Roon: how good it is for Indian music recommendations


New Member
May 11, 2021
Hi all, it’s my first post here so please excuse if I am making some configuration error while making this post.
I have a 1 TB collection of Hindi music (mostly Bollywood & a few pop/Indian classical) and I am considering to buy Roon subscription. I am fascinated with the UI of Roon and read rave reviews about the recommendation Roon offers. My question is, whether Roon offers decent recommendations for Indian music genre (specifically Bollywood) and whether it contains as much details about Indian music as it offers for western music.
Thanks for reading, please reply if you have any feedback.
Thanks for your response!! Well, that’s what I will do in coming days. But, in the interim, just wanted to get feedback from someone who is using it here in India and have a likely use case that I have explained in my post.
Hi all, it’s my first post here so please excuse if I am making some configuration error while making this post.
I have a 1 TB collection of Hindi music (mostly Bollywood & a few pop/Indian classical) and I am considering to buy Roon subscription. I am fascinated with the UI of Roon and read rave reviews about the recommendation Roon offers. My question is, whether Roon offers decent recommendations for Indian music genre (specifically Bollywood) and whether it contains as much details about Indian music as it offers for western music.
Thanks for reading, please reply if you have any feedback.
Been using Roon for a while but never with Hindi songs. Doubt it will have a great recommendation engine for Hindi.

Will try next weekend anyway. Curious myself.
For what I have used roon the recommendations will greatly depend on the music services you eventually integrate with it and the listening history that comes along with the same.
An absolutely fantastic interface.

But if you’re not concerned of recommendations and a fantastic UI and mostly after sound quality with a basic UI I think Audirvāna trumps it.
On my setup atleast this is what I gather thus far.

For what I have used roon the recommendations will greatly depend on the music services you eventually integrate with it and the listening history that comes along with the same.
An absolutely fantastic interface.

But if you’re not concerned of recommendations and a fantastic UI and mostly after sound quality with a basic UI I think Audirvāna trumps it.
On my setup atleast this is what I gather thus far.

Thanks Pavan for your response. I will use my Tidal account on Roon whenever I jump the board.
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