My Cute AMPCAMP Built

Thanks to Sachin and Raghu for initiating this. A special thanks to Raghu for assembling the amp for me.

Been listening to it in my system for the last couple of days and it sounds amazing. Doing a good job with the Sonodyne 2504 towers. Bass is a little lose compared to a much higher powered amp but otherwise performing very well - transparency, tonality, soundstage all top notch.

Great going jai, please also post your impressions on the ACA with my Frugal Horn speakers that you heard. I am loving this combination and my Zaph have gone in the back and resting. Even my better half likes this combination rather than the Marantz amplifier :lol:. My setup is yet to be done and once finished will post the pictures of my completed FH and ACA.

Great going jai, please also post your impressions on the ACA with my Frugal Horn speakers that you heard. I am loving this combination and my Zaph have gone in the back and resting. Even my better half likes this combination rather than the Marantz amplifier :lol:. My setup is yet to be done and once finished will post the pictures of my completed FH and ACA.


Thanks for having me over to listen to the FH / ACA combo and also for holding on to the amp for me. Some key points about the setup and my impressions:
1. The chain was dedicated audio pc -> ODA -> Pass B1 -> ACA -> Frugal Horn speakers
2. I have spent a lot of time listening to single driver speakers and have owned three pairs (DIY bookshelf with Fostex, Audire Io2 with Fostex, Rethm Saadhana with Lowther and active bass section)
3. The FH and ACA setup got the essence of a single driver setup right - a realistic stereo image and very palpable "rightness" with vocals
4. The FH use very small drivers and the cabinet is also quite compact. Despite this, the bass made its presence felt and overall bass quantity was comparable to the Io2
5. There was some mild colouration in the mids, which I think will probably fix itself as the speakers break in and possibly with some positioning tweaks (i've always had good luck with single drivers without toe in). Apart from this, the midrange was quite impressive and lived up to all that one expects from a single driver speaker. The shoutiness that larger drivers sometimes face wasnt there.
6. The high frequencies were well balanced. I didnt notice any of the roll-off that some single drivers have and the bite / shimmer of cymbals was felt
7. The soundstage came together well and the "you are there" feeling that single drivers give was very much present. I suspect this is another area which will improve with some experimentation on placement.

Overall, it was a very well put together system. Frankly, to recreate this level of sound from a commercial setup would require significant investment in both electronics and speakers. Its obviously taken a lot of effort to put everything together.

edit: the ACA and single driver combo works well enough that I quite look forward to trying the amp with my Rethm Saadhanas once they are set up again.
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Here is my little AMP CAMP semi finished stuff..

Just finished assembling a major portion and tested with laptop signal, its sounding superb and driving my 6ohm Aiwa bookshelfs quite well.

Many thanks to Sachin for Kit, Raghunatha for Cab (and to test run my aiwa bookshelfs on his AMPCAMP), Aniket for responding to some silly queries and most importantly their endless patience in enabling diy. Thanks to all other FMs whom I pestered with various questions all through and their help in pointing to right direction without which the little ignition to do something in DIYmode after 20 years would not have sustained :D

Some build pics:
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Nice build Balu:thumbsup:,one suggestion,please use footers.The cab has air vents underside.This is class A and everything gets hot inside,footers will help running it little cooler.You can use Glass studs as Raghu used in his build.

Anyone tried the ACA with a tube pre - particularly the Lyrita DHT preamp? I'm curious to try it but a bit worried about impedance matching - the DHT pre has a ~1200ohm output and the ACA has a 10k ohms input impedance
The DEVIL is here

Well, its going to be one more build. I simply can't believe that these are 5W amps. They are driving my 2-way towers with ease. The music is amazingly pure.
Thanks Sachin for helping me to get the boards.

Here are a few pics. The cabinet is from scrap.







Yes, that is a fan..keeps the cab cool enough.

In fact, after reading "scrap," then seeing the pics, I concluded that he must have melted down the scrap and cast the cabinet!
:D. Thanks guys.
That actually was a part of a scrapped was like doing a "rag-picker's" job to find a good cab.
I am glad that I could find the right piece, but more important is the quality of the amp...was a bit worried about RF interference due to the open-cast construction. Thankfully I can hear none.
I have paired it with the B1 and am yet to turn the pot fully CW. When I moved the pot to the 3' o clock position, the family started complaining about the sound level:eek:hyeah:
Working on the SSP now. Finished the soldering part. Will now have to put everything together.

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Re: My Cute AMPCAMP Build started

Thank you Bijin. Its very good for near field listening, clean highest, very good mids and bass. My GR research speakers are only 86db. I am using B1 as preamp, which has unity gain. It gets very loud after 12 O clock position.

Re: My Cute AMPCAMP Build started

With my OB i am getting clean high / Very good mids and less bass.... Voice are superb and nice to hear..:)

Thank you Bijin. Its very good for near field listening, clean highest, very good mids and bass. My GR research speakers are only 86db. I am using B1 as preamp, which has unity gain. It gets very loud after 12 O clock position.

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