So, my post may not have any relevance to OP, just writing because the subject is somewhat known to me.
Ajay, I agree that CA amps can do well with something like a Sonus Faber because SF in general has a warm signature and doesnt require a lot of power. CA is somewhat cold and lean (to my ears), so you can see why it matches with SF. However Dyns are exactly opposite, they are neutral (some people say they are cold, but I dont share that opinion) and they require a very high quality amplification (quantity must be a given). If one has to err, one should err on the warmer side. None of this criteria is fulfilled by the CA amps. Neither are they warm nor are they generously powerful nor are they high quality. Without listening I can guess a Dyn + Cambridge combo would not work.
At the most entry level, the only amp I have heard which makes the Dynaudio sing is a Marantz PM-7200 KI (pure class A till 25 watts). I was amazed when I heard this combo. It says something about Marantz design philosophy/prowess. 7200 is not even midfi but Dyns loved it and so did I.
Audience 82, as some people have already suggested is an Elephant. They are even more difficult to drive than some of the Contour and Confidence series speakers. I like the speaker but I dont like the constraint it brings along with it, unreasonable I would say
