Technics SL 1300 Vs B&O BeoGram 6002


New Member
Aug 14, 2007
Hi ,

I have a chance to swap the SL 1300 with a Beogram 6002. How is the B&O TT when compared to the Technics SL 1300. The B&O is a MMC Cart and it cant be replaced with other carts, but its very easy to use rather then the Technics and regarding the sound both are very good.

Is it a good idea to go for the B&O ( costs 3-4 times then the Technics), What will be the normal life span of the stylus.

Hi Vijay,

I do not know much about the details you want to find out. But I did hear one in March 1988 for the whole evening. It was in Columbus Ohio.

I had the responsibility of driving Ustad Vilayat Khan (yes, the late legend) to a dinner invitation at a Bangladeshi doctor's home. The doctor was very rich, having a home with a 6-car-parking-garage.

As I parked my car and was walking up the stairs to the living area with Ustadji, we could hear Pandit Ravi Shankar's Sanjh Kalyan vinyl being played. I also had the same LP at home at that time.

On arrival, I checked out the system, and it was a superb-looking full B&O set-up in a huge living space. As far as I can recollect, I was quite pleased with the sound. Panditji's slow alaap part was blissful and Ustadji was all praise and smiles and kept on saying (in Bengali, he was born in Gauripur, Maimensingha, now in Bangladesh) something like, "how well he can play, if he puts his mind to it".

Well, B&O as a brand were always super expensive and certainly VFM-conscious customers would never buy those products. However, they also had some fine quality attached.

After dinner (very high quality, of course), whatever had to happen, happened - that is - if one invites Vilayat Khan and makes him listen to Ravi Shankar :).

Asitji, wonderful to read about your experience.
I think soundofmusic must be pondering whether the increase in quality is worth the 3-4 times increase in price.
B&O is a superior brand with very tastful products. The Beograms have great reviews. However, I'd go with the Technics. When it comes to turntables, its hard to beat a Technics Direct Drive. Getting spares for Beograms may be impossible, however other than your stylus replacements, your Technics should last a life time :)
Asit ji, Nice to read about your experience. Now you are making me crazy thinking about the B&O Vs Technics.

Marantz, Do you think the Technics is better then the B&O? Is it impossible or difficult to get the spares for the B&O.
Kindly advice.

I have a Beogram that belonged to my dad lying around. It's got one of those sensors that could detect the track no, etc. It's not worked for probably over a decade, and it's been pretty much impossible to fix. It's been gathering dust for years. He had an extra cartridge too, but I'm not sure if that was used or unused, it's still lying in the box somewhere.

I even called up B&O in India to ask about repairing it, and they were completely clueless!

It's def a solid and heavy TT tho, and I really wish It worked! :(
Asit ji, Nice to read about your experience. Now you are making me crazy thinking about the B&O Vs Technics.

Marantz, Do you think the Technics is better then the B&O? Is it impossible or difficult to get the spares for the B&O.
Kindly advice.


It is very hard to find B&O even on places like ebay. They are absolutely niche audio products with high design quality. If you are after marquee value and bragging rights, then B&O will take you places. I've read lots of reviews about the Beocord and Beogram but never actually heard or owned these. Technics of course has proven its class and character over a period of time and most of the technics direct drives doing the rounds in India are from the late 70s and early to mid 80s. Interestingly, if decently maintained, they function as good as new, even today. Avoid technics belt drive plastic turntables as they are built to cater to old grandmothers who want to pull out and play their old record collections. They are definitely not for hi-fi listening.
As of now dropped the idea of buying the B&O. Will consider a new TT once decided. ok guys , heading to Asit ji's TT thread... bye:eek:hyeah:
I have a Beogram that belonged to my dad lying around. It's got one of those sensors that could detect the track no, etc. It's not worked for probably over a decade, and it's been pretty much impossible to fix. It's been gathering dust for years. He had an extra cartridge too, but I'm not sure if that was used or unused, it's still lying in the box somewhere.

I even called up B&O in India to ask about repairing it, and they were completely clueless!

It's def a solid and heavy TT tho, and I really wish It worked! :(

Try Pandurang at Opera House, he might be able to bring it back to life.
Hi ,
I am looking to buy beo sound 6000 used cd player , do u knw someone who is selling it or place where i can find one .

please update
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