Bevenbi capacitors - Anyone using that?

Hari Iyer

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
Bevenbi MKP capacitors are offering good value for money compared to Mundorf and Jantezn. But that is just one aspect. What about performance / SQ? Anyone using these and would like to comment. I am not comfortable being a guinea pig.

Currently I am using an EPCOS run capacitor for all my crossover, but they at time sound a bit 'Metallic' to my ears. Don't know if they require more fine tuning or break-in or a simple audio grade capacitor (so called :)-) shall do the trick.

Looking for answers.
in the midst of a headphone amp build. Have bevenbi. This time I will use bevenbi and report.

My expectation is they will be no better than the equivalent ctr.
Lets see.
i have used their both mkp and eloctrolytes, they are sounding ok, i didnt done extensive comparision, mostly mkp are used in shunt. they have low esr and good quality of construction. mkps are spot on reading but electrolyes are little off(470mf reads 455etc.,)
i have used their both mkp and eloctrolytes, they are sounding ok, i didnt done extensive comparision, mostly mkp are used in shunt. they have low esr and good quality of construction. mkps are spot on reading but electrolyes are little off(470mf reads 455etc.,
Isnt that within the -+20% tolerance on electro caps ?
yes, but i used nichicon/panasonic elect and most of them are almost 5% tolarance range, when comparing to some other brands these bevendi are off, but if someones application ok with that tolarance they are free to use as per their choice.
Looks like no one is still using these capacitors.
I am using Bevenbi MKPA C in tweeter circuit , MKPA E in woofer circuit. MKPA E are their bottom line but are clearly better than the Dayton, Jantzen Standard, Nichicon ES, WeeTech WME (same as JB JSX) in Amp input coupling position. The bass is thick, the cap sounds full bodied and the highs are very present ( may be slightly rolled off). For more resolution or better highs I switched to MKPA C (costly wrt MKPA E) in the input coupling position but the sound was leaner. The highs were more prominent as compared to MKPA E but that may be due to thin sounding bass. MKPA C are supposed to be used mainly in tweeter circuit. While am currently using MKPA E in the input coupling position, I am very soon going to switch to MKPA S if they sound better than MKPA E ones. From these AB comparision I find their sound charecteristics as mentioned in the screenshot spot on, so I will take a bet on MKPA S. MKPA S are there top of the line.

Edit : All Bevenbi capacitors used in all position are bypassed with Vishay MKP 1837 0.022 uF.


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My experience is similar to yours. I found Jantzen crossscap to be very compressed, dull sounding anywhere used. Be it crossover or cathode bypass. Nichocon too are bad IME. Better alternative is a Keltron. Not used WEE or Dayton yet.
Bevenbi type MKPC- I am using as bypass capacitor and have no complaints yet.
Jantzen 15uF crosscap was replaced from my tube amplifier with a 10uF Russian MBGO PIO + Tibcon 2.5uFx2 oil filled capacitor. The difference is earth and outer space. It did not take me 30 minutes to scrap the Jantzen.
My experience is similar to yours. I found Jantzen crossscap to be very compressed, dull sounding anywhere used. Be it crossover or cathode bypass. Nichocon too are bad IME. Better alternative is a Keltron. Not used WEE or Dayton yet.
Bevenbi type MKPC- I am using as bypass capacitor and have no complaints yet.
Jantzen 15uF crosscap was replaced from my tube amplifier with a 10uF Russian MBGO PIO + Tibcon 2.5uFx2 oil filled capacitor. The difference is earth and outer space. It did not take me 30 minutes to scrap the Jantzen.
PIO caps, I know where you are coming from. 👍. Love them in my amp too.
I have plan to upgrade my Maggie 3.6r XO crossover caps with Weetech the guy theaudiocraft suggest weetech better than Jantzen crosscap? Any suggestion. Tks
I have plan to upgrade my Maggie 3.6r XO crossover caps with Weetech the guy theaudiocraft suggest weetech better than Jantzen crosscap? Any suggestion. Tks
If you believe both Jantzen and WEE are in the same league. Don't go by what's written about them. With theaudiocrafts the only capacihor that i found are good are the Orange drops, WIMA, Mundorf Evo and Vishay DC Link. Rest all are crap. Direct usage xperience. Not reading from others . If you are looking for standard values like 2.5uf, 3.15uf, 4uf, 36uf, 45uf, 50uf then go for Tibcon fan capacitors ( oil filled). For larger values go for Indtech Air conditioner capacitors which are resin oil filled.

For the balance money you save, you can buy me a coffee as a simple thank you. My 2 paisa.
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If you believe both Jantzen and WEE are in the same league. Don't go by what's written about them. If you are looking for standard values like 2.5uf, 3.15uf, 4uf, 36uf, 45uf, 50uf then go for Tibcon fan capacitors ( oil filled). For larger values go for Indtech Air conditioner capacitors which are resin oil filled.

For the balance money you save, you can buy me a coffee as a simple thank you. My 2 paisa.
I really would love to hear “hi-fi equipment” with capacitors made for fans.
Maybe I can try one out on my diy adventures 😉
I really would love to hear “hi-fi equipment” with capacitors made for fans.
Maybe I can try one out on my diy adventures 😉
Not all fan capacitors are same. I have tried only epcos dry, Havells dry and found both to be average - higher dissipation losses. Tibcon fan capacitors - oil filled types were superior. Better than Jantzen. Similar to Mundorf Evo.
Not all fan capacitors are same. I have tried only epcos dry, Havells dry and found both to be average - higher dissipation losses. Tibcon fan capacitors - oil filled types were superior. Better than Jantzen. Similar to Mundorf Evo.
So Tibcon oil filled it is ! Next experiment.
My experience is similar to yours. I found Jantzen crossscap to be very compressed, dull sounding anywhere used. Be it crossover or cathode bypass. Nichocon too are bad IME. Better alternative is a Keltron. Not used WEE or Dayton yet.
Bevenbi type MKPC- I am using as bypass capacitor and have no complaints yet.
Jantzen 15uF crosscap was replaced from my tube amplifier with a 10uF Russian MBGO PIO + Tibcon 2.5uFx2 oil filled capacitor. The difference is earth and outer space. It did not take me 30 minutes to scrap the Jantzen.
My experience with Jantzen hasn't been good either. I had previously replaced Dayton sandcast resistor (Wire wound) with Jantzen MOX (Grey) resistor thinking of making improvement in HF but that made the highs grainy when playing at higher volumes. I then switched to HTR (Arryton Perry wounded) resistors which was best of the all the resistors types i had tried. The leads are steel but i can still hear a clear improvement. Sparkling highs and not even a hint of harshness.
For the input coupling position as well when i switched to Jantzen standard from the Bevenbi MKPA E I was hugely dissapointed. It fall short badly. There was a very evident hollowness in the lower mid & the top highs were very artificial sounding. I gave them 2-3 days to break in but they didnt improved much if any. On the other hand WeeTech WME was clearly better than Jantzen Standard (Blue ones) and was more in line with Bevenbi MKPA E ones with slightly less midrange resolution. They were smoother than Daytons in input coupling position and certainly better than Nichicon ES in overall dynamic & resolution. Nichicon ES though very clean and flat seems very boring. My findings over performing these and lot other AB tests is that different capacitors just sound different (not necessarily better) and that very much depend on the other equipments in the chain. I am using couple of 30 rupee capacitor in input coupling position on my heavily tweaked Class D amp while hugely regarded big brand expensive ones (10x the cost per unit) sits in the shelf while i wonder what to do with these.
In the amplifier, my power decoupling capacitors are Nichicon KZ 330 uF 25 V x 4 (placed very close to IC pins) and the highs they provide is just astonishing. They are bypassed with Vishay MKP 1837 0.022 uF followed by Nichicon FW 1000uF 50V x 4 on the power rail. The overall sound quality surpasses even the highly admired Allo's Volt + D.
My system is fairly transparent to such an extent that i can hear the difference in interconnects. Though i havnt heard much difference between speaker cables if any.

Edit : An year ago i would have laughed off the idea of trying Fan capacitors (non-audio related brands) in a decent audiophile grade system but my experiences have teached me otherwise. Looking forward to trying Tibcon 2.5uF oil filled capacitors !
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I have plan to upgrade my Maggie 3.6r XO crossover caps with Weetech the guy theaudiocraft suggest weetech better than Jantzen crosscap? Any suggestion. Tks
Weetech WME are good caps, fairly neutral across the entire range. So they won't change the balance of sound that you are having now. They may enhance it further in terms of dynamics and smoothness but the frequency balance will be very much the same as previously as they don't temper with that at all.
I havn't tried Jantzen Crosscaps but the Jantzen Standards (Blue ones) are not neutral and seems to me more as tuning caps. For instance if you have lower mid forwardness in your system these migh be excellent match as they recess the lower mids a bit while adding a bit of tingle to the top highs.
Its all like cooking. Different spices for different recipes in different quantity. What works in here might not work there. The differences are very subtle but once you have developed an ear to listen to these nuances, even if the difference is 1-2 %; it just blows you away. And you feel the emotional connect with the sound that you never felt before.
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Discussion very interesting about caps. I would like to upgrade my 17 years old Maggie 3.6R internal & external crossover.
Existing crossover caps for tweeter (Internal speaker) they used "ELECTROCUBE" I have plane replace MUNDORF
External crossover for MID/TWT they used ELECTROCUBE 25uf X 8nos = 200uf high value I have plan to use WEETECH 100uf X 2nos
I have enclosed XO picture and schematic
Any suggestion replace 17 years old Electrocube with Mundorf for Tweeter & Midrange - Weetech?


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My experience with Jantzen hasn't been good either. I had previously replaced Dayton sandcast resistor (Wire wound) with Jantzen MOX (Grey) resistor thinking of making improvement in HF but that made the highs grainy when playing at higher volumes. I then switched to HTR (Arryton Perry wounded) resistors which was best of the all the resistors types i had tried. The leads are steel but i can still hear a clear improvement. Sparkling highs and not even a hint of harshness.
For the input coupling position as well when i switched to Jantzen standard from the Bevenbi MKPA E I was hugely dissapointed. It fall short badly. There was a very evident hollowness in the lower mid & the top highs were very artificial sounding. I gave them 2-3 days to break in but they didnt improved much if any. On the other hand WeeTech WME was clearly better than Jantzen Standard (Blue ones) and was more in line with Bevenbi MKPA E ones with slightly less midrange resolution. They were smoother than Daytons in input coupling position and certainly better than Nichicon ES in overall dynamic & resolution. Nichicon ES though very clean and flat seems very boring. My findings over performing these and lot other AB tests is that different capacitors just sound different (not necessarily better) and that very much depend on the other equipments in the chain. I am using couple of 30 rupee capacitor in input coupling position on my heavily tweaked Class D amp while hugely regarded big brand expensive ones (10x the cost per unit) sits in the shelf while i wonder what to do with these.
In the amplifier, my power decoupling capacitors are Nichicon KZ 330 uF 25 V x 4 (placed very close to IC pins) and the highs they provide is just astonishing. They are bypassed with Vishay MKP 1837 0.022 uF followed by Nichicon FW 1000uF 50V x 4 on the power rail. The overall sound quality surpasses even the highly admired Allo's Volt + D.
My system is fairly transparent to such an extent that i can hear the difference in interconnects. Though i havnt heard much difference between speaker cables if any.

Edit : An year ago i would have laughed off the idea of trying Fan capacitors (non-audio related brands) in a decent audiophile grade system but my experiences have teached me otherwise. Looking forward to trying Tibcon 2.5uF oil filled capacitors !
Wima's are excellent for bypass. The FKPs are excellent for coupling. HTR resistors are very nice.
Wima's are excellent for bypass. The FKPs are excellent for coupling. HTR resistors are very nice.
I have tried Wima MKP 10 & MKP 4 as bypass but they were not any special in my application or didn't produced noticeable change. Since then I have removed them. At a time i was using 3 bypasses at the input coupling position but felt they were messing with the sound so removed them & right now am bypassing MKPA E with Vishay MKP 1837 ones. FKP2 looks interesting for coupling but I havn't found them in higher values (mostly in pF range).
There are some vfm caps like Bennic, Spirit or Yontex for crossover. Some of speakers manufactures use them.
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