Help me choose a Good Sub for Music


New Member
Jul 14, 2009

Can anybody recommend a good musical Sub for Stereo use.
I can stretch my budget till Rs 70K .

Speakers are Polk Audio RTi A3/Pioneer Stero Amp A5 -80's model

Thanks in advance.



Can anybody recommend a good musical Sub for Stereo use.
I can stretch my budget till Rs 70K .

Speakers are Polk Audio RTi A3/Pioneer Stero Amp A5 -80's model

Thanks in advance.



While I can recommend good musical subs, when I see other components in yoru system, I would say to get a 8 inch sub to pair with it since you wont see that big a difference in quality. Musical subs pair well with speakers that are made for music than HT and the polks in your possession are unfortunately that. A small trick in getting better performance for music is to close the vent in the sub with a sponge or tightly rolled cloth so the bottom end does not stretch out.
Thanks 4 the advice.

Do you think the LSi9 from Polk are good 4 music? Which Sub will blend well with the LSi9?

Any suggestions regarding Paradigm's DSP 3200 and 3400?

Let me know.

Thanks again.

i agree with marsilians. a sub at that budget will be an overkill. if i were you i'd take the 70k budget, sell the current components and buy a full new system. perhaps monitor audio silvers bookshelves, a nad / cambridge / marantz amp and a perhaps a small sub to go with it.
Just happened that i bought a used (almost new) Mordaunt Short 309i to compliment my Mission M32i bookshelves. Amp is NAD 355bee with pre-out. May be, yet to fine tune the setup, but so far the performance of the sub is very good for music (mine is just a music 2ch setup), not boomy, crisp and tight. In the course of time, it will become even better. Just giving my opinion as i am not sure whether it will go with your speakers etc.,
rgds swami
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