Projector Issues


You can check with They deal with projector service and lamp replacements. They also sell projectors with buy back facility.

Contact Mayur of braintone in this mobile number - 9167006663
Re: 1080p

i have not been keen for 1080p, because then i will have to upgrade my denon av receiver too
I am at total loss to understand why you would need to upgrade your receiver too.

my school of thought is simple to upgrade in every 5 years or so, and go full on with it at that point of time, but it should be value for money. If i go to upgrade now my projector and av receiver, it will cost me easily 2 lac rupees, keeping in mind that my these gears are doing just too fine, therefore i think it would be quite criminal to spend like this
Personally I have always felt that it is best to upgrade piecemeal, i.e. part by part. My logic is that not only does this entail a smaller outflow of money at one time, but it also allows one to keep one's system updated. Rather than going from the latest to obselete and then back to the latest.

If i go to upgrade now my projector and av receiver, it will cost me easily 2 lac rupees, keeping in mind that my these gears are doing just too fine, therefore i think it would be quite criminal to spend like this
Considering that you are already looking at spending Rs. 40k, absolutely criminal I say, on just the lamp for your projector, you are basically looking at spending an additional approx. Rs. 60k. You might also be able to salvage some of that money by selling your projector.

on the other hand there are very limited movies in 1080p.
I wonder where you got that impression from. There are close to 3500 titles already released on blu-ray so far. Each and every one of them in 1080p. In fact even Indian movies are now regularly being released on blu-ray and just within the last 10 months, over 100 titles have already been released and the pace of release is only getting faster. Almost all new Indian movies are now also being released on blu-ray. Even my local blu-ray library has close to 700 titles on blu-ray.

By the way most importantly i have seen a demo of blue ray movie at santosh''s place on his 1080p projector, the same movie i had downloaded in 6gb file, the picture quality difference was not much, maybe the audio was more better.
I seriously disagree with your experience. For, there is a great difference in quality between 720p and 1080p, specially on a large screen. I can only imagine that the results of your demo may have been tainted by a less than ideal presentation. You have not mentioned what blu-ray and also which projector was used for the demo.
Times Are Changing Faster Then We Think

Indeed times are changing faster then we think, in next many years maybe there will be no cinema halls, all movies will be released via payment in digital format for direct homes.

I am seeing the power of led projectors, i am having one though being used for watching live data of stocks, commodities and currency market, it is so small that it can be hand held, and the bulb life being a eye opener, 30,000 hours. I surely do not want to get into un-branded products, i am having this projector in LG brand.

However my main dilemma is with the bulb of my Hitachi projector, the minimum quote so far i have got for Rs.12,000/- right up till Rs.40,000/-, i am in a spot, do not know how to go about it, though maximum inclination is towards getting the original bulb from Hitachi itself, let's see if i can get a good way out by some forum members.


Dear Vinay,

The time is rapidly coming when halogen bulbs are becoming obselete.

Welcome to the world of LED projectors.

With an indefinitely longer lamp life, affordable LED projectors are available in the grey market from Chinese makers.

If you want LED projectors from makers of repute, you must wait a little while longer to get it for a bargain.

I guess it is worth studying this genre of projectors as the benefits are there obviously..
Re: To Buy Original Bulb Or Get From The Replacement Market

The bulb which you replaced was the original from company or you bought from elsewhere and what was the cost
I bought an original Panasonic replacement lamp for my projector. I got my replacement lamp from the US and it cost me approx. Rs. 14k. I had initially ordered with someone in India at a price of Rs. 20k, but they kept giving me the run around for over a month and I got tired of waiting so I cancelled the order and got it from the US.

and how is the experience with it, in other words what is your suggestion for me, as to which bulb should i buy original or ...?
My experience with it is great and my projector is now as good as new. My suggestion to you though, as you might have guessed from my previous post, is that you go in for a new 1080p projector. Investing Rs. 40k in a 720p projector at this stage, really makes little sense, if any at all. Regarding original lamps vs third party replacements, I personally would only go in for the original, unless I have had the opportunity to try the third party replacement lamp. The difference between lamps can be more than just difference in life expectancy. In fact, lamps can vary majorly in light output and also in the color of light they output. Thus a third party lamp can change the entire quality of picture that you are used to with your projector and more often than not, the change is generally for the worse.

I'll ask you something, maybe you can throw some light, what happens with me is due to work pressure and other reasons generally i am not able to watch a movie at one go, so what i do is with every 40 minutes, i take a 30 minute break, i switch of the bulb, but the main is on, similarly other gadgets are on like the av receiver and media player, each movie i take about 4 hours to complete, so is it safe to keep the gadget on during such extensive interval phases and not forgeting the collective 4 hours.
Most, if not all, modern day audio/video equipment can very safely be run for much longer periods than "4 hours". Ofcourse the general rules of providing reasonable ventilation, running them in a reasonably cooled room etc. all apply. The ventitlation and cool room are even more important in the case of projectors, since projector lamps run rather hot. Projector lamps should also not be turned on immediately after being turned off. You have mentioned that you usually turn the lamp off for atleast 30 minutes, which is fine. There is one other thing though, the life of projector lamps, like any other electric bulb/lamp, is linked to the number of times they are turned on/off. Thus, the life expectancy of a projector lamp is not just dependant on the number of hrs it is used. The life of a lamp also majorly depends on how hot it is run and also how many times it is turned on/off. In our country due to power failures etc. it is imperative that one have a UPS for the projector, since the sudden on/off, due to power failure, switchover to generator etc., can greatly reduce the life of the projector lamp.
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The Power Of Sanjay's Knoweldge

Thank you very much for the detailed writing.

Well my receiver is not compatible to hd audio.

I will surely prefer to upgrade the entire audio video gear in say every 5 years or so instead of doing it in peace meals and in-directly keep storing the money aside in frequent intervals for the large upgrade but sure all ways are okay for upgrade depending upon their like and means.

I am considering to spend that Rs40,000/- on the bulb but it is going to be a very tough call, i may just drop this spending, even in rarest case if i consider for the new projector i will have to upgrade the receiver also, so at end of the day cost just keeps going up and there is hardly any resale value of projectors or other gears.

Well i do not watch movies via blue ray, i only download movies for watching and these are all between 4 & 6 GB file, i think in these digital formats there are limited movies in 1080P.

I am not sure what projector santosh has, and i forgot the blue ray movies name which i saw at his place, maybe santosh can throw some light on this. At the face of it sure there should be a quality difference between 720P & 1080P but i did not get the opportunity to see it.


I am at total loss to understand why you would need to upgrade your receiver too.

Personally I have always felt that it is best to upgrade piecemeal, i.e. part by part. My logic is that not only does this entail a smaller outflow of money at one time, but it also allows one to keep one's system updated. Rather than going from the latest to obselete and then back to the latest.

Considering that you are already looking at spending Rs. 40k, absolutely criminal I say, on just the lamp for your projector, you are basically looking at spending an additional approx. Rs. 60k. You might also be able to salvage some of that money by selling your projector.

I wonder where you got that impression from. There are close to 3500 titles already released on blu-ray so far. Each and every one of them in 1080p. In fact even Indian movies are now regularly being released on blu-ray and just within the last 10 months, over 100 titles have already been released and the pace of release is only getting faster. Almost all new Indian movies are now also being released on blu-ray. Even my local blu-ray library has close to 700 titles on blu-ray.

I seriously disagree with your experience. For, there is a great difference in quality between 720p and 1080p, specially on a large screen. I can only imagine that the results of your demo may have been tainted by a less than ideal presentation. You have not mentioned what blu-ray and also which projector was used for the demo.
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Re: Trying To Take A Call

The time is rapidly coming when halogen bulbs are becoming obselete.

Welcome to the world of LED projectors.

With an indefinitely longer lamp life, affordable LED projectors are available in the grey market from Chinese makers.

If you want LED projectors from makers of repute, you must wait a little while longer to get it for a bargain.
You are right about the fact that the days of 'halogen/mercury' lamps in projectors, are numbered. But, I must point out that this 'obselence', is still quite a ways off and the demise of 'mercury lamp' projectors is not really relevant to any Home Theater projector purchase decisions as yet.

The "affordable LED projectors available in the grey market from Chinese makers", that you refer to, are not at all Home Theater worthy. They are generally of the very low resolution variety and their lumens output is also at best only good for projecting data and that too in relatively small sizes. The cheapest 'LED' illuminated projector available currently, that is capable of 1080p and that also outputs enough light for a videophile quality and Home Theater size picture, is priced at US $15,000. Other projectors capable of the same, are priced at even more obscene prices, at US $20,000, US $40,000 & US $50,000. It will be atleast a few years before Home Theater grade 'LED' illuminated projectors will be available in what most of us would consider affordable, let alone "bargain" prices.

On the other hand, very good, 1080p/2000 lumens, 'mercury lamp' projectors are now available for US $1000. Roughly the same price, that 'Vinay' is looking to spend on just his replacement lamp.
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Heading For A Call

Hello Sanjay,

With your replies, probably it is going to ease me in taking a call on the lamp.

Among my fears is that if i order the bulb, they are telling me it will arrive after several days, but first i have to make the payment and for such days i do not know how much it could be enlarged causing frustrations, i very often go out of the way so that i do not fall into these bad phases while that is a another story that i do not mind trusting the Hitachi people directly or via them for waiting for the bulb to arrive.

I also want to have an experience like you and which is possible probably via original lamp from Hitachi, it is relief to know that my thought process was right with the third party lamp there is always a risk of lower quality in picture and some un-forseen issues, unless the seller is able to give us a proper demo of the lamp, which could be rare possibility.

Indeed it is true that audio and video gears can easily run more then 4 hours but i was just wondering that during many phases actually they are not running but are on stand-by mode, so was wondering stand-by is more risky though such chances seem less and you are also throwing the light that not to worry on this stand-by factor. About the ventilation, it seems you are saying that there should be enough open area for the hot air to flow out, if such is the point, then i have taken good care and about the room cooling, i always use the a/c, no wonder i never got the fan installed in my mini theatre because then there will be times when we will be tempted to use the fan instead of a/c.

I actually use a timer watch from my i-pod for the exact 30 or 45 minutes break, this gives me the opportunity to catch up with the routine activity in stocks and related and the discipline of not putting the projector on sooner then later. Over here in Mumbai, power fluctuations or failures are quite rare so we are relived from this issue.


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Re: The Power Of Sanjay's Knoweldge

Well my receiver is not compatible to hd audio.
There is absolutely no reason that you have to upgrade your receiver incase you were to upgrade your projector. The projector has nothing to do with the audio and therefore I personally do not understand the connection here. Upgrading the projector is only and only about upgrading the picture. Any upgrading of the audio is a totally separate issue. Whether you upgrade the audio or not, will have no bearing on the upgraded picture that you will get with a new 1080p projector.

By the way, I have had a 1080p projector for over two years now and I have been viewing blu-rays for over three years, but I still have not upgraded my receiver for HD audio. Although I must add, that I am still able to get HD audio fro mthe analog outputs of my Oppo blu-ray player. Upgrading my receiver would entail a cost of approx. Rs. 3 lakhs and I just do not find it worth it, specially since I am able to get HD audio via the analog outputs of the blu-ray player.

I will surely prefer to upgrade the entire audio video gear in say every 5 years or so instead of doing it in peace meals and in-directly keep storing the money aside in frequent intervals for the large upgrade but sure all ways are okay for upgrade depending upon their like and means.
I sincerely appreciate the fact that everyone has their own reasons for doing things and it is impossible and certainly wrong for someone else to judge for them what is right and wrong. Specially, when the decision involves, how much and when to spend on a purchase. All I am saying though, is that the HD audio factor is not relevant to your dilemma, of deciding whether to spend Rs. 40k on a replacement lamp or buy a new projector.

I am considering to spend that Rs40,000/- on the bulb but it is going to be a very tough call, i may just drop this spending
All i can say is, I do not envy your dilemma and I can fully understand the confusion you must be facing at this juncture considering the huge cost of replacing the lamp. For what it's worth, spending Rs. 40,000 at this stage, on an old 720p projector, specially when newer much better projectors are available for only slightly more, is something I would strongly recommend against.

In case you wish to stick to your old projector, I suggest that you buy a third party, cheaper lamp. Like the one you mentioned, that is available for Rs. 12,000. Then, maybe in a year or so, when you are more comfortable with the idea, upgrade the projector.

even in rarest case if i consider for the new projector i will have to upgrade the receiver also, so at end of the day cost just keeps going up and there is hardly any resale value of projectors or other gears.
Again, at the expense of sounding repetitive, I would like to point out that you do not "have to", or for that matter 'need to', upgrade your receiver incase you do decide to buy a new projector.

Well i do not watch movies via blue ray, i only download movies for watching and these are all between 4 & 6 GB file, i think in these digital formats there are limited movies in 1080P.
I understand, but the 1080p is something that I would consider as only an added bonus in your situation. The primary factor behind my recommendation, is the relatively small difference in the cost of the replacement lamp and the price of a new projector. At the very least do check out the current 'grey market' prices of a few projectors before deciding. By the way, 'grey market' prices in addition to being much lower, also make a lot of sense in your situation, since the replacement lamp you will buy, will in any case not come with any warranty, nor will it add warranty coverage to your old projector.

Among my fears is that if i order the bulb, they are telling me it will arrive after several days, but first i have to make the payment and for such days i do not know how much it could be enlarged causing frustrations, i very often go out of the way so that i do not fall into these bad phases while that is a another story that i do not mind trusting the Hitachi people directly or via them for waiting for the bulb to arrive.
In my case I had not paid an advance since I knew the seller well and therefore I was able to get out of the commitment to buy because of the inordinate delays. If I had paid an advance I would have been stuck and would have had to wait for god only knows how much longer than the one month I had already waited. Have you considered the 'small' possiblity of there being somethign else wrong with your projector other than the lamp itself? I was fortunate enought to be able to test my projector with another lamp to confirm that it was the lamp that had died and that there was nothing else wrong with my projector. I too had been sceptical like you, considering that the lamp had died on me so suddenly and that too without any warning.

I also want to have an experience like you and which is possible probably via original lamp from Hitachi, it is relief to know that my thought process was right with the third party lamp there is always a risk of lower quality in picture and some un-forseen issues, unless the seller is able to give us a proper demo of the lamp, which could be rare possibility.
I'm sorry for sounding contradictry to what I may have said earlier, but considering the very high price of an 'original' Hitachi lamp and under the circumstances as explained above, I feel that in case you are not ready for a new projector then you might be better of buying a cheaper third party lamp.

Indeed it is true that audio and video gears can easily run more then 4 hours but i was just wondering that during many phases actually they are not running but are on stand-by mode, so was wondering stand-by is more risky though such chances seem less and you are also throwing the light that not to worry on this stand-by factor. About the ventilation, it seems you are saying that there should be enough open area for the hot air to flow out, if such is the point, then i have taken good care and about the room cooling, i always use the a/c, no wonder i never got the fan installed in my mini theatre because then there will be times when we will be tempted to use the fan instead of a/c.

I actually use a timer watch from my i-pod for the exact 30 or 45 minutes break, this gives me the opportunity to catch up with the routine activity in stocks and related and the discipline of not putting the projector on sooner then later. Over here in Mumbai, power fluctuations or failures are quite rare so we are relived from this issue.
It's good to know that you take care of your HT equipment so methodically. You seem to be a "man after my own heart". Although there is a fan in my HT room, as a rule no one in my family ever turns it on. Another very good reason to not use fans, is to avoid all the dust that a fan circulates in the room and which is certainly not good for the equipment, specially a projector. Regarding the power fluctuations/failures, you Mumbai guys are lucky. Try having to deal with the power situation here in the NCR.
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The Saga

I am very happy with the views which i am getting from you.

I am aware that if i buy a new projector i do not have to upgrade the av receiver, but what i am saying is that i have more interest to upgrade projector and receiver at one go so that at one shot i enjoy the better audio and video quality, when i am ready for the upgrade at that time there will be better scope of more movies in 1080P, via download route. I am a strong believer of using things to it's full capacity, need be even exceed it, which shall mean that if i have a 1080P projector, then i will like to watch only 1080p movies, to whatever extent possible.

Well about the purchase you are right that better preference is in a phased manner while for some they belong to a thought of bigger leaps, it all depends what suits one, but at end of the day, it should result in a smarter move per their respective likes.

I am still working to get a better quote of the original Hitachi lamp.

For the third party bulb, when i am asking for a demo or specific questions about the quality of bulb, with references, etc, the replies which i am getting is quite evasive, in such situation my pull out is aggressive, as i would not like to risk with these bulbs.

This small price difference between the new bulb and a new projector, can you please throw more light with the specifications and cost, please do help me on this. I will also check with the grey market, about warranty factor towards my projector and the new bulb which you have written is a very good point.

By paying advance, it does put us in a spot if there is delay in supplies, so the idle way out would be is to buy ready stock, test, and pay across, i remember when i had bought my fibre based screen there was a delay but since i had paid advance the suffer was more. It is a very good point by you that what if there is some other issue other then the bulb, in such a situation i will take your suggestion that first they should put some of their spare bulb, run and show.

I do take a lot care of my mini theatre, to the extent that i do not allow any eatable items inside, no chit chats, i use the theatre exclusively for movies and related, watching live data of stock and other markets, music is sometimes. About the dust part because of the fans i never realized this point.

If some city has some problems like power, etc, and if one can not take it, then one must consider to relocate in a another city, though this is very difficult, but i think attempts should be made. I am considering to relocate to some other city for very different reason, but i was told that there are power issues, so that becomes a good reason for me to drop the idea and look elsewhere.

Thank you again for your writing.

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Re: The Saga

I am very happy with the views which i am getting from you.

I am aware that if i buy a new projector i do not have to upgrade the av receiver, but what i am saying is that i have more interest to upgrade projector and receiver at one go so that at one shot i enjoy the better audio and video quality, when i am ready for the upgrade at that time there will be better scope of more movies in 1080P, via download route. I am a strong believer of using things to it's full capacity, need be even exceed it, which shall mean that if i have a 1080P projector, then i will like to watch only 1080p movies, to whatever extent possible......
..............................I am considering to relocate to some other city for very different reason, but i was told that there are power issues, so that becomes a good reason for me to drop the idea and look elsewhere.

Thank you again for your writing.

Vinay, Sanjay is right that you do not have to upgrade your AVR to get a 1080P projector. Since I know the equipment you use, let me try and explain the connections so you are able to make a quick decision.

Your equipment connections if you replace only your projector would be:

For 1080P Video: WDTV -> HD Projector (via HDMI)
For 5.1 Audio: WDTV -> Existing Denon AVR (via digital coaxial/optical)

If you were earlier routing your video through the AVR, you can take out those connections as they are no longer needed. However, if your 2nd projector(the one you use for monitoring stock market), was connected via the AVR, leave that as it is.

With this connections, you can get 1080P video without having to upgrade your AVR.
Vinay, I would recommend using this opportunity to upgrade to 1080P. But, you will have to sell your Hitachi Projector(with or without new lamp) which itself is a dilemma. I was recently in a similar situation, when I broke my iPhone screen. I decided to replace the screen before selling it so that a buyer gets a working unit (unless the buyer is aware of what he is getting into).

Do consider getting a Projector from US, much cheaper there. I got my Optoma HD20 from US for 63k landed. With facilities like Borderlinx, members here have bought it for even 55k. For your Home Theater and your usage, I would recommend you to go for something higher than an Optoma HD20. Maybe a Panasonic PT-AE5000U or a Mitsubishi (can't remember the exact model).

Vinay, at what distance is your projector mounted from your front screen?
Is It Burial Time For My Hitache Projector

Well santosh all the more i am pushed to upgrade because now there is a another news breaking in that there are good chances that the mother board also is dead.

With your good idea and help from you as well as other forum members i will have to start sourcing the projector from abroad, but if i take it from here, the cost difference could be how much?

The exact distance between the projector and screen i shall tell you tomorrow.

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Projector - AV Receiver

Hello Santosh,

Well i have been saying that i was more interested to upgrade the projector and av receiver at one go, so that i can get 1080P and audio in hd, though i am well aware that if i buy 1080P projector i do not have to upgrade the receiver as long as hd audio is not required, am i right on this?

The 2nd projector is not connected to the avr, because i do not require any sound, as it is used to watch only live data.

Hello Santosh,

Well i have been saying that i was more interested to upgrade the projector and av receiver at one go, so that i can get 1080P and audio in hd, though i am well aware that if i buy 1080P projector i do not have to upgrade the receiver as long as hd audio is not required, am i right on this?
Yes, you can even go for a projector and then upgrade your Avr as required. Once you post the distance we'll decide on a lcd or a dlp projector. There will be a difference in price in buying from abroad, but there is also a risk like warranty, service etc.
For your Home Theater and your usage, I would recommend you to go for something higher than an Optoma HD20. Maybe a Panasonic PT-AE5000U or a Mitsubishi (can't remember the exact model).
You mean the Panasonic PT-AE4000, right? At approx. US $2000 this projector is my personal choice. But, in case Vinay is looking for a lower price point, then the 'Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 8350' is an excellent value at approx. US $1200. Ofcourse these are US prices. The Panasonic AE-4000 I believe is available in India for approx. Rs. 110-115k in the grey market. No idea about the avaialbility or price of the 'Epson 8350'.
Import Or Source Locally


Thank you very much for the writing.

The distance between the projector and screen is about 14 feet, i will re-confirm tomorrow.

In other words even if we are saving about Rs.20,000/- due to direct imports, then we are risking the warranty, and other thinks, in such a situation would it be worth importing it? While not to forget the risk of breakage and related issues in transit? Please advice.

While other benefit with imports could be that we can get a newer model of projector then available here, is it correct?

Import Or Grey Market

Hello Sanjay,

Thank you very much for the information.

I think Epson projector will be more better in my budget but i may end up considering Panasonic.

As santhosh is suggesting that there could be warranty and related issues if we import then under such situation is it better to buy from the grey market, as the saving could be more?

In Mumbai, does anyone know the best grey market to source projectors other then Heera Paana Market?

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Import Or Grey Market

Hello Santhosh,

I know you believe that getting from USA is best as pricing is more realistic and that there will be some fantastic deals now because of black Friday and Christmas. Let's see what we conclude in this thread based on forum member ideas.

I think my budget is between Rs.75,000/- up to Rs.1,25,000/- including the customs duty and other charges if any, while sure i will like to have the projector soonest, as i am in deep trouble because i used to watch something or the other as good as daily, life without a projector is like being without kidney.


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life without a projector is like being without kidney.
:). We'll find something soon. Btw, the difference is more than 20k between US and buying here. Not sure of grey prices though.

Sanjay, I think I meant the pana 4000. Will check specs and confirm. Right now am browsing from my phone.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.