AV Receiver + Bookshelf speakers

Hi all,

Yesterday went to Aquarius electronics at east street to demo wharf 9.2.

They have norge 2060 available for demo. I took demo for norge 2060 plus following speakers.
Wharf 9.2,
Wharf 10.1,
Paradigm monitor titan,
Quad 12L2.

I really like the way quad sounds but it was way out of my budget:sad:.
Wharf 9.2 definitely sound better than 10.1:clapping:. The bass is very tight and sounds really well.

Paradigm monitor also sounded well but they were too loud in my opinion.

Demo was given by Amit and he was very helpful. I could not bargain for prices as Mr. Behram was not there for that.

I have finalised Norge 2060 + Wharf 9.2. Looking forward to bargain the deal from Mr. Behram next week.

Disclaimer: Above all are my opinions and I do not want to offend anyone personally for the same.

Thaks all for the inputs.

Sachin Gosavi

Hi Sachin
How much do the QUad and Titan Monitor cost??
I am not sure abt Quads but you can get 9.2s for 14.5 k and Titans for 26.x k..

I am yet to bargain the prices with the dealer. Last time since concerned person was not available I just took demo for these speakers.

I am yet to bargain the prices with the dealer. Last time since concerned person was not available I just took demo for these speakers.


Actually all the 3 are different in price , sound and class... It would be unfair to ask which one is better, but I will ask :D ... which one :p ?
Actually all the 3 are different in price , sound and class... It would be unfair to ask which one is better, but I will ask :D ... which one :p ?

The best was Quad 12L2 followed by 9.2 and monitor titan. I found Titan Monitor on brighter side while 9.2 was warmer.
12L2 really sounds amazing. Everything is perfect about this speakers except price:sad:.

I hope I could buy those(12L2) sometime:p


Disclaimer: Above all are my opinions and I do not want to offend anyone personally for the same.
Hi all,

While seaching the forum I came acrossthe Monitor Audio M2 speakers. They have got good review from AV max as well.

Just wanted to how good they as compared to Wharf 9.2?
Also I would like to where can I audition these speakers in Pune?

Thanks in advance.

Hi all,

While seaching the forum I came acrossthe Monitor Audio M2 speakers. They have got good review from AV max as well.

Just wanted to how good they as compared to Wharf 9.2?
Also I would like to where can I audition these speakers in Pune?

Thanks in advance.


No information from anyone. :sad:

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