Laptops / notepads that play direct bluray backups


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
kindly suggest any laptops that can play full HD (bluray-M2TS )files

BY Full HD files i mean totally uncompressed direct bluray back ups in M2TS format and not downloaded files

most laptops failed to play a direct back up of a bluray thro most media players including VLC ,the pic would either hang or the system would shut down

kindly suggest
Look for a Laptop with Minimum Intel i3 Processor with 4 Gb of RAM, that should do the trick for you.
I have a Dell Inspiron 1464 Laptop which has just 2 Gb RAM and it plays full BD Rips with ease, but during the process its not able to perform any other operation due to the low RAM.
Playing bd rip of 5-7gb or lilttle more compared to that of the bluday dump is all together a different league...

i doubt any netbook will be able to do it.. unless it packs some nasty GPU on it and havent seen one with it...

netbooks are meants for net (internet) they have the capacity to play HD.. 720p
1080p that too of that size..i doubt...

regarding laptop.. i3 wont do the trick..

even i5 wont do it if you play a blu ray dump of 50GB..

how ever i5 combined with a good GPU will do it..

look for acer 5742g..

4gb ddr3 with i5 and 1GB ati.. can do it..... that when you will be able to enjoy..

there is no point watching a jittery movie.. rather than download a 2GB bd rip and enjoy...

also depends on players.. vlc does amazing upto 580p.. beyond that use WMP classic with K-Lite...

without GPU the complete load of graphics will lead to CPU running on full load for hours while you watch and it wont be buttery smooth..

whats your budget ???

if the issue is mobility then go for the laptop.. else stick to the desktop...

budget decides many things....
hi ashish , ironhorse

am ok with desktop doing most things without issues but do not have much info on laptops.
what i noticed is @ work and travel most friends flaunt great looking laptops/notepads and talk great things about it
,it so happened that i shared my external HDD with about 30-40 movies of full bluray disk dump (main movie only) most of it 25-40GB size each ,with a few friends

was really surprised to see none of the laptops were able to play back the files it either hanged became jittery or the system crashed!!!!!!!!!:lol: left them all scratching their nuts ,coming to the conclusion that my HDD had a bug!!!!!(off course these guys had never heard abt a file size of 25+ gb a movie
My brother is using ASUS laptop core i5, 4 GB RAM, ATI 5730 (2 GB)..
laptop came with 2 GB RAM.. upgraded it to 4 GB..
I copied transformer-2 BD backup (40 GB file) to his laptop HDD .. worked all fine.. no jitter.. super smooth..

lenovo Y series should also work fine..
It also uses ATI 5730 graphics..
but price is on higher side.
Subash, it could also be an issue with the playing software. Try and see if PowerDVD works. I know for a fact that VLC will not work irrespective of the CPU/GPU/RAM.

trust me..... all those boys.. showing off their laptops can just show off....

playing of a 25gb file from a i3.. takes it juices out and cranks it up..

you need a gpu** acer 5742g is one of the lowest priced laptop that i have seen playing these files flawlessly..

4gb dd3- ati 1gb (no sure what series)- core i5- for 42k...

also as i stated playing via.. vlc and wmp will not do..

tweak the os first then

use mpc + k lite

or else use BS player.. it will be able to play off a 4-6 gb 1080p file off a celeron and no graphics card.. tested it myself with 1gb ddr2 running off a win 7 ultimate with aero enabled..

that machine i am talking is a 4 year old LG laptop.. celeron 1.86-1gb 533mhz ddr2- 80gb sata HDD and- and intel onboard graphics--

thats it...

but never alone the best of cpu or best of gpu will work.

combine both and you'll rock..

if its a desktop.. get a raid enabled mobo.. it will enchance the buffer and will keep your system from freezing up..
of course it can.. running on a corei7


Video Memory: 1.5GB DDR5 VRAM

why not.. question is about the most feasible one....

for 1500 $

it will boil down to 90,000 including everything when sold in india.

i prefer build a custom laptop and beat the hell outta asus...
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Custom Laptops? is that feasible like Desktop assembling or you meant upgrade by buying an basic Laptop?
i mean custom laptops... delhi i used to get it done.. not sure bout rest of the places..

coz in a factory build laptop only upgrade you can do is memory. that to max 3 gb if its a 32-bit os.. even after tweaking PAE...

upgrading processor very costly affair and GPU is onboard.... HDD does not makes sense as sata already there.. the old one render useless unless you buy a casing.. only upgrade you get is size...

so its negligible..
This is the one I bought for my brother..

ASUSTeK Computer Inc. - Notebooks- ASUS K42Ja

core i5, 2GB RAM, 2GB ATI 5730
42K only..

Came with 2GB RAM..So added 2GB RAM later.

I found it cheaper than Dell XPS and Lenovo Y series..
build quality is equally good..
and aesthetically also they are very good..
Not sure about warranty and after sale support though..
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