ONKYO TX-SR608 where to buy in Bangalore

Does anyone know the latest local price in Bangalore for 608? And where to look for at that price? One of my friend is looking for one.
My friend wants a new one with warranty. Otherwise I would have given mine to him. BTW, the craiglist posting is mine :)
@kittu, If you remember I have sometime back spoken about going for marantz or something similar for better music.
A relative of mine has offered Denon 1610 for free as he is going abroad soon. But not decided whether to take that one or buy something else. If I take that one I might go for a stereo amp and a CDP/turn table. Another plan is to buy a new entry level AVR from Denon or Onkyo and buy stereo amp, CDP. Not decided yet. But everything if I get a good price for my 608. What do you think about the price I've put?
Price is your choice . But I feel its quite high. Another 2k you can get a new one .

Btw whoz the relative offering denon free , can I get his contact no ? :licklips::rolleyes: please . Since you are in dilemma ;) u know ..:p
He is an uncle of mine and can't charge from me cause of our close ties he he... but don't know what will he do if I don't take. Because being the pet of him I got this offer first and there are a dozen and a half nephews of him in the list waiting after me... lol

But why do you need this old one? You already have a 608 with you, am I right?
BTW, where can we find 608 for 40K in Bangalore? I am not sure if my friend has that much budget. He was asking me about something in 35 range. If not 608 he might be better think about Denon 1911, right? I guess that one is still retails for lesser than 608. Any latest pricing on that model?
But I will keep this in mind when I talk to him next time. If he does gives me and is OK with me giving it away, then feel yourself lucky otherwise I decide to keep it with myself.
Just kidding , why not consider yamaha 667 @ 36k ? Or tell your friend to source one from abroad like you , he may get a latest one . :)
I have in fact asked him to do the same thing, but the poor soul is nervous about taking the risk of void warranty. I told him about 1911 and 608 only as I have heard only these two. The thing is he himself doesn't want to try out or search anything but depends on my sole opinion. Well the fact is I am in deep trouble as I have to be even careful than for myself to make his purchases the best :-(
@Kittu, where did you found the 608 for 40K. What is the best price you have heard about 1911 and where in bangalore? Since its a holiday we are thinking about visiting these shops and get a quote. We may also look for Pioneer. I guess the model 920 or 1020. Who is the dealers for Pioneer apart from the guyz in infantry road?
My friend has gone for few auditions this week. He found Onkyo and Denon equally qualifying for his purpose. I don't know when is he going to take the final call. I guess at a small difference between 1911 and 608 he may well choose 608 with more features.

While for my 608 selling I got some one who is offering 34K for the AVR alone. I am yet to decide on that deal.
Imported one, Imrahn.

Kittu, I am yet to decide on the next purchase. This time I my choose to have a two box setup. one for movies (Denon 1611 or 1610 if I get it) and a stereo amp. The fact is I suspect Marantz is that ir may as well behave same as 608 done - very good on music and not good on movies. Well for 608 its the other way around.
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