Suggestion for medium sized bookshelf speakers having less sensitive placing near to the wall


Apr 8, 2022
I am looking for a medium sized bookshelf speakers which should be conducive to place near the wall. It could be either front ported or rear ported. Why the hell most of the speaker's sound suffers if, placed close to the wall??? For small sized room its quite difficult to place the speakers wide apart off the wall and its also does not look good too. Does manufacturers do not pay attention to these limitations to overcome them??
Also, Quad S2's. They'll sound like big for sure - provided you pair it with good amplifiers.
You can try Dali Oberon 1, which can be wall mounted and has a keyhole.
You will need a sub though as it lacks bass. I am using them and they sound big for their size.

The Elac speaker with the front port as suggested by FM Bloom also is a good option.
Elac DebutB6.2. Front ported and can be placed right against rear wall. Sounds wonderful, goes without saying.
Thnx for the suggestions. However, I don't the like the design and specs of Elac Debut. They need good amplifier and good audio source for performing well.
Thnx for the suggestions. However, I don't the like the design and specs of Elac Debut. They need good amplifier and good audio source for performing well.
Yess. Elacs need powerful stereo amps outputting at least 100watts at 8ohms. Dedicated pre and power amps bring out the best in them. A puny Marantz or Denon or even Audiolab or NAD shelling less than 80watts won’t do much for them.

Good audio source is mandatory in any decent stereo chain worth its salt.
Yess. Elacs need powerful stereo amps outputting at least 100watts at 8ohms. Dedicated pre and power amps bring out the best in them. A puny Marantz or Denon or even Audiolab or NAD shelling less than 80watts won’t do much for them.

Good audio source is mandatory in any decent stereo chain worth its salt.
Amp having output 100 watt at 8ohm is indeed a power amp. Normally, 40-50 watt at 8ohm is generally good specification for a budget and decent amplifier.
Amp having output 100 watt at 8ohm is indeed a power amp. Normally, 40-50 watt at 8ohm is generally good specification for a budget and decent amplifier.
But when you do feed them proper power , Elacs outperform speakers costing 6-7 times their price at 40-50% volume level. The higher the better. Distortion free.
I am looking for a medium sized bookshelf speakers which should be conducive to place near the wall. It could be either front ported or rear ported. Why the hell most of the speaker's sound suffers if, placed close to the wall??? For small sized room its quite difficult to place the speakers wide apart off the wall and its also does not look good too. Does manufacturers do not pay attention to these limitations to overcome them??
Try wharfedales. They are bottom ported.
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!