3D Movies for the home


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2010
Pune, India
Long before the success of Avatar 3D, people were wondering whether it was possible to bring the 3D magic to the home scene.

To the uninitiated, some background helps. A 3D movie is shot with a special camera which has twin lenses and irises. The combined picture is super imposed on one another at an offset. A special 3D projector projects this image. When such an image is projected, to the naked (normal) eye the projection looks like a blurry ghosted image. But with special (polarized) 3D glasses, each eye sees an independent image and this gives the stereoscopic vision.

Is it possible to bring this technology into the home? Hardly possible, said many. The medium of watching at home is the good old television - whether CRT or the latest LED-lit-LCD - it was a 2D medium anyway.

But latest Blu-Ray and DVDs have broken the barrier. The movies on such discs contain a misty/ghostly/fuzzy image already - a 3D image in reality. The box contains four 3D glasses. No. These are not the high quality polarized Dolby Digital glasses that you wore while watching Avatar 3D. Instead these are very ordinary - red on one eye and blue/green on another type - the ones that you got in the yester-years.

You get the 3D effect while watching alright.

So any drawbacks?

Well, yes. In the TV. The 3D effect on the TV gives the feeling that the TV has depth. The 3D image does not come standing out - instead what you see is an image that appears to go deep into the TV. But on projection, it appears to be OK.

I have got the Blu-Ray disc of Mosters vs. Aliens that contains a 10 minute clip called Bob's Big Break. I watched the clip on TV as well as on projection.

First impressions. Reasonable 3D. Not in Avatar quality. But at least I am not spending Rs. 50~100 for glasses alone. :p
Sony is coming out with a 3D BRAVIA in summer 2010. The 1st movie to release on 3D blu-ray will be "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs"

Many brands have announced 3D blu-ray players in CES 2010. 3D is also coming to the PS3 via firmware updates, both for 3D games and 3D blu-rays.
The 1st movie to release on 3D blu-ray will be "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs"
Man what a dumb movie to start up with.I hate the guts of the movie maker who made it.Worst animation.:indifferent14:Bored to death watching the first 15mins..thereafter my mind went numb,untill someone woke me up.
Is there any blu ray available in the mrket which is 3D?? I remember seeing somewhere an advt for a 3D film on blu ray JOURNEY TOWARDS THE CENTRE OF EARTH..has any one seen or own this??
Sony is coming out with a 3D BRAVIA in summer 2010. The 1st movie to release on 3D blu-ray will be "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs"

Many brands have announced 3D blu-ray players in CES 2010. 3D is also coming to the PS3 via firmware updates, both for 3D games and 3D blu-rays.

If Firmware update will support 3D BD then its great, but if this update is only for PS 3 then it is wise to buy PS3 in place of standalone player.....:)
Saw a Limited Edition DVD of "The Final Destination 3D" at Crossword around a week back. The package contained 4 3D glasses. Anyone got this one?
Saw a Limited Edition DVD of "The Final Destination 3D" at Crossword around a week back. The package contained 4 3D glasses. Anyone got this one?

Bought this DVD out of curiosity. It comes with 4 pairs of 3D Glasses (Cardboard and plastic).

The 3D effects on my LG42LH90 were realistic (Im sure it will be more impressive on a projector or a larger screen TV) though it was tiring on the eyes after half an hour's viewing. Im not sure if this would improve by using a better pair of 3D glasses.
I recently bought Coraline which comes with 3-D & 2-D on same disc, I was impressed for few scenes - But I could infer a significant loss in the colours. It may be because of my TV and did test it on a Laptop, However the 2D was much better. Another pain is wearing Glasses - I mean it's fine for couple of moments before I feel like throwing it :ohyeah:
Bought this DVD out of curiosity. It comes with 4 pairs of 3D Glasses (Cardboard and plastic).

The 3D effects on my LG42LH90 were realistic (Im sure it will be more impressive on a projector or a larger screen TV) though it was tiring on the eyes after half an hour's viewing. Im not sure if this would improve by using a better pair of 3D glasses.

How much did u pay for de set?
How can PS3 support 3d even with a firmware update as the HDMI out is only 1.3a and not 1.4 which is required to carry 3d signals. Unless one actually upgrades the port through a hardware installation, I cant see it happening
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