H2testw 1.4 Gold Standard In Detecting USB Counterfeit Drives


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
You do not need administrator privileges on a computer to run it
Tested to work on 1.1 and 2.0 USB drives
Tested to work on 1.1 and 2.0 USB Ports
Tested to work to analyze drives advertised as 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB and yes 64 GB capacity.
Reports seen capacity what the operating system sees size to be.
Will write 1 GB files up to the reported size requiring no work on your part except patience if it is a large drive and a slow computer
Will read all the files it wrote and verify them
Will produce a report. a) short if all is well b) detailed if there issues found.
The program is offered free

See here
So now you believe in what i said that like pen drives hard drive capacities can be faked. Fortunately hard drive prices will be coming down soon however with the number of players decreasing WD and seagate the competition will be tough. Now we has intel/AMD for processors, Nvidia/ATI for graphics and WD/ Seagate for hard drives.
So now you believe in what i said that like pen drives hard drive capacities can be faked. Fortunately hard drive prices will be coming down soon however with the number of players decreasing WD and seagate the competition will be tough. Now we has intel/AMD for processors, Nvidia/ATI for graphics and WD/ Seagate for hard drives.

i knew that already.. done work with USB device drivers , 8/16/32bit micros ..so i know protocols can be faked .my hdd risk was well calculated .soon refund will land back! :D
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