New joinee in DIY Arena

You guys Rock.

I am again regained the hunger to build a new one.

Now the big question is should I used the same speakers or not?
I have gone through few speakers set up designs and I can say that I know very basic knowledge about enclosure design.

DIY Audio Speaker Box Building FAQ - Tutorial

I must admit this is a good site, pretty simple language and easy to understand.
Before that, I didn't had any idea how the enclosure should look like form inside. :rolleyes: Now at least I know it may need not to be empty if there is more than 2 speaker and tall in size.

My first try with free damping material didn't go well. And after googling for few nights, I came to know abut Dynamate, decron, fiber glass, etc....

Are those available in Bangalore local stores?

My next projects over next week end is going to look like this

1.618 - DIY 3-Way Hi-Vi Tower Loudspeaker Project

I am looking for a 3way system with one tweeter and two woofer, one of them would be used as a mid. My existing box as a pair of 6" woofer and 2" tweeter. I believe, I can use the existing woofer for low range. Can I?

But I am not too sure how should I go ahead to modify the Bracing?

Let me start from here....

Question no
1. Can I use existing speakers?
2. If ans is NO, then which speakers shall I use? I am not keen to order them from outside when I am just going through hands on experience phase..... :)
3. Shall I use normal 1" Plywoods sheets as sandwitch or shall I go with MDF only or a combo of both?
4.I am still gather knowledge about cross overs, so can I get ready made 3 way cross overs in Bangalore local Shops?
5.Which dampening material I should use this time?

NOTE: I can spend the entire day at SP road or any where in Bangalore to get these items.... I just need a little guidance from all of you.

I am sorry for too many kiddish questions. But this time I would like to prepare better.

On a side note, my better half already started complaining for all this carpenting and electrician job... :D I promised her to build a smaller rack for my AVR by next week end instead of getting a new one..... :sad:
Hi Gurus,

Tomorrow I am going to start a 3 way tower speaker set.

I will use a combo of Ply and MDF material for enclosure.

Something link this .


Will use sandwiched .5" ply for side and rear parts and sandwiched MDF board for front.

This will be my second project and would like to take a step further but not so costly also.

Can any one ere guide me where can I get good cross overs and locally available drivers(may not be so costly) in Bangalore.

I found few cross overs in Ahuja electronis web site not sure whether they are available is Bangalore shop.

Please friends, kindly help me asap....

Thanks in advance.

Does Corrsson still sell drivers?

My AVR's specification is as bellow

5-channel powerful surround sound(600 W = 120 W x 5 max for Europe, 525 W = 105 W x 5 RMS, 700 W = 140 W x 5 max)

Can this model support a 3 way tower speaker?
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i am happy to see the diy hunger.. but the efforts will just not result in any great out put ordinary drivers used fails to give decent soundstage and other audiophile speaker qualities...
main reason being the motor system and cone is ordinary ..the diy speakers made from cheap drivers may be good for movie music and bass only.
i am happy to see the diy hunger.. but the efforts will just not result in any great out put ordinary drivers used fails to give decent soundstage and other audiophile speaker qualities...
main reason being the motor system and cone is ordinary ..the diy speakers made from cheap drivers may be good for movie music and bass only.

In that case shall I import them from site...

I am not sure how much import duty I have to pay or what will the cost of the final product....

Is there any shop in Bangalore where I can get good quality drivers?

I called corrson but they are closed. :sad:
Tapan, why dont you stick with two way or full range for the sake of simplicity? As you are starting out, why deal with complexity of crossover?
Hi TapasDas1980,

it has been a long journey for me - albeit, an interesting one that occupied my spare time!

and from where i am - i urge you to look at building the best 2-way speaker and avoid looking at 3-way -

2-way is the best compromise between noise and music (that is, if you are looking for hi-fidelity in an average size room - say to a max of 40 feet by 15 feet and a ceiling not more than 10 feet high)

and it is a waste of money to buy drivers and generic cross-overs- far better to go with the designs of clever people with experience in the field - of course, software is used to build these coffin boxes - but they work, and will not kill you with unpleasant surprises.

later on - when you have walked the road - you will realise that speaker designing is a black art - and if you have lucifer (or god) by your side - you will produce a thing of genius - that transcends mortality!

wish you all the best -

please visit -


you will find something here that will get you on the right path

regds suri
Thanks a lot Gurus,

At 2:33pm after receiving two suggestion for a 2way speakers system, I decided to start the project.

Bought a 8*4 MDF sheet, started my journey for a good carpenter who can help me the encloser the way I want. :)

Journey started at 3:00 and ended at 4:00 pm after visiting almost 6-7 different shops, I was able to catch hold of one intelligent carpenter who understood exactly what I want. :yahoo:

He started his job at 4:30 and by 7:00 pm, yahooooo.... I have little parts cut with precession. I was very happy. picture added below.

Here are the dimension

Hight : 34"
Width : 12"
Depth : 16"

I have decided to go ahead with this design so that later on I can simply switch the drivers instead of the whole box.

The front baffle is with the carpenter now for the circle cutting. I sand-witched two 19mm boards for the baffle. Will remain with him till 2:00pm for better fix.

I will go to SP Road tomorrow for a visit to GLOBE for the Philips drivers. Will also get silicon gel for clucking. But still in a fix for damping material. Does any one have any idea where can I get felt material in Bangalore? like this Cabinet damping

Does any one have any idea abotu Ahuja 2way Cross overs here?
Did any one tried to check the quality? I don't have any idea, never saw any ad for them but I have seen their work at many theaters and well known establishments.


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You can use 1 inch sponge which is used in sleeping beds and sofas. I used the same in my DIY speaker box, the audio quality is also good.
You can use 1 inch sponge which is used in sleeping beds and sofas. I used the same in my DIY speaker box, the audio quality is also good.

Thats a new idea. Thanks for sharing. Could you please share some picture of your DIY speakers? Will be much appreciated.
Tapas all the best,
probably this is the fastest speaker builder thread in HFV.
for damping u will get glasswool in the area near bamboo bazaar(the one next to frazer town)...
link for info on filling:
pics to get inspired
and detailed how to on finishing :

i also believe many times you should try to do things practically ,donot listen to any one...
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Tapas all the best,
probably this is the fastest speaker builder thread in HFV.
for damping u will get glasswool in the area near bamboo bazaar(the one next to frazer town)...
link for info on filling:get stuffed [English]
pics to get inspired DSC_7094.jpg (image)
and detailed how to on finishing :DIY Nation: ProAC 2.5 Clone Project - Part 4

i also believe many times you should try to do things practically ,donot listen to any one...

Awesome. Thanks a lot. This will definitely help me tomorrow when I will fill up my speaker set.

I got a full range speaker(Bolton) today from Globe Industries today at SP Road, but alas they had only one and it will take another one month to get the next lot. They had few Philips/Boston Acoustics but when I requested them to connect both Bolton and BS full range speakers, I found Bolton's performance much better than the BS. Hence took the Bolton one. :yahoo:

Now along with that I also asked for cross overs for my first DIY speaker project and after hearing the set up, he gave me a china made cross over and told me that it would be bale to drive my Dainty tweeter and Dainty Woofer.

Hence,requesting help from all sources to check the attached pictures and suggest me.

1. With the full ranger, shall I use a Woofer to get better Bass effect?
2. How shall I connect my Dainty Tweeter and Woofer to the cross overs. There nothing mention apart from some S1,S2,S3,... marking and that too with out mentioning which will be input and output:sad:

Please help me.....

Also, I am very happy about the Enclosure. I must agree that my carpenter did a great job and will definitely promote him to any member based on Bangalore. PM me to get the contact details. A :clapping: for him.


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Tapas !!!! you are a true fighter friend... All the best ... Hope the speaker make you dance to the music. :clapping:
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