The almighty gives a demo of his sub :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
Am from Mumbai
At around 12:45 AM i felt someone pushing my chair from back 2 times in quick succession. It felt someone came out of nowhere. Then I realized it was an earthquake
My family thought that i would be feeling dizzy as I have high fever but i waited for 1 hour so that some website breaks the news.
Luckily it is reported that there are no casaulties
Oh dear, Just read in bbc that california experienced minor earthquake! Hope everything is alright.

At around 12:45 AM i felt someone pushing my chair from back 2 times in quick succession. It felt someone came out of nowhere. Then I realized it was an earthquake
HAHA nice heading Rikhav. I slept thru it and only got to know when i saw the TV in the morning.
Ages ago i fell off the upper berth on a train journey and still didnt wake up so a minor quake like the one we had would not bother this bawa kumbhkarna!!
I believe the epicentre was near the Koyna Dam which is a real fault zone but there are no casualties which is great news.
Damn it, you fell of the upper birth and still did not wake up :D:D:D

I guess it would be a task for your family if they need to wake you up from your slumber.
Yes Rikhav sadly it is a task i believe. Was not kidding. But this was when i was about 12/13 so its a long while ago. I still dont sleep on the UPPER BERTH!!!! Though train journeys are rare now.

Nice title Rikhav ! but sadly the same cannot be said to the actual event ! I saw it in the new while having dinner !

First the bomb threat across India (still even today they've found some live one's) Now this ! what next ??

May god have mercy on our souls !

A creative thread title!

Am from Mumbai
At around 12:45 AM i felt someone pushing my chair from back 2 times in quick succession. It felt someone came out of nowhere. Then I realized it was an earthquake
My family thought that i would be feeling dizzy as I have high fever but i waited for 1 hour so that some website breaks the news.
Luckily it is reported that there are no casaulties
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