Check Out The New Opera Browser...


New Member
Oct 28, 2008
Details at Opera Unite reinvents the Web.

Features -
File Sharing
Securely share a file from your personal computer without waiting to upload it. First select the folder from which you would like to share files. Opera Unite then generates a direct URL to that folder. By giving that link to your friends, you can share files without routing through a third-party Web service.

Web Server
Run entire Web sites from your local computer with the Opera Unite Web Server. After selecting the folder containing your Web site, you can share and host it from the given Opera Unite URL. Opera Unite will automatically recognize index files and create the Web site as you designed it.

Media Player
Rock out wherever you are by accessing your MP3s and playlists from any machine. After selecting the folder containing your playlist, use the Opera Unite direct link to play your tracks directly in any modern Web browser.

Photo Sharing
Share your photos direct from your PC, without uploading them online. Once you select your photo folder, the photo-sharing service will create a thumbnail image gallery of your photos. Clicking the thumbnail will present the photo in its original resolution.

The Lounge
The Lounge is a self-contained chat service running on your computer. Your friends can access the chat room via the direct link, which will not require them to sign into any service. Depending on your privacy settings, you need only provide the generated password to your service in order for people to log in to your chatroom.

Post a note on your friends virtual refrigerators. By sharing the direct link to your refrigerator, you and your friends, family or colleagues can exchange notes securely and privately in real time.
i've been an Opera fan for close to ten years now. They had tabbed browsing way back then. Opera Unite sounds like a brilliant feature, but Opera was giving me trouble on Vista, so I had to uninstall, and I am not on Chrome. Maybe I should try the latest version again.
Nothing but Firefox for me. I am die hard Firefox fan. Have been using it for 4 years and and will need more than wild horses to make me shift.

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Nothing by Firefox for me. I am die hard Firefox fan. Have been using it for 4 years and and will need more than wild horses to make me shift.


I am using Mozilla Firefox for last 1 year. It works very well. But the only problem I face is during online transaction, when it requires my HSBC bank Visa authorization. The HSBC website says that it does not support my browser (Firefox). So need to redo with IE and it works fine:sad:
Exactly! Just now i tried to make an online payment to airtel thro Firefox but failed. Did it thro IE.

Exactly! Just now i tried to make an online payment to airtel thro Firefox but failed. Did it thro IE.


This may be because of the Add on (Active x component) or may be problem with the Security Level set in the Fire fox.Try to REinstall the add ons for the Fire Fox and try with setting the Security level low(Not recommended).
I am using Mozilla Firefox for last 1 year. It works very well. But the only problem I face is during online transaction, when it requires my HSBC bank Visa authorization. The HSBC website says that it does not support my browser (Firefox). So need to redo with IE and it works fine:sad:

HSBC works well for me with both Opera and Google Chrome.
HSBC works well for me with both Opera and Google Chrome.

Hope you are not talking about HSBC online banking. This works fine with Firefox as well.

Only during online purchases, your credit card needs Visa Verification by HSBC, then the HSBC website has a problem.
I have been using opera since I came to know about it. I have regularly used all IE,FireFox,Safari,Chrome. Opera beats all. Firefox comes close, but my personal preferance is Opera.:thumbsup: Chrome is simple but u face problems with lot of online content, websites.:sad: Same for Safari.:sad:

Say, Hooorahhhh for Opera. :clapping::yahoo::D:ohyeah:

THe older Opera versions had a lot of issues with processing javascript leading to improper loading & formatting . Can one of you confirm if this has been fixed?
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