rate this combo--your views please


New Member
Dec 2, 2010
I'm reposting to get more views, I'd appreciate all your responses..

1. Area 220SFT
2. Anthony Gallo speakers 5.1 A'Diva T
3. Denon receiver
4. 80/20 movie-music ratio
5. I'm not an audiophile but want better than average sound quality for my theatre

Is this 5.1, tower speakers?

The movies you will watch via tv and use a dvd player or blue ray? Is this going to be a dedicated room for such activity?

I've listened to Anthony Gallo Nucleus back in 2002/3 and was amazed by the brilliant sound quality emerging from such tiny satellites. Don't recall the AVR (guess it's Harmon), but should gel well with Denon.

Wanted to buy the Gallos back then but was too costly for me (~50k) - and after couple years when I was ready, couldn't find them anywhere!

Do you know where it's available and the current price range?
(Mods: Sorry if it looks like a troll, however, felt somewhat relevant as one can't even audition the speakers in question)

Found the links for the Gallo Chennai dealer late last night Anthony Gallo Nucleus Micro, A'Diva and Due speakers for hi fi & home cinema and called them (Promusic) this morning to book an appointment for audition.

Obviously the shop is closed today (Sunday) which I expected, but after speaking for a few minutes I felt I was standing in Koyambedu!

Few excerpts from my conversation with the guy on the phone:
  • "we are not dealers, but 'wholesale'" :)lol: do people buy them in dozens?!)
  • "we usually don't stock and no demo units available"
  • "No, specs are available on the net and people just buy them" :rolleyes: (when asked if there's a 'retail' dealer where I can audition)
  • "we have pricelist, you can get that when you visit the shop" (for the question 'so, what can I see in your shop')
  • "Anthony Gallo's are ranging from 55k to 60, 75k. What's your budget?" (at this point I didn't feel like saying anything and mentioned it as standard living room {which it is!} and I am looking for a typical 5.1 setup)
  • "if it's standard living room, then we have other choices as well - Mirage, Energy, etc. They start from 45k onwards.."
  • we have done numerous installations - a recent one being <quoted a big jewellery dealer in chennai>"
So... I applaud those die-hard music lovers putting up with our typical dealer-bunch!! :clapping:

Extending the question of OP - not just with Denon, but can anyone post their experience with any AVR paired with the Gallo's (Nucleus or Diva)?
GunMo you are part of a small community of buyers who are aware. In most cases the dealers have to deal with people who are completely unaware of what they are buying. If you see from the dealer's perspective, people like you are considered to be a bunch of smart alecks who ask a lot of questions and never buy anything.

You must learn how to deal with the dealers. One of the most important things to understand and shortlist is a representative of the dealer who is knowledgable.

We were auditioning a set of speakers yesterday, and I like Rajiv's conclusion - that we were the wrong bunch to try to impress.

You must learn how to deal with the dealers. One of the most important things to understand and shortlist is a representative of the dealer who is knowledgable.

Thanks Venkat, I do have a small (very small indeed) list as you've mentioned. Guess, I need to improve and improvise it further.

However, what I was pointing to is the professional approach (or lack of it) from a consumer point of view.

We were auditioning a set of speakers yesterday, and I like Rajiv's conclusion - that we were the wrong bunch to try to impress.

Did it include Anthony Gallo? Can you throw some more light on that (is there another thread - I shall search)?

Forget it ! It's a sheer waste of time at PRO MUSIC for anything Home Audio.
It is sadly a place that is entirely owner driven. If you are lucky to get him then there is progress if not ,all his job secured @ pro music sales people will give you their opinions and wisdom which is worth zilch.
Sound_Advice, you will find the same issue in many places, not only in India, but also in many other parts of the world. In the US and Dubai, as well as a few countries, I have waited patiently for a man who could talk to me at my level of understanding. In most cases this turned out to be the owner or some one working closely with him.

This has nothing to do with professionalism. If one has to have 'enough' knowledge as we expect, it takes a long time and a deep understanding of the AV industry and it's technology. And, the sales person has to be aware of what kind of questions will be asked. For the average sales guy in the electronics supermarket or a small AV dealer, it is easier to deal with a 'dumb' prospect who has a budget, a definite purchase plan, and is not too finicky. He would rather focus on him than you and me.

And this is not only in the AV industry. When I was assembling my HTPC in Dubai, the shop keeper was smart enough to realise that I was a 'specifications' buyer. After the second question, he apologised, just turned his laptop to me and said look for your answers here. I liked his approach and did buy from him.

It helps when the option available are few and the buyer has limited choices such as, for example, an Apple iPhone. When, as it happens in the AV industry, the options are so many, the dealers are hard pressed to be knowledgeable enough about all the products they sell.

As I said before, when you approach a dealer, it helps to be persistent and also be aware that the dealer may not have all the knowledge you are looking for.

I have seen may dealers lose interest the minute they realise I am a member of HFV.

What irks me off many times is a sales person who gives me wrong information and insists he is correct and I am wrong, even when I point out his error. At those moments I accept defeat and just walk away.

GunMo we were looking at a 5.1 speaker set yesterday and not at the Anthony Gallos.

Re: Movies

vinay, sorry I didnt answer your question completely--yea, I will have a dedicated room for the HT but unfortunately this has windows. I'll be watching the movies via DVD/Blue Ray and plan to use a projector
That's one of the number in the range the guy on phone said; so, 70k seems fine - please note, he didn't refer any specific model (i.e., Micro, or A'Diva / Ti, etc) but just said Anthony Gallo when quoting the range!

Well, just going by the specs on the net - as recommended by that dealer - A'Diva Ti doesn't look very impressive (but that's the best in Nucleus range). Around 70k there are better sat-sub that packs a lot more punch, at least by specs (do you know which sub was part of the 70k deal?).

However, going by the specs will tell you only half the story - nothing beats listening for ourself! Hence I would strongly recommend you to go for audition before you decide on the speaker (well, that includes the AVR as well :eek:hyeah:).

If you are not very particular about the Gallo's, then check out Aego-T and DefTech ProCinema 800. Both are within 70k and comes with solid reputation. I have liked them both very much. (AE has recently discontinued Aego-T, but you should be able to find a dealer who stocks them still).

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