RTP 2 & RTP 4 Power Distributor - Ultimate Power Conditioner
Acoustic Revive - Power Cord - 05 pcs - Power Referance
Silencable - Wizzard AC Link - 2.0M Oyaide Euro Schuko to Oyaide IEC - Serial #'s 797 & 798

These are some of the power cords I use...


I see !!!
In that case, I am wondering why you started this thread:p, you would know better than anyone else how much does the power cord matter:ohyeah:.

OT : If I am not wrong, you are a good friend of MBJ and KJ;).
However you are most welcome to visit my place when you are at Bangalore. Get as many power cords from any brand/make, we can sit the whole day, have lunch and you can compare them one after the other. If you find any two power cords which do not have an audible difference, I will join your camp;). I have already tried more than 20 cables, you can get another 20:cool:.

That is very kind of you. I shall certainly visit your place next time I am in Bangalore, and if I can hear a difference, consider me converted. :)

That is very kind of you. I shall certainly visit your place next time I am in Bangalore, and if I can hear a difference, consider me converted. :)


if I can hear a difference, consider me converted.


Are you suggesting that you have never heard a cable make a difference ?

I am a bit lost here.....

I understand people saying that prices may not be justified for cables, but I have never heard one that says that cables make no difference...

Interesting to say the least !!

I invite you to Mumbai. Lunch + Malt + Dinner all with me & I will surely expose you to different cables......

damn even the 13944 firewire on my dCS makes a difference. The Siltech is miles ahead of the Revelation Audio Labs. That too an old and stopped [discontinued] model.

I am serious - you are most welcome for a listen. Any evening after 1800 @ my house..
I'm completely agree with Dr Bass & Shanti. Even on my Nad 320Bee Im using a shielded Lapp cable with menekes connectors & it has made a diff.

Seems like shanti was dormant for a while on the forum & hence....:D

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