Hello everyone


New Member
Aug 25, 2008
Hi All,

I am an amateur audiophile having recently installed Monitor Audio GS10, Tube Amp (Pathos ClassicOne MKIII), Musical Fidelity DAC XDACV3, Logitech Squeezebox Duet as a source and Netgear ReadyNAS for storage.

My setup is only about 4 months old and I am already looking at upgrading my speakers to GS20. I am wondering if there would be significant enhancement in sound. Any comments?
Hmm?Pretty impressive gear for an ??amateur? audiophile. LOL!

Well, if I were you I would stick with the GS10. It is an excellent stand mount. It will be any day better than its big brother.
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Welcome to the forum. Please stay on and help other members with information on your products and the type of music you listen to and enjoy. I do hope you will be able to tell us all the methods you used to shortlist your audio equipment.

Since you are in Chennai, will it be possible for you to allow a few members who may be interested to visit you and listen to your system?

You certainly don't seem to be an amateur when it comes to the pockets ;)
But a very neat setup you have there....Your choice of music would give a better picture of whether you should go for an upgrade....For jazz, blues, acoustic, vocals and even soft rock the standmounts should stay on. If you like heavy metal, techno, rave, bollywood remixes then an upgrade can is definitely going to add to your listening pleasure....
Hi All,

I am an amateur audiophile having recently installed Monitor Audio GS10, Tube Amp (Pathos ClassicOne MKIII), Musical Fidelity DAC XDACV3, Logitech Squeezebox Duet as a source and Netgear ReadyNAS for storage.

My setup is only about 4 months old and I am already looking at upgrading my speakers to GS20. I am wondering if there would be significant enhancement in sound. Any comments?

MA GS10 itself is a good pair, what is missing there in GS10 that prompts you to upgrade?

Upgrading within the same brand / product family will not bring any drastic changes , you get the almost the same sonic signature (house sound) but some subtle refinements , if you are looking for something more then first list down either the shortcomings of GS10 as you have experienced or what kind of sound you want then we can deccide whether GS20 (within the same product family) or some other brand fits the bill.

Hope this helps. By the way you have quite an impressive set up!
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Welcome to the forum. Please stay on and help other members with information on your products and the type of music you listen to and enjoy. I do hope you will be able to tell us all the methods you used to shortlist your audio equipment.

Since you are in Chennai, will it be possible for you to allow a few members who may be interested to visit you and listen to your system?


Hi Venkat,

Thanks for your post. I like to listen to all kinds of music - From Eric Clapton, Deep Purple, The Doors, Tracy Chapman, Bryan Adams, Bon Jovi, Robbie Williams to Techno / Electronica/ House / Lounge. I also listen to Hindi Film Music and POP (select songs of MLTR, Lionel Riche, Elton John and many more).

I'll share my methods for selecting my audio equipment later - that is an elaborate affair :) Yes I am open to members visiting me for a listen to my system. You can reach me at [email protected] to fix up a convenient time.

Hmm?Pretty impressive gear for an ??amateur? audiophile. LOL!

Well, if I were you I would stick with the GS10. It is an excellent stand mount. It will be any day better than its big brother.

Thanks a TON for your compliment :-) I am pretty happy with my GS10 Stand mounts but was exploring the possibility of upgrading if it could enhance my DVD viewing (sound) experiencing. I am definitely not expecting or looking for a proper 5:1 / 7:1 Home Theater experience at the moment. But something passable. This, plus I also listen to lot of Lounge / Trance elctronica. These speakers sound good but lack a little something I am not able to put my finger on... possibly base.

So you see why I am still an amateur audiophile :-)
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MA GS10 itself is a good pair, what is missing there in GS10 that prompts you to upgrade?

Upgrading within the same brand / product family will not bring any drastic changes , you get the almost the same sonic signature (house sound) but some subtle refinements , if you are looking for something more then first list down either the shortcomings of GS10 as you have experienced or what kind of sound you want then we can deccide whether GS20 (within the same product family) or some other brand fits the bill.

Hope this helps. By the way you have quite an impressive set up!

Thank Suhas,

Approach suggested by you is fairly logical and I completely appreciate it. I am very happy with my current setup when it comes to Hindi Music- Vocals / Soft Rock / Pop. But I find something amiss (possible base as stated in my other post) when I listen to techno / Trance / Lounge. And I also wanted to enhance my movie viewing experience (sound). I am using a Marantz DV7001 DVD player and I am using the digital output from DVD player which I feed to my DAC and give analogue from DAC to my Amp. Again as stated earlier, I am not expecting 5:1 or 7:1 Home theater effect but something acceptable all the same.

Will value your inputs on this.
You certainly don't seem to be an amateur when it comes to the pockets ;)
But a very neat setup you have there....Your choice of music would give a better picture of whether you should go for an upgrade....For jazz, blues, acoustic, vocals and even soft rock the standmounts should stay on. If you like heavy metal, techno, rave, bollywood remixes then an upgrade can is definitely going to add to your listening pleasure....

Hmnnn.. well not really that deep pockets ;) But yes I like to indulge my passion :) And yes you said it! These speakers sound great for Jazz, Blues, accoustics, vocals & soft rock. I am not much into heavy metal and Bolloywood remixes but definitely listen to a lot of techno / electronica. So was looking at an upgrade.

Based on what I have read so far, may be you would benefit more by adding a sealed subwoofer instead of upgrading your speakers, if you are happy with the sound. How large is your room?

You could probably use the sub only when deep bass is needed like with techno, trance and action movies.
Nice system. Dont worry, you can buy a REL STAMPEDE which has a high level input which is connected the the pathos's speaker terminals outputs. I have done a similar install for another client:
Pathos Classik 1 MK3 + Pathos DIgit CDP + Linn Genki CDP + Spendor S3/5se + REL sub. Sound awesome.

What cables are you using? Whats your room size?
Nice system. Dont worry, you can buy a REL STAMPEDE which has a high level input which is connected the the pathos's speaker terminals outputs. I have done a similar install for another client:
Pathos Classik 1 MK3 + Pathos DIgit CDP + Linn Genki CDP + Spendor S3/5se + REL sub. Sound awesome.

What cables are you using? Whats your room size?

Thanks. I am using Straightwire Cables as Amp to Speaker Interconnects and am using bi-wire connections. Pardon my ignorance but I am a little intrigued by your suggestion - as in how do I connect a SUB to Speaker Output terminals as these are already connected to my speakers. And my Room size would be 25Ft x 18ft with high ceiling.
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