20north.com! Anyone bought anything yet?

In my case since I chose Ocean Shipping which takes around 40 days according to 20north but I am getting the delivery in 30 days. I have enquired about the product today and they confirmed me that the same has been released from customs and will be shipped to me today and I should get the same in 2 business days.
In the evening I was told that its still lying with customs and would be released after 25th so I will have to wait for 1 more week then.
In the evening I was told that its still lying with customs and would be released after 25th so I will have to wait for 1 more week then.

I too ordered OPPO BDP83 on July 2 (it is almost 2 months now and i choose air shipping :sad:) which is yet to be delivered :rolleyes:
This is the 3rd time they are giving me an excuse. I called them up today and they said it will be delivered this Thursday. I am just biting the bullet because they said they will give me a discount on the OPPO.

Anyway, i will wait for 2 more days or I am going to cancel my order.
I too ordered OPPO BDP83 on July 2 (it is almost 2 months now and i choose air shipping :sad:) which is yet to be delivered :rolleyes:
This is the 3rd time they are giving me an excuse. I called them up today and they said it will be delivered this Thursday. I am just biting the bullet because they said they will give me a discount on the OPPO.

Anyway, i will wait for 2 more days or I am going to cancel my order.

Recently when I Checked for Oppo BDP 83 on their website, they seem to have increased the price of it by another 3000, and it might be a possibility that the customs or freight is costing more to them, so to initiate that you cancel the order they might be doing this trick.
Anyways if its more than 2 months then there must be a valid reason behind it.
I guess it is their business model. To enjoy th spread between the cost of different shipping methods. Otherwise I don't really see how a company can make mony by taking product from amazon and shipping it to us at a lower price. Unless they are using sophisticated data mining technology to spot arbitrage across different products and try and exploit customer's lack of research. Heard of this kind methods in stock market but in consumer market it might be a new concept.
I just got an email from them saying that it is going to talk another 2 weeks (will make it almost 10 weeks now). I am going to cancel my order.
When I got in touch with them today they told me that their shipment which is very very large and consists of a large number of goods of various customers is stuck with customs and they are trying their level best to get it released either before this Saturday or may be during next week.
I just got an email from them saying that it is going to talk another 2 weeks (will make it almost 10 weeks now). I am going to cancel my order.

10weeks OMG is this crazy - i do order smallish electronic things often from abroad - usually 2-3 weeks is the max its held up at customs. 10 weeks is way to much man :rolleyes:
I too was considering to buy some parts for my DIY sub through them, but now i am changing my mind. I am not going to order anything through 20north.

20north should change the shipping time in their site from "Within 20 days" to "sometime in future" :)
20North Online Scam : Before ordering from 20North.com you are advised
to read this. Your deal can be your ordeal .

How does it feel to be scammed by a company and get to know
about it only after 2 Months.
Let me share the horrendous experience I have had with
this company 20North ( the next Amazon.com of India)

The story is long but let me just begin by telling you its
end. After 2 months of endless wait, that too after paying exorbitant air
delivery charges nothing has been delivered to me ( or will be delivered ).
Now have to get my credit card cancelled as well (to save myself
from further damage)

The entire story: On 4th July 2009 I came across this site 20North.com
which is suppose to deliver the products to customers from India.
Anything listed on sites like Amazon.com (or any site you can think of)
is promised to be delivered at your doorsteps by 20 North .

For so long such a service was desperately needed for we Indian buyers
as Amazon does not ship its products to India (other than CDs or books).
What made it unbelievable was the fact that 20 north was selling all these
products at very low prices even after paying the custom duty ( too
good to be true) So this 20North company seemed like an oasis to a
deprived Indian customer like me. It took me 2 months to realize that 20North
is a mirage ( rather worse, a quicksand).

Before ordering, I closely examined 20North site. Every information
(including contact address) was provided with minutest detail. A live
chat operator was also available for prompt help. Even the testimonials
from satisfied customers were there to inspire confidence.
Everything seemed (too) perfect and genuine. I did a quick background check
on google and landed on a forum where some posts were there that claimed
whatever they had ordered was delivered well within ETA ( expected date
of arrival). Again everything seemed too good.

So could not wait any longer and on the same day placed my mega order. An
expensive professional microphone (Audio Technica Condenser Microphone ) along
with its accessories. After opting to pay for faster and expensive
air delivery and custom duty, total amount added to Rs.20366 ( yes you read it right, its
20 thousand only). And the deal was still very reasonable (thanks to the discount
they had offered ). The only glitch seemed to be a long delivery time ( 20 Days
by air ). The payment was immediately deducted from my credit card and I
got a nice invoice in my email from 20North saying that my order is confirmed
and would be delivered on 24th July 2009.

I waited in excitement and anticipation for 24th July to arrive. Surely the date
arrived but not the order. Instead I received an email by someone named
Suraj from 20North informing me that order was delayed in transit and would
be now delivered on 27th July instead. Disappointed but still hopeful.

As the 2nd promised date arrived I received another email from 20North (this time
from someone named Alister Stephens ) telling me that my order has been dispatched
from USA but with with a wrong product and thus I would have to wait till 10th August.
He was deeply apologetic and informed me that this has never happened before.

I felt angry and frustrated but had no option to wait for another 2 weeks.

On 10th of August once again received another such email ( this time from a girl named Nidhika)
I quote the content of that email "The shipment containing your order is held up
in customs due to an error in the accompanying paperwork. The paperwork has been
fixed but because of the original error the shipment needs to be cleared by a
special (exception handling) process which could take another two weeks

My patience ran over this time. I talked over the phone to this girl Nidhika and
asked what was 20 North upto. Once again she repeated the content of her email
verbally and along with sincere apologies and remorse and regret ( as usual ).
She told me that such a thing has never happened before with any of their
customers ( I almost believed that I was their most unfortunate customer to get my
order delayed 3 times in a row). She promised me that on 24th August (that is after
another 2 weeks) my order will be at my doorsteps as it has already arrived in India
and just needs custom clearance . She offered a further 15% Discount to prove that she was
speaking from the heart. Call me an emotional greedy idiot but I once again believed in
her story.

Do I need to tell you what must have happened on 24th August.

Nothing happened. On 25th August once again I received that dreaded email ( this
time from some girl named Vidhya ). I quote her for you "Since its arrival in India over
a month ago the shipment has been in bureaucratic hell bouncing between the customs
departments in Chennai and Bangalore and as of now we have a release date of 10th September'09
from customs which means we would have it delivered to you by 15th September '09
." She made
it sound as if what I had ordered was not a mike but a missile.

3 more weeks of delay. I was also advised to place my order again as they could not do it
internally. This time along with the usual apology I was offered an E-Gift Card (worth 500)
to show that they meant it from their heart. I had enough of their bullsh_t . This time I had
become too experienced not to fall for it again.
I have asked them for a refund.

It took me 2 months of endless wait and frustration but now I had understood that 20North
was just buying time. Contrary to the impression conveyed through the look of their website
either this website was an online scam or it was being run by some guy from his bedroom in
his pyjamas. Highly incompetent.

Another lesson learnt was that if something seems too good to be true on the internet, it is a scam.

They blocked my money (20 thousand) for 2 months and I am sure earned interest on it as well
(Perhaps that is their business model and reason for perpetual delay).

Some people online claim that some inexpensive items like games CD or books was
indeed delivered to them. So can this company 20north be trusted for delivering expensive
items as well. What if the product delivered ( that is if delivered ) has some defect
detected later. They claim they will return it or replace it (I have my serious doubts)
One important question still remains unanswered " Is this company indeed a fraud or
am I the unluckiest customer they have ever had " .

After 2 months I neither have my Product nor my money ( and worse still my credit card details
are with them). All I am left with is another false shameless promise of delivery.

I am thinking of getting my Credit Card cancelled to prevent any further damage.

Do let me know your comments on my ordeal
S.B Khan
New Delhi

Hello, it is me S. B Khan again

I wanted to post an update for everyone. As I mentioned in my last review that I had to cancel my order placed at 20North after the delivery delays and ask for a refund. Let me inform you, that 20North has issued a full refund to me. Not just that, upon reordering, 20North has now even delivered my order ( that too with 15% Discount + Duty Free ). To know more you may continue reading.

After getting my full refund from the cancelled order my fear of being scammed was allayed. Moreover after being reassured by 20North Team for a better service ( in response to my review posted on various forums ) I decided to give one more shot to 20North . I made a pre-order enquiry from 20North about the possibility of using Duty Free option and also about claiming the 15% Discount (as promised compensation for delay in previous order ). 20North gladly agreed to offering me both these discounts ( courtesy Suraj from 20North Support ). This greatly reduced the cost of my Order . In short, I could not have bargained for a better deal anywhere. My only apprehension was if 20North will be able to deliver these items in 20 days of the promised time ( Once bitten twice shy kind of feeling )

I reordered on 16th Sep, 2009 and this time got all 4 items delivered to me after just 12 days. Let me add here that all items very packed very nicely and thus delivered very safely ( without any damage in the transit ).

Really satisfied with 20North's service this time. Surely I would be using their services again in future. It will be a delight for an Indian Shopper like me to shop at 20North , as long as they maintain this high standard of service. My best wishes are with them .

Thank You
S. B Khan
Last edited:

may be there is some genuine reason .Even my passport took 1.5years due to some problems hehe that dosenot mean i point out that passport office is fraud.

looks like you are supporting some local seller here as the are loosing ground as previously they were selling at very
high prices .Forum members have received goods from 20North so the story is baseless.
Can somebody please design a poll regarding 20 north delivery time. Like
1. Goods received 1 week delay
2. Goods received 2 weeks delay
3 Goods received 3 eeks delay
4. Godds received more than a month delay
5. Goods never arrived.
6. Goods arrived on time.

Lets see if the distribution is heavy tailed or we just dealing with outliers.
@ashishkesarwani - Do keep us posted about your Oppo. I'm planning on ordering one too.

After reading the story of Mr. Khan I am terified here as I am also getting the same kind of reply from them from last 2 weeks (i.e stuck with customs) and I have blocked mine 38K with them, but I am adviced to wait for another 1 week, for them to show a positive result.
looks like you are supporting some local seller here as the are loosing ground as previously they were selling at very
high prices .Forum members have received goods from 20North so the story is baseless.

I do not recommend or stop anyone from purchasing from 20North. Rather would very much like to know if anyone else has also ordered anything expensive from 20North. What I have written is the experience I had with this company. I felt the need to inform all prospective buyers about the issue.

The way you are vehemently supporting 20North makes me feel you have a vested interest in them. Hope you are not their affiliate ( considering that you too are from Bangalore ).

You cannot immediately dismiss this serious issue as baseless (without you ever having ordered anything from 20North ). Be a responsible member.
After reading the story of Mr. Khan I am terified here as I am also getting the same kind of reply from them from last 2 weeks (i.e stuck with customs) and I have blocked mine 38K with them, but I am adviced to wait for another 1 week, for them to show a positive result.

Don't worry too much. I'm sure you will get it. Just want to know the time frame. If it's going to take a while might as well have my MIL or sister carry it back from the U.S.
Mr. Khan. I can understand that you're agitated, but it would perhaps be useful to be civil to people who have been on this forum much much longer than you have.

While I can see why you're unhappy with this series of events, I think the general consensus about 20north.com is that it is useful and good if time is not of the essence. They still seem to be having teething troubles, but to accuse them of dishonesty and fraud is perhaps unfounded. Yes, some level of incompetence is definitely on display, and perhaps it's another instance of someone biting off more than they can chew, but it does not appear to be a scam at all.

My friend got headphones (Grado) costing about Rs. 12k (is that expensive enough to satisfy you), and they arrived in about a month and a bit. Yes, it was delayed, but it did arrive.

I do not recommend or stop anyone from purchasing from 20North. Rather would very much like to know if anyone else has also ordered anything expensive from 20North. What I have written is the experience I had with this company. I felt the need to inform all prospective buyers about the issue.

The way you are vehemently supporting 20North makes me feel you have a vested interest in them. Hope you are not their affiliate ( considering that you too are from Bangalore ).

You cannot immediately dismiss this serious issue as baseless (without you ever having ordered anything from 20North ). Be a responsible member.
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