Suggestion on Dali Ikon 6 MK2 and MA BX 5

I had compared them with Ikon 6 as I am interested in them only. I cannot say for others. You can audition them at your place. Vectors are the ditributors of them.

I don't need to. I have auditioned 100s of speakers. And I know what kind of sound a German INR 42k "can" produce. I'll save myself the trouble, except for amusement purpose may be.

Happy auditioning and do look forward to your review after you buy them.
I don't need to. I have auditioned 100s of speakers. And I know what kind of sound a German INR 42k "can" produce. I'll save myself the trouble, except for amusement purpose may be.

Happy auditioning and do look forward to your review after you buy them.

Can you expand the hidden meaning in your statement.

Hecos high end range speakers "Heco Celan" is around 3 Lakhs,
Heco Aleva range of speakers around 2 Lacs
Heco Metas range of speakers around 1 Lac
The entry level Heco Victa around 50K
I am glad to know the ability to judge a speaker's price band lies with you.

As per what I know, everyone (hifi gurus/users/reviewers) at least placed them way ahead of entry level stuff. Stereophile said "best speakers" under USD 2000. Of course you are not expecting to refer to a sub US$2000 speaker as "very high end series", are you?


The truth of a review lies in the observations, not their assessment.
As a result one should not take assessments of reviewers to heart as their preferences may not match with yours. :)

For sub $2000 there can be high end but everyone's idea of high end is somewhat different. Some people find a highly detailed and tight sound high end, others find large drivers that push a lot of spl from just a tiny amp high end. The rate of deviation is very high but I do believe high end can be found in sub 2000 USD.

For example take b&w 8 series, to me I would rather take a lower end speaker with a sound signature that my mind likes over the widely acclaimed b&w 8 series because it does not match my perceptive needs. So in that kind of situation, even though the 8xx series is considered high end, to the person to whom it does not match, it's not even low end, it's simply out of the equation, if you know what I mean.

I had compared them with Ikon 6 as I am interested in them only. I cannot say for others. You can audition them at your place. Vectors are the ditributors of them.

I feel you should audition more speakers before you decide.
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It depends entirely on how unique a speakers concept is and how interesting or different the sound it produces is.
For example take ZU omen. Exceptional value for money and performance featuring a 10" fullrange driver which is a very unique contribution to $1-2000 price bracket and can run off a INR 4000 amplifier if need be without sacrificing too much on fidelity.

I would gladly take that omen over a dali ikon because it has the potential to offer something different. In that difference lies the power of giant killers. Not the zu specifically, but the concept that deviates from the masses.

For example take a midbass metal driver that people in their right senses would never crossover beyond 2000hz, a handful of designers cross them over at 2300-2500hz. Even a small thing like that offers that small deviation that can make a speaker special for someone and crap for another.

Also as a rule I will never buy a speaker new or at retail value. I will just use it as a measuring tool in my search for one in the used market. Buying a new speaker is a potential waste of money in my eyes but if one can afford to, why not I suppose.

Anyone who reads one liners and buys something because was said is 'the best' in sound on a review written by a person other than the person reading it, deserves to throw their money at that product and have it go to waste. Because the marketing effort has succeeded (don't take offence to this, it's just a thought)

The truth of any review lies in their observations, not their assessment. :)

I feel you should audition more speakers before you decide.

Why are you beating around the bushes? Are you unable to talk to the point or something?

A product that is different from the mass market and is an exceptional value, is what it is. It is not better or worse than product A or B or C. Taking the example of one product which has some unique USP or some exceptional value ratio cannot be used to target one specific product. Why would you only take that speaker above Dali Ikon, you are free to take that above a B&W Diamond 801, if that offers better value to you. 10' drivers, now you are talking :clapping: Must be a great value!!

"Also as a rule I will never buy a speaker new or at retail value. "

Anyone who cannot buy a new speaker at a retail value should not look at the prices of new speakers (to avoid hurtburn/headache other possible side effects). They should also stay away from discussion on mass market speakers, because in the market every speaker is not a 10 incher with exceptional value.

Anyone, who thinks others buy speakers based on others quotes should stay in their home listening to speakers with 10 in drivers with Exceptional value for money and performance.

"I feel you should audition more speakers before you decide."

Thanks for the advice but no thanks. Do you know how do I decide? Do you know what I have auditioned? Next time you get personal like this, I will come back to you in the way you deserve.
Hmm there appears to be some confusion.

Oh now I see, I thought I was replying to SPK. Sorry Ranjeet I misread from two different posts. Will correct my post.
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Hmm there appears to be some confusion.

Oh now I see, I thought I was replying to SPK. Sorry Ranjeet I misread from two different posts. Will correct my post.

No problem, buddy, I was taken aback because I didn't know why did you comment like that. All's good.

Time to go to lullaby land, enough of HIFI does today :D
I appear to have read content from two different posts by two different people and made a reply thinking it was spk about something he didn't ask for.

Sorry about that Ranjeet, I've edited my post accordingly. If you don't mind just edit your text aswell so people don't think we're having a fight. I had no intention of sounding rude or trying to anger you in any manner. Taught me a lesson, not to provide dynamic scenario replies post midnight while half asleep!
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I don't need to. I have auditioned 100s of speakers.

From your earlier post it is observed that you have not heard about HECO brand of speakers. Why do you jump to some conclusion that they are not worthy as other brands you have mentioned and reluctant to accept. I am also in a similar opinion before auditioning the Heco lower range of speakers. From the information I had the HECO is one of the largest speaker manufacuture in Germany and was established in 1949. After all Germans are also way ahead or at par with other developed countries technologically and if they, the Heco, are not fit or worth it is difficult for them to be in the market for 63 years. Heco have a very good reputation in European and African market. As we were ruled by british for many years probably our minds and ears are tuned to the likes and dislikes of British and other western countries. These German speakers have their own sound signature probably reflecting the musical taste of the Germans.You might have heard hundreds of speakers and I wish you should also hear to this brand, both lower and higher price bracket.
Nothing offence in this post.
From your earlier post it is observed that you have not heard about HECO brand of speakers. Why do you jump to some conclusion that they are not worthy as other brands you have mentioned and reluctant to accept. I am also in a similar opinion before auditioning the Heco lower range of speakers. From the information I had the HECO is one of the largest speaker manufacuture in Germany and was established in 1949. After all Germans are also way ahead or at par with other developed countries technologically and if they, the Heco, are not fit or worth it is difficult for them to be in the market for 63 years. Heco have a very good reputation in European and African market. As we were ruled by british for many years probably our minds and ears are tuned to the likes and dislikes of British and other western countries. These German speakers have their own sound signature probably reflecting the musical taste of the Germans.You might have heard hundreds of speakers and I wish you should also hear to this brand, both lower and higher price bracket.
Nothing offence in this post.

I feel the most critical aspect of quality measurement as the price goes up in sound is the level of transparency a speaker can deliver, and this is something that's certain to improve as one goes higher the chain.

If the heco's are able to deliver that level of transparency, who cares which country they came from, just get them if it's reached out to your emotions! :yahoo:

At the same time, earth shaterring mid bass hum and overly forward mids and uncontrolled highs which are often mistaken to be signs of quality get more balanced. Often people think this balance is a lack of quality. However I don't know what priceband the heco's are from. It's possible they're from the same priceband as the dalis as the dali ikons are grossly overpriced in india.
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From someone who has used 650A and still using the Dali Ikon 6... take your amp and then audition again. In my opinion, clinical + clinical = not everybody's cup of tea. I love it, but I know most find it dry and not involving. Marantz and Dali is a better pairing than ca and Dali.

Secondly, why have you not auditioned the mordant short mezzo 6? Or better mezzo 2 (if your room is small to medium). Both ca and ms have exceptional synergy. I am not saying this because they belong to the same owners, but because I have thoroughly auditioned them together at my home.

Lastly, I cannot praise Dali ikon 6 enough. I have lived with it for 8 months now and can vouch for its capabilities. Of course careful system matching can always help in getting more out of your investment.

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
I appear to have read content from two different posts by two different people and made a reply thinking it was spk about something he didn't ask for.

Sorry about that Ranjeet, I've edited my post accordingly. If you don't mind just edit your text aswell so people don't think we're having a fight. I had no intention of sounding rude or trying to anger you in any manner. Taught me a lesson, not to provide dynamic scenario replies post midnight while half asleep!

Sorry Core, not sure why I can't edit that post.

Mods, I would like to edit out the entire post #25 of mine in this thread?I am unable to edit it myself. Can you please assist?
HECO VICTA 701 were available at a very good price from
Many forum members have bought from their till recently.
Now the cost has gone up with shipping charges included, still should work out cheaper than buying from India.
Below is the price list for HECO VICTA without shipping charges:

HECO VICTA 701, 3 WAY 150 each
HECO VICTA 500, 2.5 WAY 273 PAIR
Purchased HECO METAS 501 for Rs 72.5 K . After much contemplation and comparison / Audition between IKON 6, MA BX 5 and Metas 501 selected 501.
Reviews will be posted shortly. Vectors , local distributors unable to answer how Amzon .de offerred at such lower quote the Victa series which are around 35 K. Their version is that the speakers may have routed through china not directly from germany.
I auditioned HECO METAS 501 and DALI IKON 6 MK2 sided by side and later on MA BX 5, BR 6 , RX 5. In the area of Highs both Ikon and Metas are clean and sharp. In the lows Metas appear to be tight and punchy and of course Ikon has its own signature of softness. Both are equally competitive in these areas. But once the midrange area is tested Ikon lacked the agility, articulate and fastness. Somewhat ikon appears supressing this range of the signal. Even the bass of Metas is pretty articulate, well extended, tuneful and textured. MA series of speakers are of more of bass accuracy and cannot equate to Metas / Ikon 6 in both the highs and Mids.
Overall I observed that even at pretty low volumes without disturbing your immediate neighbours music can be enjoyed with clarity in Metas. In Ikon to get mids to our hearing level the volume is to be increased resulting in the increase of lows and highs. Though Metas are 2.5 way but they sound nothing less than a three way speaker. But HECO and other brands of german speakers do not find place in HI FI Magazines though their performance appears to be very good . The reason may be their market concentration and the other is these HI FI magazines are controlled and are in the hands of British and other western countries who are interested in promoting their own brands and may see a threat / competitors in these brands.
Could you please edit the thread title so that the FMs seeing the thread title may know of the HECO speakers. :)

Also please do a review on the speakers, so that people who are looking for an entry level FSs will have another speaker to add to thier list also (like me :p)
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