Time for a CDP


Dec 16, 2009
Currently running with Norge 1000 + wharf 9.2 connected with a basic sony DVDP.
After hearing from many of you, thinking of going for a dedicated CDP.

Now the question is which one you'll suggest for the above Amp+Spk combo. My budget is 15k for now.

Also if someone in Pune can help, i would like to audition their CDP to see the difference in person. Can someone help?

May i know from where did you get this one?
Is it possible to audition for this one in India? In Pune preferably?
hi Demigod
Me got a similar setup: Norge 2060+ 9.2 + basic DVDp. Let me share my experience. 9.2 has got a rolled off treble, and a slightly recessed midrange. I suggest something like marantz CDP models which has got good midrange and treble which will perfectly match your setup and also musical. Cambridge Audio might suit as well. NADs i learn from forum are already warm so NAD+norge+wharf will sound dull. Any better players like arcam etc. other forum can suggest better than me. :)

May i know from where did you get this one?
Is it possible to audition for this one in India? In Pune preferably?

i ordered from beresford direct .... stanley beresford is a member on this forum search for his posts for more info on the dac.

Dont know who has one in pune sry
I think stanley has temperorily suspended transactions with india because of Paypal problem. Not sure whether this has been resolved.
Hi demigod,
saw this post just today, if you want to see the DAc in action you may visit my place (Aundh). PM me if you plan to do so.
Newbie qtn!

I am planning to get the same combination Norge 1000 + wharf 9.2 within a week. Very tight on budget and CD player has to wait. But my question is Now whether to go for a mass market DVD player or TEAC-CD-P1160 CD Player (from shemaroo site Rs.6000)? and go for a CD player when I have enough money to buy Marantz or Yam.
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