Design Classics

Ok here goes ...


<ducks for cover!> ;)


Thanks for posting the beastie.
BSD is a classic, thanks to Bill Joy et al ... they made Unix better.
Surprised nobody's pasted a self portrait yet ... ;)
This is but an extension to self portrait bro, for ex.
Santhoshbhai - Likes Lean, mean and sturdy machines. So he is a guy you can depend on.
Moktan - Likes simple things (Zen) So he likes to be close to nature.
Coaltrain - Is addicted to and loves jazz music. So he is relaxed kind of a guy and like innovative things.
Quad - Appreciates everything from Safety pin to Black bird. So he is observant and keen sense of detail.
Gruby - Likes best of the best. So he is ardent and aims high.
Regards :)


Hiten - Is a lazy guy :lol:
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@ Santhosh, being in possession of one, I'm surprised you didn't post a pic of your bike. Here is mine that I sold a couple of years back.
The Tin Lizzie (Model T Ford) deserves mention - first
automobile mass produced on moving assembly lines with completely interchangeable parts, simple, reliable, 19 year production run, made
the motor car affordable to the common man, instantly recognizable.
Always fascinated by the Bullet Train & the concorde (already posted on this thread by another FM)


Rado Jubile

Caterpillar shoe (Steel Toe)
Yes Bullet train is classic engineering design.
So far no genuine Indian products ?
@Hiten: That's quite an accusation against me...

I was hoping someone would come around to the RD. One of the most visceral bikes I have had the pleasure of riding! Thanks for your pic Cap'n.

@Santhosh: I am eagerly waiting for your RD's pic...
A die-cast, pull-back action model of the Lotus 78 was the first ever toy that was given to me as a kid. It was a robust piece of marvel that lasted quite a few years of abuse from my brother and I. It also started us on our way to motopsychosis. However, I believe the most beautiful F1 car to have ever been on a track was Senna's Lotus 98T.

One of the best threads I have witnessed on the webs. A few tidbits to share:

Being a mechanical calculator, most early enthusiasts were eager to strip it down to barebones and wished to assemble it back. However the mechanism was so intricate, that they had to return it with a shameful face asking for a new one. The dealers being gracious used to assure them, that the actual price of the calculator is twice the one and the manufacturers had a hunch that someone is going to rip it. So they halved the price and put it for sale. That is marketing for geeks :clapping:

Cigarette lighter:
One of the few inventions which seems so modern, but it actually predates the match box (not safety matches, the earlier ones which could be lit by striking any where). Speaks volumes about the unsung fire matches. Another radical design you see is the patterned phosphorus on the sides of match box, if you ever lit a diwali match box, you would observe that the entire side would be pasted with phosphorus, the pattern on the side helps aid friction and also reduces the amount of material required.

Safety pin:
What can u say about it, the swiss army knife of third world. Finds a place in the apparel of most sarie clad ladies. Need to pick a thorn; need to clean a burner, spark plug; Don't disdain it for being used as hygine helper by someone using it to clear their ears and teeth. It always soothens to remind you that this is the one, that finds a hold in the bossoms of the fairer sex.

Great designs a innovative, Greatest ones are those; from/to which you cannot remove/add a thing or two.

@Capt, RD 350 is one of the few bikes I wish I had. Being tall guy, most Indian bikes are annoying to drive.

One of the modern designs I liked is the concept refrigerator door from which you can collect cold water and ice cubes without actually opening the door.

TLDR: You guys are awesome, a humble button, a zipper, a zippo. Whatelse?
Pencil Sharpening Machine

I have been a fan of this design since the age of 4 when my neighbor used to sharpen my pencils with a Staedtler that he got from Germany. Not sure whether it was Japan or Germany who first came up with this contraption. Ever since I have one each of below sharpeners and still searching for a Made in Germany Staedtler for old times sake:

Karl Angel 5 - Made in Japan

Lyra - Made in Germany

4 in one pens
@Hiten: That's quite an accusation against me...
Sorry. Please don't misunderstand me. I said genuine. Means right from the scratch. As far as I know critical components were assembled not manufactured. If I remember correctly when Suzuki(Maruti) came to India they had an agreement that most technically advanced critical manufacturing components will be imported from Japan. They Didn't transferred the technology to India. So my point was Genuine Indian product. Designed and manufactured right from the scratch.
Sorry again.
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Love those Pencil Sharpners. :)
a humble button, a zipper, a zippo. Whatelse?
Here you go



and Best of them all

Apart from U Pin, Zip and Bubble wrap falls in invention category not Design classic. But posting anyway :)
@Hiten, Not to forget the Velcro, which according to Startrek was given to us by the Vulcans. All hail the Vulcan overlords :eek:
Are these Birkinstocks available in india?

Don't think so , you get cheap rexin knockoffs - chinese made.

BTW when I checked outside india ound them very expensive.

Bata used to make a very good replica in leather , then they tarted uing rexine and screwed the thing
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.