Projector Issues

Srini, so really we should be worried about the size of the tile attached to bottom of lift. As long as the tile is larger than the projector, we should be fine.

Srini is the king of kings when it comes to buying from abroad. He is also follows projectors a lot, go by his advice. HD20 is out. So epson or even the mitsubishi that jayad08 has. Pls search, as you know I am travelling for next few days and find it difficult to search.
Am I Heading For Import Or Locally

Well this is the price which i have got for Epson Home Theatre Projector.

Model No. - EH TW3500
Brightness - 1800 ansi lumens
Resolution - 1080p
Contrast Ratio - 36,000:1
Basic Price - Rs. 117,574
Vat - additional @12.5%
Octroi - extra as applicable

Model No. - EH TW3500
Brightness - 1600 ansi lumens
Resolution - 1080p
Contrast Ratio - 200,000:1
Basic Price - Rs. 178,558
Vat - additional @12.5%
Octroi - extra as applicable

Payment Terms - 100% advance
Delivery Period - 2 to 3 weeks

Warranty - 2 years onsite from the manufacturer, excluding lamp. Lamp warranty is for 90 days or 500 hours whichever is earlier.

I think these models are at least 2 years old and the prices are around 50% more then what is offered in abroad, please throw some important light on this matter. Am i being pushed into importing directly or still there is a scope to buy it locally from here.

I may be getting on the readers nerve, but please do bear with me, as this is a big matter for me and i need to play well so that i do not feel bad if something goes wrong, i can only give my best shot with help from forum members.

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Well am i ready to take the import plunge?

I am probably ready to take the import plunge.

If there is a damage or lost issue, i will take the risk though chances are very thin because i will be dealing with a company of international repute, who ships thousands of such products world wide.

I was worried if the projector distance will be a issue or no, this has been handled well by forum members by saying that i take the route of lcd projector instead of dlp.

I was worried about the projector being able to fit in my lift or no, Sri, is right that mostly all projectors will be able to fit in the lift, as the patterns will be universal.

I need to be sure that the trigger slot is there in the projector.

Among the prime reasons that i am considering imports because there could be saving of around 50% and the best part is that i will get a much newer model, compared to what is available here.

Since now i am in the final boarding stage via imports then locally, so please do guide me otherwise in the next few hours i will go ahead for the imports with help of forum members, with specific member Sri, as he is being termed as king of kings in such imports.

Ready For Import Plunge


Well dynamic people like sanjay and sri, have given a green signal for this power lite and now you are also showing a green flag, so the chances are now very bright for this projector.

Wow this is a another mother of news that you are regularly importing from amazon and that there are no issues, so this makes me take larger steps in importing.

I appreciate you telling me an example of price difference between imports and grey market.

I think you are right, we need to find some reliable service guy who is a leader in such activity, with such people cost of repairs also will be fair. About getting epson serviced from abroad, well that is not possible for me because who is going to send it over there and the custom hassles, though our family business is exports into America since decades.

This epson 8350, how much did you pay for it and how was the payment made, the import duty will be paid by who and how much, delivery will be in how many days, a week? Indeed i will like to take the demo, but this is possible in which city?

I will ping you on many things, so please do bear with me as i am in my final stages to take a call unless someone suggests me the reasons to buy it locally.

For me it is a great relief rally with the timing of your post, thank you soooooooo much.

Three cheers to this forum.

hi Vinay ,am very much following the thread .
in my opinion if it was not for the lift ,i would have opted for the Panasonic
You cud still consider this PJ as its really good ,have demoed it extensively and its a great PJ with a lot of placement flexibility,its not that heavy its abt 8kgs and may be one and a half or twice the size of the HD20
and moreover its available at a great price too (in grey it shud be under 1.2)
cud u consider making some changes to the PJ lift to accomadate this guy?
National - Epson

Hello Subash,

Thank you very much for following the thread.

To make surgical changes in the projector lift is going to be mother of a issue and then there will be the ceiling tiles matter also, then the tile is having a halogen light too, with all these factors i want to keep away and then the projector cost factor is also there, and then not to forget about the possibilities of my re-location. While this Panasonic is a year old model, while Epson is a latest model, however at end of the day, sure this pana could be a better projector. I would love to avoid the grey market as much as possible because my all trading activities are in official money, then to manage the grey funds may not be a good idea, unless i am pushed into.

Please tell me your view on this Epson 8350 projector and is importing a better way out?

vinay ,the epson 8350 is LCD too and looks the same size and weight of the Pana 4000 , so i guess its a close call (LCD Pjs are bigger in size and wt compared to DLP pjs)
i would still go for the Pana as its in a different league and price bracket

i suppose buying in grey here and sourcing from out of country holds the same ,either ways u loose out on warranty

i think the price quoted in page5 by MR Arindamcc for the Pana is good , he also, according to the post will take care of installation and warranty
the price quoted in the post is abt 1.3 (not much of difference buying in grey)
abt importing Vinay i would say it all depends on ones luck

i have got most of my equipments directly from abroad and thank god all of them are functioning well ,but at the same time i get to hear from guys who have had trouble with the equipments they have imported which leaves u in a big mess ,so i guess it all depends on ones luck
importing does save a lot of money but at the same time if anything goes wrong then u need to do a lot of hardwork and spend on shipping/telephone etc etc
so its fingers crossed , i have taken the risk and will take again too :)

Well subash, you are making the game more tricky, but i very much appreciate, will work on this.

It is very nice of you to put your efforts to arrive at what you are writing.

Epson -Panasonic

Well subash that is some news that the weight and related is same of epson and panasonic, so this shall mean that i some how get it fitted in the projector lift or in rare case i will have to forget the lift and use a rod for the mounting of projector.

The price difference is huge between pana and epson. The epson is for Rs.62,000/- add about customs duty Rs.15,000/- that makes it to Rs.77,000/- while pana is talking about Rs.1,30,000/- and moreover importantly i am seeing that the bulb life of epson is much more and same is the case with warranty, if i dig in there could be some more details also by which epson could be a better deal, but then you know you'll could be right on pana, maybe i am locked with epson, unless someone is able to un-lock me and push me towards pana from epson.

Ready To Order Online - Epson Projector

Dear Forum Members,

I thank you very much for all the help offered to me.

Well i have decided to take the suggestion of Sanjay and others, i want to order online.

PowerLite Home Cinema 8350 Projector

I have never bought online, so i will request siri and others to take me through how to go about it. I am willing to order it right away.

If there are some final precautions or suggestions please do let me know.

Procedure To Order Online

Please suggest me that i should buy from Amazon or from some other site, and the delivery is generally a week's time? The customs duty has to be paid in cash to courier company? I am having a visa debit card and i can also transfer via Internet, the price i will receive in Indian rupees? I also want guidance about which other things i have to keep in mind while placing this order, and surely i need telephonic support from Sri or others when i am putting the order, am i very excited? Yes.

hi vinay thats great u made up your mind on the epson , am sure that will be a very good projector too
before u order, theres a guy here in bangalore who keeps importing all kinds of PJ's directly, let me chk the pricing on the epson 8350 with him and get back to you
will also PM you his contact info
The Power Of Forum


I have always maintained that the power of the forum is trillion times better then seller at the shop floor, see what all tips we keep getting, and it never stops.

I actually take time to take a call, i need to be sure as much as possibile for what i am doing, so finally the day has come and this will give me an opportunity to reduce the nerve of members with my so many writings, but i will always try to make up when some fellow member needs some assistance over which i know a few things.

I will wait with utmost interest what price pattern and related you receive.

I am taking out printouts of specifications of my old and this new projector to compare some notes.

Re: Import Or Grey Market

Hello Santhosh,

I know you believe that getting from USA is best as pricing is more realistic and that there will be some fantastic deals now because of black Friday and Christmas. Let's see what we conclude in this thread based on forum member ideas.

I think my budget is between Rs.75,000/- up to Rs.1,25,000/- including the customs duty and other charges if any, while sure i will like to have the projector soonest, as i am in deep trouble because i used to watch something or the other as good as daily, life without a projector is like being without kidney.



life without a projector is like being without a kidney:):)-------very well said Vinay i think for me it would be even worse say something like a ruptured GUT!!!! :lol:

Well in these about 4 years the projector has served me very loyally, i have watched about 500 movies, and about 400 episodes each of 45 minutes towards foreign TV serials, in all my moods the mini theatre has stood like a solid life line, it kept me so good that i never went to a cinema hall otherwise i used to go about 4/5 times a month. At any given time i have a stock of about 75 movies and related un-watched.

Black Friday

Well are there some good deals available on line for the projector i am looking for?

Since Siri, is now online, i hope that he will help me to wrap the deal.

Re: Black Friday

Well are there some good deals available on line for the projector i am looking for?

Since Siri, is now online, i hope that he will help me to wrap the deal.


Hi Vinay,

Itz very unfortunate i will have very limited access of internet, since right now i am in Saudi and will be back only by 2nd Dec,2010. I will try to see for the good offer and in the meantime we will wait for the card to be dropped by Subhash in the table:)
Two Important Sources

Hello Sri,

I did get a hint from santosh that you are travelling. I will wait for your and santosh's return at base, then will take it from there, in the meantime if someone else can help me to close this deal today, than it will be just super great.

I have sent an mail to subhash's contact for the offer, shall keep you'll updated.

Thanks again for being ready to support me in my buying venture.

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