Beware 440 volts - all of you please read this thread

Bond 007

New Member
Jul 24, 2008
Dear friends ... It is very unfortunate that we have a member who is changing/creating new ID's in this forum just to sell his stuff ... I am sure we should not encourage guys like this and regret later. This guy is actually a person called "Mallikh" from Vijaywada who introduced himself as "Shankar" in this forum and after he was identified by few of our fellow forum members, now he has created a new ID almost similar to a member of this forum who is respected a lot by fellow forum members. So I request all of you to be careful while dealing with this person called "Mallikh" alias "Shankar".

This guy's hifivision forum ID's are "mallikh67" & "sounds great"
Mobile number is 09849649931.
Mail ID is "[email protected]"

God knows when this guy will change his forum ID ... contact number ... email iD :)

Thanks a lot buddy for keeping the faith in me !!

I sure do hope no one will fall for that stunt of his now !!

I have taken care of this member.

In future you can bring such instances to my attention by clicking on the Report Post
link on the top right hand side of every post.
I have taken care of this member.

In future you can bring such instances to my attention by clicking on the Report Post
link on the top right hand side of every post.

Mr. Moderator

Thanks for the concern...
just one the "Report" function a poll...or just a direct information to you...
i mean is there anything that if certain amount of people click the Report button, the concern person will be blocked...
Please clear that..
And even if we can have some kind of same system or not...
The Report Post function will directly inform me only. You can report a post to me and I will then take appropriate action wherever necessary.
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