Technics SL PG 580A CDP


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2008
New Delhi, India
I am getting a used one for around 4k. Is it s good classic/ vintage CDP to own? It must be 20 years old.
In another thread I was suggested to find out which lens it uses? I do not have the player with me so I can't open it and find out. Couldn't find this info on internet either (I think I have bad search skills)

Does anyone has any inputs on this player? How does it compare to say marantz 5001 and how much would that cost for a used model?

Great find anm, this player was manufactured in 1987.

Here is the link for Technics SL-PG580A cd player with few pictures.


I am getting a used one for around 4k. Is it s good classic/ vintage CDP to own? It must be 20 years old.
In another thread I was suggested to find out which lens it uses? I do not have the player with me so I can't open it and find out. Couldn't find this info on internet either (I think I have bad search skills)

Does anyone has any inputs on this player? How does it compare to say marantz 5001 and how much would that cost for a used model?

thanks Anil. I have seen this page, as well as the player. The problem is that it is a 3 hours return drive in high traffic to hear and collect this one. Not sure about the replacement lens and whether it will be able to read CDs that are burnt from computer - wav files on cd-r.

Anant this is a good player no doubt !

But I would recommend against it, reason is simple !! This player has only a plane jane analog out and no other !! This would mean that later if you opt to use a better spec standalone DAC you are out of out luck :p! also since the Technics has stopped the production of audio equipments (well 90% ) and are only concentrating on DJ stuff its really really tough to get hold of lens unit should it fail ! offcourse in India its ruled out even now to get hold of a lens,I meant even from Singapore or such places ;)!!

All in all this is a player best avoided for other reasons then the sound or build :p!

You should be able to get hold of a decent Marantz used (yes I have read your latest post on the recent reservations that you have on Marantz) since no warrenty service is involved ! also the Marantz will be a terrific machine to Mod the heck out of it :licklips: !! you can do countless Mods only stopped by your wallet !! which will take the player to different league altogether !

hey Sri! Thanks for your response. Which marantz would you suggest - used in a 5k budget?



Anant this is a good player no doubt !

But I would recommend against it, reason is simple !! This player has only a plane jane analog out and no other !! This would mean that later if you opt to use a better spec standalone DAC you are out of out luck :p! also since the Technics has stopped the production of audio equipments (well 90% ) and are only concentrating on DJ stuff its really really tough to get hold of lens unit should it fail ! offcourse in India its ruled out even now to get hold of a lens,I meant even from Singapore or such places ;)!!

All in all this is a player best avoided for other reasons then the sound or build :p!

You should be able to get hold of a decent Marantz used (yes I have read your latest post on the recent reservations that you have on Marantz) since no warrenty service is involved ! also the Marantz will be a terrific machine to Mod the heck out of it :licklips: !! you can do countless Mods only stopped by your wallet !! which will take the player to different league altogether !

Why not buy BRAND NEW Teac 1160 ,with digital out for as low as 3 K!
Anyway 4 K for 1987 Techinics is too high!
A good selction of used marantz is costing from Rs 2500 to 10000 depending on Age ,Model & Condition
haven't heard the teac, nor anyone has posted a review here. I already have philips 5996 dvdp. Will the teac be better than that?
Can you pls guide me to these marantz? Who is selling them etc?

Why not buy BRAND NEW Teac 1160 ,with digital out for as low as 3 K!
Anyway 4 K for 1987 Techinics is too high!
A good selction of used marantz is costing from Rs 2500 to 10000 depending on Age ,Model & Condition

Anant you are most welcome :) !!

Under 5K I think the CD63MII or the likes of it should come ! if you are planning any mods as such then the CD4000 should be a ideal one as it has loads of space (basically its pretty empty and basic as stock version :p ) !

Hemant the TEAC CDP is a very very basic and cannot be compared to the likes of CD 63 or such ones ! also the TEAC has nothing great to offer in terms of spec's ! its a barest bare minimum CDP that one can buy for cheap,thats the only saving grace else nothing to write home about :p!!

I am being offered

1) NAD 521i
2) Marantz CD 4000

at 7k. Is the price right? I will marantz 4000 for 7k is expensive, given that brand new 5001 should cost about 10-12k? Is that correct info?

Hi Hemant,
Someone from this forum offered this teac for 7k while you mentioned it for 3k. So just confirming if the dealer is overquoting or you made a typo.

Can you pls recommend someone who can give me a good deal?


Why not buy BRAND NEW Teac 1160 ,with digital out for as low as 3 K!
Anyway 4 K for 1987 Techinics is too high!
A good selction of used marantz is costing from Rs 2500 to 10000 depending on Age ,Model & Condition
Mumbai Lamington Road , a Shop around Police Station .
I am sure I heard 3 K - 2 wk back I heard 3.5 K
I think it is old stock
I used this player ( alibit bought second hand) and found better than DVD.
Yes I know it is basic but still it has digital out...also TEAC was favored band by smalltime DJ's so some ruggadeness is built in

Anyway Marantz too is good I used it and sold while I needed a better amp! ( Need to support the price!)
I had CD 6000 - sometimes I regret selling it!
Anyway a good thing I was told about marantz is most of the marantz players use philips lences which are available in market ( EXPERT PLEASE CONFIRM), since lence is most damage prone part ,you ae covered!
Mumbai is far for me. I need someone trustworthy who can ship to Noida. Or maybe someone who can purchase on my behalf and courier it to me.
Mumbai Lamington Road , a Shop around Police Station .
I am sure I heard 3 K - 2 wk back I heard 3.5 K
I think it is old stock
I used this player ( alibit bought second hand) and found better than DVD.
Yes I know it is basic but still it has digital out...also TEAC was favored band by smalltime DJ's so some ruggadeness is built in

Anyway Marantz too is good I used it and sold while I needed a better amp! ( Need to support the price!)
I had CD 6000 - sometimes I regret selling it!
Anyway a good thing I was told about marantz is most of the marantz players use philips lences which are available in market ( EXPERT PLEASE CONFIRM), since lence is most damage prone part ,you ae covered!

Yes some mar CDp uses phillips transpots & others SONY.when I tried lens for Onida DVDp,I was offered sanyo & china lenses.
Mumbai is far for me. I need someone trustworthy who can ship to Noida. Or maybe someone who can purchase on my behalf and courier it to me.
Just search first in Delhi/Gurgam/Noida
in fact you can ask HI FI dealers if they have any Old/carton Damaged/Exchang/Display stuff - sometimes you hit a ood bargain!
Someone is selling DAC in delhi ( ad on Hi fi mart) but it is w/o usb - you can negociate price - as claimed on forum DVD + DAC gives better results than average CDP
Regarding the Dac solution I cannot comment much as I never heard DAC in action!

You can search tech in PA ( public Addrss) market I've seen one which was located in similar shop.


Yes some mar CDp uses phillips transpots & others SONY.

You are right ! the latest generation of the Marantz used the Sony lens ;)!! The models were CD5001 and 6002 !!

The older models used Philips and newer one's again have come back to them with the latest 03 series models (5003,7003 etc) !!

Getting Sony Lens is far cheaper and easier then a Original Philips ! but thats a different story will not go into that now !!

Someone is selling DAC in delhi ( ad on Hi fi mart) but it is w/o usb - you can negociate price - as claimed on forum DVD + DAC gives better results than average CDP

The Guy selling is Sumanth (heliumflight),its Bresford DAC !! He's used it with LG DVD-P and was utterly Unhappy with the sound !!

So please be aware of it and then look into DAC DVD-P combo ;)!!

Again Anant I would still suggest you against the TEAC !! if you want TEAC try the MOTHER OF ALL CDP's TEAC VRDS (Very Rigid Disc System),THE THERE WAS THERE EVER WILL BE None can come close to this player in any budget !!

Just for the records,The TEAC VRDS 10 (1992 or so model ) still is going for 1000 Euro's in the pre-owned scene internationally !

Anant wait for a decent Marantz to show up please !! if you want I'll check here in the local used market and see if I can find one for you ;)!!

sounds great! It will be great if you can find one for me in my budget.


You are right ! the latest generation of the Marantz used the Sony lens ;)!! The models were CD5001 and 6002 !!

The older models used Philips and newer one's again have come back to them with the latest 03 series models (5003,7003 etc) !!

Getting Sony Lens is far cheaper and easier then a Original Philips ! but thats a different story will not go into that now !!

The Guy selling is Sumanth (heliumflight),its Bresford DAC !! He's used it with LG DVD-P and was utterly Unhappy with the sound !!

So please be aware of it and then look into DAC DVD-P combo ;)!!

Again Anant I would still suggest you against the TEAC !! if you want TEAC try the MOTHER OF ALL CDP's TEAC VRDS (Very Rigid Disc System),THE THERE WAS THERE EVER WILL BE None can come close to this player in any budget !!

Just for the records,The TEAC VRDS 10 (1992 or so model ) still is going for 1000 Euro's in the pre-owned scene internationally !

Anant wait for a decent Marantz to show up please !! if you want I'll check here in the local used market and see if I can find one for you ;)!!

hey Sri - I read in your annaconda thread that you had a technics cdp. Which model was that?
Also someone auditioned at your home with marantz player. Which one was that?

Maratnz cd6002 I got for 18K. Dubai and HK price is 13 - 14K.

Sri heard the Marantz at my place, if that was the one he referred to in I dunno which post. :)

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