Picture freezing via component


New Member
Nov 20, 2008
I have an MX component cable (Red, blue, green terminals) and I connected it tom my dvd player (LG DV388) and set the upscaling to 720p. Now, when I watch videos from the DVD player, the picture quality is very very good, but the image freezes for a second, regularly. Is this a fault of the component cable? I used an HDMI cable to compare if this happens for HDMI too, but HDMI settings worked perfectly without any freezes. Plz help.
Since it happens with one cable and not another, QED, it is the cable that is at fault. Try a different component cable.

I am curious. Since you have HDMI, why are you using component at all?

Since it happens with one cable and not another, QED, it is the cable that is at fault. Try a different component cable.

I am curious. Since you have HDMI, why are you using component at all?


I'm having Big tv dth, there's a component option in there, and so i wanted to use it and bought a component cable.

now i have noticed that when i'm watching tv via component, the very bright areas appear a bit "burnt". thats why i wanted to check if its the problem of my cable and so i connected it to my dvd player and checked. i found that the quality of pictures via component is as good as via HDMI, and there's no "burning" in the bright areas. but i found the freezing problem instead (which isnt there at all when i watch dth). :(

and the reason why i'm so concerned about component is that when i watch HD via STB (whenever that arrives, years later maybe! :D) i will have to watch it via component as my LCD is a low end one KLV26T400A and has only 1 hdmi port and 1 component port.
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Just try with a better component cable.


no offence but i thought mx cables were good. the cable dealer told me it was one of the best. :(

how much would a decent cable like monster or bandridge cost?
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