Dear friends...any one knows where i can buy Pioneer 610/410 DVD,and it worth upgrade from a my exsisting Sony Ns-708..looking forward to your help nad suggestions...Thanx
I do not have the idea about the Hyderabad market but, lot of our bangalore forum members have bought the same for Rs 6500 from National market here in bangalore, this pricing is for Grey market , with bill product will cost above 12k
Noking, the reason you did not get any reply is because there are two or more threads where DVD Players including the Pioneers and Sonys have been discussed threadbare with contributions on technology, picture quality sound quality, and where they are available.
The second link has 300 odd postings and has been viewed 15,000 times!! If you go into the Forum DVD players & DVD/hard-disk recorders, and read the threads there, you will find all the answers.