Thiel CS 3.7


New Member
Apr 28, 2009

Does anyone out there have the Thiel CS 3.7"s? I was interested in buying them and wanted some genuine user feedback. I will be driving them with a Bryston 4BB ST.

Appreciate some feedback.

Does anyone out there have the Thiel CS 3.7"s? I was interested in buying them and wanted some genuine user feedback. I will be driving them with a Bryston 4BB ST.

Appreciate some feedback.

Hi Vikram,
This is not a user feedback.
Anyone even considering this speaker has obviously heard it for long and has loved what it does. In my opinion this is a superb speaker and would be a joy to own if i had room for it. Have heard it with a wide range of music and the speaker always shines. Electonics that i have heard with this speaker are Accuphase, BRyston, Simaudio and Marantz (reference) and the accuphase was easily the best with the Bryston being almost there. This is only my opinion and some may like the Bryston/Thiel combo more as its a more dry/controlled sound. The 14 BSST sounded much better than the 4B. Went much deeper and right to the heart of the recordings while the 4B took u to the door so u can get a peep!!!!!
I have owned Bryston electronics (3BSST/ 4BSST/ BP 6). These are good amps and they will drive the thiels well. Do u already have the electronics in place? what is the source and the preamp?
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Hi Vikram:

What Dinyaar said above + mine...

I don't own them, but I have heard Thiel CS 3.7 with Bryston 14 BSST and cdp was Pathos, at Audio People here in Chennai. Actually, listened for nearly an hour from Jazz to rock. The sound was mindblowing (true high-end speakers), and it was chalk-and-cheese compared to my midrange setup. The sound was very three-dimensional and the soundstage was just awesome - the vocals were dead centre and the singer was like standing in front of me and singing, i just couldn't believe it. Bass and low-frequency was a beast with these speakers - it hits you right at the chest and there was lots of air-shifting going on in the demo room, i just loved the bass. Now, i found speaker to be a little bright with the Bryston setup, there were instances of treble going over the edge, i thought. But, that wouldn't allow me to stop buying this gem of a speaker.

After finishing with Thiel, I listened to the MA PL300 with MF pre/power/cdp setup, and I didn't like it all. The sound was more like Hifi and nothing like what I heard in CS 3.7. Thiel CS 3.7 gave more realistic experience according to me.

Does anyone out there have the Thiel CS 3.7"s? I was interested in buying them and wanted some genuine user feedback. I will be driving them with a Bryston 4BB ST.

Appreciate some feedback.


What pre- do you have in mind? Have you already decided on the Bryston's? If not. I sugges to look at Krell, Mark Levinson, Meridian or Accuphase as I think these better match the Thiels. Also you need a fair bit of room for positioning these speakers to get the best out of them. How big is your listening area?
I heard the Theils at Audio People sometime back. Excellent.
But still didn't do for me what the Legacy did. Give that a whirl before you decide. LaKozy in Mumbai is the dealer.
Thiel CS 3.7 and Mark Levinson Pr-Power


I would like to make a question and would appreciate your answer.
I have the Mark Levinson (Pr=802S and Power ML333). Does these ML a good match for the Thiel 3.7?

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Thiels are beautiful speakers. I've only heard the 2.4 and the 3.6. The 2.4 was at The Audio People and it was driven by a Pathos integrated and a Pathos Endorphin CD Player. The experience was so incredible, I can't forget it to this date. The other one was the 3.6 with all Mark Levinson electronics (don't remember what model). This time I could feel that the speaker definitely is on the more forward side of neutral. Amp matching is very very essential. I'm not sure how your ML electronics will sound with this speaker. I'd suggest you give it a try and then decide if electronics need upgrading as well.

Whats the price? Where in bangalore?

Anyone who answers these 2 questions will get a 5-star chocolate?:lol:

Re: Thiel CS 3.7 and ML



I would like to make a question and would appreciate your answer.
I have the Mark Levinson (Pr=802S and Power ML333). Does these ML a good match for the Thiel 3.7?

Sorry, I previously, made a BIG mistake, the pr is the No. 380S Pre-Amplifier (and not Pr=802S). Probably I was with the B&W 802D on the Head....
Well, probably I would have a good option to hear both, but the place were I live, I do not.

Hi Audio-Engr,

Thank you very much.

Again, there comes again on my head!!!!(B&W)
I know depends on preferences.
But which sounds more sweet, not having ANY fadigue:
Thiel 3.7 or B&W802D ?
What dificult question! Sorry.

Hi Audio-Engr,

Thank you very much.

Again, there comes again on my head!!!!(B&W)
I know depends on preferences.
But which sounds more sweet, not having ANY fadigue:
Thiel 3.7 or B&W802D ?
What dificult question! Sorry.


If u ask such questions to B&W freaks like me then u will get a biased response.
For me its the 802D over the thiel CS 3.7. I like the thiels too but I prefer what an 802 set up well and partnered well can do.
Though I think u will be under amplified with ur current amp.
Hi audio_engr

I always dreamed with the B&W802D but actually and constantly have a "torrent" of information, saying like that:
"Do you remember of that speakers small radio players that had a Loudness button in order to give you more bass? Well, this is what B&W done"
So, always I have this in mind I think has the 802D a real or an arctificial sound mode?
I really do not believe in this and I have to give credit to people that has knowledge and listens on B&W802D.

Thank you my friend,
@Carlos. Though i've not heard both the speakers extensively imo the theils are more musical of the two, also given your amp i'd atleast not get the diamond tweeter as it may at times gets fatiguing. Ive felt them sounding bright with jeff rowlands but i aslo felt the 801 sounded balanced & bit more warmer. Since you are looking for a non fatiguing & big sounding speaker & if you are open to look beyond this 2 speakers then i'd put my money on the mangers 103
All the best
Hi friends,

Well, that is exactally what I have in mind, more musical and less fatiguing speakers.
Would I get with the Thiels 3.7 that qualities?
If you think so, I would go with the Thiels.

Thank you very much,
All the best,

Hi audio_engr,

I will do it carefully.
Interesting, my ears feels good and capable of support hours to thread with the BASS. I do not feel very well with treble as for long time, it hurts!!!.
Logical, I dont have, actually, a good speaker that has the perfect bass and treble, so what I am saying is that my feelings about the bass and treble is biased through my speakers, that is, they give me what they have.
On the other hand, I think or suppose, this is of the human race, nobody is equal, even the anatomical ears, rsrsrs.
Again, I will do it carefully.

Thank you very much,
All the best,
I have heard the Thiel as well as the B&W 802D. Here is my quick uptake.

Thiel 3.7: Extremely clear on top and mid range. Bass to me felt slightly heavy (by comparison only). Very easy for extended listening sessions. Very true to source, so garbage in/out wrt the material. If there are flaws in the recordings, you will notice it without much of a strain. It is pretty decent when it comes to accomodating the positioning in a room. However due to the clarity in the mid and top range, you may not get the best soundstage if you are constrained by space.

The clarity is very good and sometimes listeners mistake this to sound bright. so you may hear this on some groups. I suggest to audition with recordings that you are familiar with to get a feel for the soundstage and imaging.

One word of caution, to get the best of these speakers really good equipment and source material, you skimp on one piece and it will highlight that in no time, be it CDP or pre- or power amp. If you don't have the right equipment along the chain, don't bother with the purchase. Also this required about 300 hrs of break in, if you are into that.

B&W 802D:

These have a very distinct sound signature than the Thiels. They are very articulate on the top range but the mid range is not as detailed. I personally felt that it was held back. For eg., Wish Someone Would Care by Irma Thomas sounded very dull when its actually a very lively recording. The bass is slightly extended as well.

Other key differences with the Thiel are that these speakers are forgiving for bad recordings. So you wont go into ruin with your collection with these. Also, they perform well with more power but are not as demanding as the Thiels (those are just hungry all the time).

Because of the forgiving nature, they are preferred by many as some of the older recordings sound really good with these.

There are a lot of fans of these speakers but I suggest to audition a few others such as Revel, Wilson Audio, Thiel, Vandersteens before you plop the money.

Given a choice, I would go with the Thiel IF I can afford quality equipment along the line and goads of power
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