Rear ported v/s Front ported??????


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2009
No Where Near to where I want to be yet...
Hi all,

As we all know by now, Whrfe 10.x is out, and news is it is rear ported. Will this be a -ve OR +ve. Will this not be a hindrance fro wall mounting OR placing it close to wall?! AVMAx guys who reviewed it also placed them 6 feet from wall. Now, everybody can't have that kind of space.

In such cases a front ported option will be more suitable, I think.

Ok, now this are my 2 cents. Give urs.

absolutely spot on

i learnt the hard way too
small rear ported speakers will sound similar to front ported ones when placed even a foot away from the rear wall
case in point PSB alphas and the B15's

sometimes you shouldnt just rule out small rear ported speakers just because you are gonna have them close to the wall for the above reason.

sometimes i think i should have got the alphas instead!

P.S you should know the PSB Alphas are rear ported yet the designers have provided a key hole slot behind the speaker which suggests that they beleive the speaker may sound decent even if its wall mounted
(Either that or its a really dumb mistake by PSB- which is a bit hard to believe)

cranky i didnt fully understand
"Don't wall mount under the pain of death,"
My Rti A3 bookshelves have something called "Power Port" at the rear. And there is a wall mounting bracket on top on this port. So they are meant to be mounted with only 1 inch gap from the wall!!
front ported are handy as you can keep on shelf.But actually rear ported can spread sound & soundstage can improve.
Don't wall mount under the pain of death, unless the speaker manufacturer is recommending it.

Fully agree, regardless of whatever that "pain of death" means.

In the light of the discussions in a recent thread by Reju, it seems he has no other options than to wall-mount due to room and furniture constraints, but usually never the best option with normal speakers.

absolutely spot on

i learnt the hard way too
small rear ported speakers will sound similar to front ported ones when placed even a foot away from the rear wall
case in point PSB alphas and the B15's

sometimes you shouldnt just rule out small rear ported speakers just because you are gonna have them close to the wall for the above reason.

sometimes i think i should have got the alphas instead!

P.S you should know the PSB Alphas are rear ported yet the designers have provided a key hole slot behind the speaker which suggests that they beleive the speaker may sound decent even if its wall mounted
(Either that or its a really dumb mistake by PSB- which is a bit hard to believe)

cranky i didnt fully understand
"Don't wall mount under the pain of death,"

The thing is that when the speakers are wall mounted, you are supposed to use port bungs to block out the port holes. The only thing is as the Alphas are budget speakers, the bungs dont come along with the shipment. You have got to buy them separately:)
"under the pain of death" is what your spouse may do to you if you were to leave large and bulky speakers (by her definition) on the floor with a huge stand.

now it makes sense
my wife told me yesterday
"why cant we put the speakers touching the ceiling like everyone else does"

The thing is that when the speakers are wall mounted, you are supposed to use port bungs to block out the port holes. The only thing is as the Alphas are budget speakers, the bungs dont come along with the shipment. You have got to buy them separately:)

i have a problem with such mfg'reres
why dont PSB understand that a bung hardly costs any money.
tannoy gives you these bungs for free even though they are front ported
now it makes sense
my wife told me yesterday
"why cant we put the speakers touching the ceiling like everyone else does"

i have a problem with such mfg'reres
why dont PSB understand that a bung hardly costs any money.
tannoy gives you these bungs for free even though they are front ported

True! I too have that grouse against PSB on that count. But as for the speaker itself and seeing the value it packs - I can forget and forgive everything:)
Fully agree, regardless of whatever that "pain of death" means.

"The bride's brother, at her entreaty, was released, but bidden not to return to the church that day or interfere with his sister again on pain of death".

if you are told to do something on pain of death, you will be killed if you do not do it :)

Just definitions!:)
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The thing is that when the speakers are wall mounted, you are supposed to use port bungs to block out the port holes. The only thing is as the Alphas are budget speakers, the bungs dont come along with the shipment. You have got to buy them separately:)

You can roll a pair of socks or sponge to do the exact same job as th bungs. Its not out of this world to plug the ports. One thing you will lose in the process is the extension - the highs will roll of quickly.
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