Hot and humid coastal zone - protecting speakers


New Member
Mar 15, 2009
Hi all,

many of us live on the coast and the hot/humid environment is the bane of all bio-degradable material - the cones of loudspeakers, for example.

this is how i try and prevent (fungal) damage, especially with loudspeakers which are not in regular use.

Any further ideas/ways?
does it hurt our speakers

usually where my speakers are they are in only ht room which is closed all day and only opens when i come from work so no one enters in it and also it got no windows too
"Witches of Sound" turns into "Ghosts of Sound";)
I guess that empty bottle did the trick!:ohyeah:
Just kidding man!
I packed my spk gaps with cotton(around grills) & it prevents boominess & prevents insects to get in.
Hi Suri ,
Great thought.Infact most of us have dust problem.Especially during summer dry season even if we close all door and windows ,somehow dust enters.
Here's my take:Plastics and vinyl finishes can be cleaned with Colin.It dries quickly and safe to use.But Don't use too much all at once.Regular cleaning keeps things clean.
Vinyl finish speakers can benefit from automobile vinyl polish but use utmost caution.Don't try if your speakers are expensive.If you want to try first take a small drop in a clean cloth and apply at the rear side of the speaker and check.Again wipe off with a clean dry cloth.
Metal parts especially Speaker terminals, Interconnects etc can be cleaned with Brasso ( cost effective) or any other good metal polisher.

Transparent polythene cover is simple and cost effective.Better still is the thin thermocole sheet (the ones you get with LCD packaging).We can use it when ever our system or speakers are not in use for a long time.
Mostly ants and worst still termites cause havoc to speakers and equipments.
Most all purpose insecticide and cheap ant powder ( I don't know what to call it) that you can get anywhere works well to control insects.
Vacuum cleaner is also very helpful in cleaning cobwebs on ceiling , rear side of TV , AVR, speakers etc.
Caution keep chemicals and insecticide out of reach of childrens and always unplug equipments while cleaning.

Well that's it for now I'll try to comeup with more options.
PS:Suri I see a spiderman hangin on top left in one of the pics.:D
And what are those speakers.Looks like B&W nautilus to me.:rolleyes:
Also you wiring needs serious tidying.

But I'll still still say brasso is better for heavily oxidized terminals.
Thanks Cranky it struck me only now,to ensure brasso doesn't leave any residue behind one can use IPA(Isopropyl Alcohol) after cleaning with brasso.
IPA is used for cleaning metal tape heads.Do not use it on plastics.
And yes brasso is not recommend it for expensive and gold plated cables,interconnects.

And the thermocole sheet (lcd packaging material) I referred to is the same Foam you are referring to.
Colin leaves residue is new to me.I have used colin for a long time and I don't see any residue left after a through cleaning.
Anyway thanks once again.I'm also learning and I appreciate your response and tips and also eager to know more just like others.:signthankspin:

Thanks and Regards,
does it hurt our speakers

usually where my speakers are they are in only ht room which is closed all day and only opens when i come from work so no one enters in it and also it got no windows too

Hi manu4panjab,

in punjab, on the plains, the relative humidity is less than 80%, and therefore these issues (regarding rust, fungus formation,etc.) need not bother you:)
A shaving brush is very handy for keeping cones clean. Slight pressure should remove any dust. Deep-seated dust marks cannot be easily clean, and I prefer to leave any very old speakers lightly cleaned rather than use too much aggression.

A ladies make-up brush is even softer and better :)

"Witches of Sound" turns into "Ghosts of Sound";)
I guess that empty bottle did the trick!:ohyeah:
Just kidding man!

Hi reju,
that bottle was from a party the previous day:)

those are not the "Witches of Sound"

those are "Auriel", which i PIY (like jaudere says 'these are plan-it-yourself, but made by an employed woodworker!) before the "W.O.S"

Hi Suri ,
Great thought.Infact most of us have dust problem.Especially during summer dry season even if we close all door and windows ,somehow dust enters.
Here's my take:Plastics and vinyl finishes can be cleaned with Colin.It dries quickly and safe to use.But Don't use too much all at once.Regular cleaning keeps things clean.
Vinyl finish speakers can benefit from automobile vinyl polish but use utmost caution.Don't try if your speakers are expensive.If you want to try first take a small drop in a clean cloth and apply at the rear side of the speaker and check.Again wipe off with a clean dry cloth.
Metal parts especially Speaker terminals, Interconnects etc can be cleaned with Brasso ( cost effective) or any other good metal polisher.

Transparent polythene cover is simple and cost effective.Better still is the thin thermocole sheet (the ones you get with LCD packaging).We can use it when ever our system or speakers are not in use for a long time.
Mostly ants and worst still termites cause havoc to speakers and equipments.
Most all purpose insecticide and cheap ant powder ( I don't know what to call it) that you can get anywhere works well to control insects.
Vacuum cleaner is also very helpful in cleaning cobwebs on ceiling , rear side of TV , AVR, speakers etc.
Caution keep chemicals and insecticide out of reach of childrens and always unplug equipments while cleaning.

Well that's it for now I'll try to comeup with more options.
PS:Suri I see a spiderman hangin on top left in one of the pics.:D
And what are those speakers.Looks like B&W nautilus to me.:rolleyes:
Also you wiring needs serious tidying.


Hi Sam,

you have thinking about your speakers! Thanks:)

that room is a storage room and nobody is allowed to enter - therefore the cobwebs - i hope the spiders take care of insects!

those speakers are plan-it-yourself! inspired by the look of nautilus

and yes, the wires are a mess, but a carefully laid mess:o
I'd feel a little weird asking for one though ;) Shaving brushes merit no second glances...

ha, ha,

need'nt nobody be ashamed about asking for an (androgynous) artist's camel haired brush!

Imagine a female forum member asking for a "Palmolive" shaving brush (to maintain her "speakers"!

it's another matter that most nubile women sport enough hair on their covered parts to shame a himalayan bear!!:lol:
OMG let me put an end to the brushes issue.

I use this one with good results. It cost about Rs. 175.00


IBall offers anti-static Mini Duster. The anti-static Mini Duster falls under the product range Winkles. Anti-static Mini duster is useful in cleaning computers and accessories. This duster is made of fine plastic feathers. Anti-static Mini Duster is washable with mild soap and warm water.
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