Tymphany custom OEM surplus drivers group buy

Hi to all Open Baffle Gurus,
I have a pair of tymphany drivers bought from linuxguru.Since its a fullrange, is there a possibility of a OB? If yes, pls post dimensions .I can add a sub if necessary. TIA.
yes there is. but it depends on the xover point. what is the lowest freq. you want your driver to operate at?
I have a sub which operates upto 120 hz. Supposing that I am using those OBs as sats, then whats your advice. TIA.
I am thinking of replacing my existing front speakers of my Onkyo with this based on Tabaq or the spiral enclosure. How much will it make the difference. The current speakers specifications are
3-1/4" (8 cm) full-range speaker
Max. input power:120 W
6-ohm impedance
I am thinking of replacing my existing front speakers of my Onkyo with this based on Tabaq or the spiral enclosure. How much will it make the difference. The current speakers specifications are
3-1/4" (8 cm) full-range speaker
Max. input power:120 W
6-ohm impedance

The Tymphany drivers are rated at 30W, so they may not be an exact replacement for your present speakers. They're also slightly larger at 3.5", but that's not issue if you're building new cabinets.

Update on shipping: I started with the small lots (2 or 4 drivers), and will slowly be clearing the backlog this weekend and next week. However, I am swamped with unrelated work on all weekdays this week and the next, so please bear with the delay in shipping of the drivers.
I received a pair of the Tymphany drivers yesterday and checked the T/S parameters of both. I found the specs to be almost spot on with the published ones so now there's nothing to hold me back from completing the build that I had planned for these drivers.

Thanks linuxguru! :thumbsup:
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I received a pair of the Tymphany drivers yesterday and checked the T/S parameters of both. I found the specs to be almost spot on with the published ones so now there's nothing to hold me back from completing the build that I had planned for these drivers.

Thanks linuxguru! :thumbsup:

What build are you planning? Even I have received a pair of these drivers and was looking at this build. I can see you in the diyaudio thread of the TABAQ builds as well with the same name handle.
linuxguru has already done a prototype tabaq box
its still on tweaking process.
What build are you planning? Even I have received a pair of these drivers and was looking at this build. I can see you in the diyaudio thread of the TABAQ builds as well with the same name handle.

Hi manniraj

I completed my first Tabaq build with the Fountek FE87 drivers yesterday. At this moment I can tell you that the Tabaqs are everything that was claimed by all those who have already built them. What I found remarkable was the deep bass that these speakers produced. Still, its early days for me. I still have to try out different speaker positions before I play around with the stuffing. The bass is not boomy but I feel that I need to put in some more polyfill. I've used the recommended 100 gm.s to begin with.

I tried the Tymphany drivers in my Cornu enclosures today, just to test them out. I feel you'll get some good bass out of them in the folded Tabaq Box. The highs are already there. Go for it.

As for me, I'm building another set of Tabaqs. I got some real sub-standard plywood which I realized only after I cut them. My regular plywood brand was not available in the 12mm thickness that I wanted. So I'm planning to use these as my break-in cabinets for 3" - 3.5" drivers in future.

I don't know how many people are going in for the Tabaq Box build but if the reports are good, I may go for one too. I do my own woodwork so I won't have problems on that front.

Here are a couple of bare bones snapshots of my Tabaqs. Apologies for the poor photography.

They look great musiklava79 but I was more interested in doing the BS version because of the space constraints as I already use the Frugal Horns in my living room. Hence was looking into the net of the TABAQ versions in the bookshelf size and came across different versions among which the one listed in my previous post interested me.
...... I was more interested in doing the BS version because of the space constraints as I already use the Frugal Horns in my living room. Hence was looking into the net of the TABAQ versions in the bookshelf size and came across different versions among which the one listed in my previous post interested me.

I think I couldn't make myself clear. I meant that it was alright to go for the folded Tabaq Box, which is the same one that's in your link. This was designed by Mr.Johannesen and if you keep to the dimensions in the plans you can't go wrong. I am not aware of any other versions attributed to him. It won't be in the class of your FHs but I feel you'll like these speakers. :)
Did anybody think of Cyburgs Needle. Seems many have tried this with good results. Looks are clean with drivers mounted high. Not sure how it will sound with Tymphany. Is Tabaq more advanced design than Cyburgs needle?

What is a notch filter? Is it same as BSC? (Sorry if it is silly question)
How much stuffing is required in Needles? Or it is totally based on experimentation?

I think I couldn't make myself clear. I meant that it was alright to go for the folded Tabaq Box, which is the same one that's in your link. This was designed by Mr.Johannesen and if you keep to the dimensions in the plans you can't go wrong. I am not aware of any other versions attributed to him. It won't be in the class of your FHs but I feel you'll like these speakers. :)

Great will plan for this build with some left over MDF wood.
...What is a notch filter? Is it same as BSC? (Sorry if it is silly question)
How much stuffing is required in Needles? Or it is totally based on experimentation?

I don't know about the Cyburgs Needle - however, a notch filter is different from a BSC network.

A notch filter is typically used to heavily attenuate one particular frequency (narrow-band) that is centred at a resonant peak or break-up mode of a driver (could be any driver - woofer, mid, full-range or tweeter). There can be multiple notch filters in a speaker system - one to neutralize each resonance.

A BSC network is specifically intended to give a 6 dB boost (nominal) to frequencies below the baffle diffraction threshold, which are bent around the baffle and radiate over a volume of twice the solid-angle of frequencies above the diffraction threshold. Hence, they would be attenuated by ~6 dB compared to the higher frequencies, making the mids and highs sound too bright (without BSC). BSC corrects this by giving a 6 dB emphasis to the frequencies below the baffle diffraction corner frequency.
Did anybody think of Cyburgs Needle. Seems many have tried this with good results. Looks are clean with drivers mounted high. Not sure how it will sound with Tymphany. Is Tabaq more advanced design than Cyburgs needle?

The Cyburgs Needle is another good design that was intended as an economical build. The location of the driver is not for looks or ergonomics. Rather, the driver placement in such designs determines the SQ and the reduction of harmonics that may develop along the line. Can't say how the Tymphany drivers will sound in these cabinets but you can check the T/S parameters of various drivers that were used with this design and see how the Tymphany T/S parameters compare alongside those. That will give you a fair idea of what to expect. Or you can request some senior members to simulate these drivers in the Needles.

The Tabaqs are appreciated for their SQ and simplicity of build.

By the way, which set of plans do you propose to use if you decide on the Cyburgs Needle? There has been an alteration of dimensions after the original plans were released.
Thanks Siva for the explanation

Musiklava - I find it hard to get the specifications in English as most of the information is available in German. Till the time I have original Tabaqs in my mind however if I may consider to build Needles, following plan seems to be my priority:

cyburgsneedleeng9vy - bios

But, as I said earlier, since I do not have much technical knowledge, I would like to go with tried and tested simple design.

Hi Vinay,

Yes, those are the new dimensions. You can use these plans. I think you can do your build by following the instructions given there. There was a write up on the Cyburgs Needle in the first Audio Special edition of Elektor in 2006. There is a snapshot of the stuffing in a Needle, if it helps you. Do you have that article? If not, give me some time. I'll try and dig it out for you. I must have saved it somewhere.... The article's written in English.
Thanks Musiklava - There are three four pics in the above link too. It would be really helpful if you could find more details on it.
FWIW, from Q&D initial simulations, the response from a BR and MLTL look almost the same. I don't really think there would be any benefit in building a TL for these drivers. Building a BR would be simpler and would give almost the same response as a TL. They don't simulate flat too - there is a ~5-6 db hump with it's peak at ~150 Hz ending at ~550 Hz.

Can others take a shot at simulating this?
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