Unable to play DSD via ADI-2 DAC FS


Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
I'm trying to play DSD files on the Allo Digione Signature via the RME (Coax) and I don't get any sound.

The DSD settings on the RME are
- DSD Direct (Line) : ON (tried OFF too)
- DSD Filter: 50 Khz (tried 50 too)
- DSD Detection : ON (tried Off too)

On the Allo I've tried setting the playback to DSD Direct and DSD Over PCM (DoP).

The DoP mode works fine via the Topping D50S and the display shows DSD64 2.8Mhz 1bit. The Firmware on the RME is the latest version (it was confirmed by the RME firmware update software). I've read the User Guide page 27 and it says

Hope someone can tell me what settings to use.

Thanks in advance.
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Thanks Nikhil.. This is the ADI-2 DAC FS. I didn't know they had a non-DAC FS model too. Could you pls update the thread title?
Contacted RME support and they asked me to try 24/192 flac. That doesn't work either. They suspect the problem could be with the unit and have asked me to try another player.
Could you try playing same 24/192 flac from a pc connecting to dac by usb
With limited knowledge/interest I have in DSD, I think DSDs are supposed to work with only usb because coax cannot support that kind of bandwidth.
I'm afraid there needs to be a correction to this statement...

Denafrips Ares2 DAC and Chord Qutest both accept DSD via Coaxial and Optical inputs. It's mostly limited to DSD 64.
I was very Surprised when I saw Qutest Can handle DSD via optical input as well, which depends upon the quality of cable being used. Its mentioned in the DACs Specs sheet as well.
Just to clarify, the Qutest samples all DSD to PCM. It accepts DSD on USB (DSD512) as well as BNC (DSD128) inputs. But it’s important to note that DSD playback is ‘native’ only in that it’s DSD over PCM or DoP. Rob Watts has said in a few forms that the device will play native DSD only through an ASIO driver installed on a Windows machine. It doesn’t work on Macs.
DSD works over Coax on the RME. They are looking into the issue as the problem exists with 24/192 FLAC files as well.
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