TV as PC Screen (WIFI)


New Member
Jan 11, 2012
Mumbai India
I want to use LCD TV(VGA HDMI input ports) as my LAPTOP (WIFI) SCREEN (without using wires).

Have ROKU 2 XS. Wireless Router , Broadband

Need your help.

Uday Ukidwe
You can't either you need to connect wifi HDMI to tv and laptop HDMI port ...
Or simple direct HDMI cable ....

Need to check if sling player do this task but currently it's not possible contents sharing via upnp to network connected tv is much possible .
You need an VGA to RF converter. Such things exist but not very popular application, so rare to find. Put VGA-RF converter in eBay and test your luck.
Thanks ..for your replies.....
However I am looking at cost effective solution.
My laptop has VGA out and TV has VGA input (also has HDMI Port) currently what i do is following:
I have another LAPTOP which I connect to TV using VGA >>> VGA wire. also connect Audio Out to audio in of the TV
from myr Laptop i send screen to the laptop connected to TV via WIFI router and using Free downloaded software TeamViewer on both laptops
It does work fine.......
I would not try using ROKU....I just want a device which could be WINDOWS MEDIA CENTER EXTENDER capable....
Your views/suggestions are going to be certainly useful.
I do look forward to your input........
Thanks once again
What exactly you are looking for ????????
Windows media extender means files ....can be possible by suggested devices by forum members or ....upnp service if TV has network support for this
The best Solution would be to connect LAptop via HDMI.
And use a Good set of Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard.
Like Logitech MX 5500 for something....
It is though out of topic but let me share.

I have disabled one of my lap top screen and use my movie watching screen of 82 inches as display via data projector to view various markets live and use it also for other Internet related activities.

I have been suggested to buy a desk top without monitor as that will be more sturdy and can easily run 24 X 7.

Any suggestions for me?

I have been suggested to buy a desk top without monitor as that will be more sturdy and can easily run 24 X 7.

Any suggestions for me?

It really makes no difference either way. Look for convenience more than anything else. My laptop runs for 24 hours since I bought it about six months ago. I have never switched it off.

You may also want to look at Intel's WiDi technology, which is built in to some laptops, but also requires the use of a Netgear "Push to TV" box. A little cumbersome to get it set up, but it does work beautifully. I use the PTV1000, but the new PTV2000 even supports 1080p.
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