Best ever deal for loudspeaker kits.

i am keen for an audition of these speakers when they are completed. Pls. let me know when i can walk in.
They were @ my house - last Sunday - not there any more, but you are most welcome to listen to a small book shelf - if you so desire from an integrated amplifier. My doors are open & you are most welcome.
What you will listen to is this :-

Uploaded with
Do PM me - if you would be interested - any evening post 1730 is OK with me.
My doors are open & you are most welcome.
What you will listen to is this :-.

Are those Tidal Amea Diacera?
TIDAL Amea Diacera

I know a lot of designers incl. Tidal, Marten, Consensus, Evolution, Avalon, Salk, Selah, Silverline , Talon, etc. use Accuton ceramic drivers but this is what the late Mr. Cheeny had to say about the early versions.

This is one driver I am working with today. Suffice to say these drivers do pose some challenges.
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we are waiting for some burn in and then re tweak with stuffing

only after that we will know our toe ins

you can surely visit after that

though you will be closer to Joshua than to me
and Joshua also has a better amp and better room for listening

you are most welcome when the exercise is done

thank god!! - you mentioned what you did - i thought something was wrong with my speaker
im going through the same thing
i think i lost my mind!

im telling you we are gonna end up with really little stuffing
the no rez is doing its part pretty well
too much stuffing is stiffling the speaker
Are those Tidal Amea Diacera?
TIDAL Amea Diacera

I know a lot of designers incl. Tidal, Marten, Consensus, Evolution, Avalon, Salk, Selah, Silverline , Talon, etc. use Accuton ceramic drivers

Way to go Navin ! :yahoo:
You have heard them all;
The ones marked in 'red' I have never heard.
There is also Kharma - you did not mention in that list. Rather famous brand from Netherlands that also uses the T & P Drivers with the Etons from Germany...I have heard those too - a few times...

The only reason I purchased the TAD was that sound suited my ears;

we are waiting for some burn in and then re tweak with stuffing

only after that we will know our toe ins

you can surely visit after that

though you will be closer to Joshua than to me
and Joshua also has a better amp and better room for listening

you are most welcome when the exercise is done

thank god!! - you mentioned what you did - i thought something was wrong with my speaker
im going through the same thing
i think i lost my mind!

im telling you we are gonna end up with really little stuffing
the no rez is doing its part pretty well
too much stuffing is stiffling the speaker
Small suggestion;
Be Patient.
Connect a Radio & let it play for 24 hours a day for 1 week & then do any form of listening.
It will improve & that too a lot.
All the fine tuning we can do there after...
Way to go Navin ! :yahoo:
You have heard them all;

I never said I have heard them. I have only heard OF them.

Silverline married ScanSpeak woofers to a Accuton tweeter but never prodcuced an all Accuton design (for commercial purpose).

Similarly Clearwave married Accuton Woofers and mids to a Fountek or RAAL tweeter but again I dont believe they produced an all Accuton design (for commercial purposes - Jed has done one of custom desings though).

For the DIYers out here do look at Tony Gee's "Soup" series of Accuton designs. However he does not use the C-50 mid.

Bhagwan, I can never fathom why someone with your knowleddge and expereince has not yet "gone DIY". Having such a clear idea of what you like and what you dont, DIY would give you the most bang for your buck. DIY allows you to tailor the sound to your ears, your room, your components, commercial loudspeaker offers the same degree of flexibility. As an added bonus even the finish (veneer, paint, etc..) can be done to your liking.
Though I'm rather disappointed (desisting from using the word 'peeved' here) that more than 75% participants have not started their builds, I'm taking solace in the fact that the thread is being kept alive albeit with some OT:eek:hyeah:
Though I'm rather disappointed (desisting from using the word 'peeved' here) that more than 75% participants have not started their builds, I'm taking solace in the fact that the thread is being kept alive albeit with some OT:eek:hyeah:
I am responsible for this;
I apologise.
Kindly ask the Mod to get my post off.
I only offered a demo @ my place - since the Red Stripped Speaker was @ my house & the R & D had happened in front of me.
I am sorry again - I had no intent to hijack your thread....
All said, I do feel - all DIY'ers should listen to production speakers - just to get an idea of how green the grass is on the other side - just a suggestion - this is for Mr. Hari [come & listen - you have nothing to loose] - if you like what you hear - you can work to improve - if you do not like what you hear - go home with a big smile - you created a speaker that beats the pants off a slightly over priced product !!
Just my 2 cents;;

Though I'm rather disappointed (desisting from using the word 'peeved' here) that more than 75% participants have not started their builds,

Capt, firstly like Bhagwan, I too appologise for taking this thread OT. Having been a DIYer for some time (read as decades) I understand that the primary limitation for most of us is the carpentry. In the US companies like Parts Express offer cabinets for just this purpose.

All said, I do feel - all DIY'ers should listen to production speakers - just to get an idea of how green the grass is on the other side - just a suggestion - this is for Mr. Hari [come & listen - you have nothing to loose] - if you like what you hear - you can work to improve - if you do not like what you hear - go home with a big smile - you created a speaker that beats the pants off a slightly over priced product !!
Just my 2 cents;;

Bhagwanji, you nicely side-stepped my question ;)
...I can never fathom why someone with your knowleddge and expereince has not yet "gone DIY"....
Bhagwanji, you nicely side-stepped my question
...I can never fathom why someone with your knowleddge and expereince has not yet "gone DIY"....
I never did DIY for several reasons;
No Bench Mark to compare with
No Expertise in X-Over Design
No Gear to measure the Speaker
No Axcess to speaker cabinet making facility

But, I did get several speakers commissioned - specially made for me - the Resurrection was 1 of them - our Mod has it in his house -

I still need to listen to a design by shinobiwan - I think he makes great DIY Speakers;;;
I had been meaning to play around with the quantity of polyfill stuffing in the X-LS Encore since the filling was done purely on guesstimate and no real logic was employed other than the fact that the quantity was just sufficient to fill up the available space - not loosely filled, not tightly filled.

The sound with this quantity of stuffing was pleasing enough to my ears. However, I don't know if it's the optimal quantity. So out came the toolkit and the screws of the woofers came off.

As a starting point, I removed all the stuffing, put back the screws and sat down to listen. Mine uses the NoRez foam from Danny. The character of the mids and highs didn't change too noticeably but the bass suddenly gained a bloat that wasn't there before, especially in mid bass.

So I filled in about half of the original filling, then increased it to about two-thirds of original quantity, but the mid bass bloat persisted. So the whole original quantity went back inside, and the mid bass behaved better. Just to be sure, I stuffed in a couple of handful more polyfill. And a handful each went into the ports.

It now sounds the best that I have heard so far.

Further, I have another observation in regards to this speakers, which I suspect is due to my room: when I started using it by placing it at the position occupied by my previous speakers, it produced a "phasing" like effect in my room. Meaning it sounded as though one speaker was connected reverse, and this produced unpleasant pockets in the room where the sound pressure on the ear was higher. I re-checked all the connections, even reversing left for right, but all this didn't help. Finally, playing around with placement cured the problem. So guys, don't hesitate to play around with speaker positioning. In my room, it works best when given lots of room between it and the front wall. The distance to the side walls matter much less.

PS: one difficult track that my speakers struggled to cope with with - Tone Poem Finlandia (Jean Sibelius), at 20 seconds when the massed tympani started playing. I guess one would need subwoofer reinforcement to hear a convincing reproduction of such complex passages. But it reproduced every other aspect of this track beautifully. The massed tympani sure didn't sound "toneful".

PS2: a favourite test track of mine - Petra Magoni and Feruccio Spinetti on their cover of the Beatles classic Eleanor Rigby (album Musica Nuda) sounds convincing enough, especially in the way it reproduces the cello intro. But the limitation of its size shows up when the bass gets a bit overdriven and very nearly degrades into mushy, toneless and distorted bass. But to its credit, the cello intro to this song is a difficult to reproduce passage even for better and larger speakers.

PS3: I continue to dig the lovely decay of this speakers. I sometimes secretly wonder how things would sound with more resolving tweeter and woofer. Would a RAAL ribbon tweeter (for example) heat up things a few notches? Or perhaps a Wavecor that Hari is using in the new FS made for Francis?
Hey guys!

So i wasnt really part of the buy coz i had to unfortunately back out. Ultimately i did order some ftuff from Danny. the x stats, x voce and encores as surrounds.
been working on them for a build. am almost done with all of them. will post more pics when they are done

i did have a couple of questions.
1) do u use any dampening on the front baffles.
2) is it better to solder the connect or just twist them be?
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Harsh247, Glad that you had purchased the kits. Could you post how much did it cost you for our information?

Regarding your queries, all the FMs used double front baffle. In addition, it would be better if you can also use damping material on them.

Regarding connecting the cables to the drivers, soldering offers the best possible connection through you need to be careful to use the soldering iron for least possible time as it is likely to damage the delicate voice coils in case of overheating.
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