Projector Issues

Size of display and viewing distance should be a couple of factors which will determine whether you notice any substantial difference. What's your display size and distance?

120'' @ approx 15 feet

difference is definetly there but negligible compared to price factor (buying /renting bd's)
120'' @ approx 15 feet

difference is definetly there but negligible compared to price factor (buying /renting bd's)

Just saw your setup. Is your comparison based on HD65 or a 1080p projector?

If its HD65, then that would explain your results.
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Just saw your setup. Is your comparison based on HD65 or a 1080p projector?

If its HD65, then what would explain your results.

it is HD65

didnt get you here--- if you meant that would explain your results

you could kindly check practically with the right sources (assuming yours is 1080p) and get back
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Hey, I have a 42" Plasma TV. I have recently found that there are few movies coming in more than 1:35 aspect ratio. I guess some thing like 1:78, don't remember exactly. My TV shows up to 1:35 correctly in full screen but with higher ratios it brings in the top and bottom black ribbons. Is the Full HD projectors has ability to show these higher size ones as full screen?
it is HD65

didnt get you here--- if you meant that would explain your results

you could kindly check practically with the right sources (assuming yours is 1080p) and get back

Sorry, yes that's what I meant.

I use benq w6000 on 100" screen from 14 feet. I have not compared/seen any of these internet rips, but I have seen the difference between a 20gig blu-ray vs 35gig blu-ray (e.g. Batman Begins vs Dark Knight). The Batman Begins picture is definitely softer/less detailed. So a 10gig rip should be easily beaten by a 35gig blu-ray in pq.
Hey, I have a 42" Plasma TV. I have recently found that there are few movies coming in more than 1:35 aspect ratio. I guess some thing like 1:78, don't remember exactly. My TV shows up to 1:35 correctly in full screen but with higher ratios it brings in the top and bottom black ribbons. Is the Full HD projectors has ability to show these higher size ones as full screen?

I think you mean movies in 2.35:1 ratio show up with black bars at top and bottom. I don't think there is projector which can do this natively as yet, but you can use an anamorphic lens to get rid of the black bars or zoom out the picture to fill the screen.

There was teleivison from Philips which was in 21:9 ratio (about same a 2.35:1), which could show such a picture in full, I am not sure if they are still seling it.
You must be right. I don't exactly recollect the ratio number. Anyways it's bigger than the usual one. Somewhere I read that most action movies are shot in the higher size for iMax and the normal ones like comedy kind are shot in normal size.

I guess what you said about 21:9 should be correct. I remember Phillips has bought a new kind of TV a few months back for a nationwide demo. The sales girl over the phone was speaking something like this. Anyway's that was something near 2 lakhs or more so I never bothered to go for the demo.
Sorry, yes that's what I meant.

I use benq w6000 on 100" screen from 14 feet. I have not compared/seen any of these internet rips, but I have seen the difference between a 20gig blu-ray vs 35gig blu-ray (e.g. Batman Begins vs Dark Knight). The Batman Begins picture is definitely softer/less detailed. So a 10gig rip should be easily beaten by a 35gig blu-ray in pq.

i was very much of your opinion till a month back

no doubt the original BD content are better and detailed + HD audio (i have close to about 50BD's+)

there is compression on both A/V which is made out with good setup and larger screens but the D/L content thrills in its own ways
you have the latest @ finger tip no need to wait for official release to buy ,and quality close to (70:/: ) of original content and its updated with the latest
And @ the cost of buying n renting a slight 30:/: downgrade is negligible ,on the audio front the DTS/DD tracks do a fine job

but with a compression done by a professional its hard to tell the difference

initially i discouraged vinay from D/L but now i realise what he meant

my wallet is much better off too :)
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i have now recently taken vinays route of downloading and for the quality thats on offer am in serious doubt ,there is a diffrence, yes ,but then its hard to tell or pin point unless its a side by side comparision
what i noticed with PQ of a file size of 5-7gb is on par (@ least 70:/: ) with an original BD source
HD audio is not there but there is DTS or DD and then think of it you have a new release within days or before its theatrical release and that too of great quality and all free of rentals and buying costs

so i guess if you follow the professional trackers then this is the new economical route for me
First of all, there is a clearly noticeable difference between the original blu-ray and it's 5-7gb rip. Ofcourse the difference is less discernable if viewing on a 720p projector, but then that is not a fair comparison since the original blu-ray is capable of far more.

Secondly, stolen goods, which these downloads are, are all much cheaper than goods purchased legally. Thus any such comparison of value between stolen goods and legally procurred blu-rays is not fair or justified. I suppose based on this logic of value, we must all stop buying stuff and simply steal everything we want or need. It would definately be far easier on all our wallets.
First of all, there is a clearly noticeable difference between the original blu-ray and it's 5-7gb rip. Ofcourse the difference is less discernable if viewing on a 720p projector, but then that is not a fair comparison since the original blu-ray is capable of far more.

Secondly, stolen goods, which these downloads are, are all much cheaper than goods purchased legally. Thus any such comparison of value between stolen goods and legally procurred blu-rays is not fair or justified. I suppose based on this logic of value, we must all stop buying stuff and simply steal everything we want or need. It would definately be far easier on all our wallets.

hi sanjay

was expecting your reply soon

wonder where vinay is ??

no doubt original is original but........stealing by means of D/L, a copy of the original is good too on 720/1080

not that i would stop buying Bd's but cant afford to buy all the movies i want to watch and once watched how many times would one rewatch? so you need to sell, which again is troublesome and waiting for official release would take close to 6 months of theatrical release

Hollywood seems to do well even when there is a lot of stealing going on ,so harm to none

about wallet definetly it has become easier to all on this route of ......stealing
as long as we share the booty the crime is off

stealing everything you want may lead to trouble
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I salute you to come out in the open and agree on the rips factor. :clapping:

Indeed there are different school of thoughts between the quality of rips and disc.

Well that is the point, i can not see much of a difference between a rip and disc in terms of picture quality, this is what i have been saying from the roof top's since a long time, in-fact when i was in Banglore, i had told you in clear terms that keep away from the disc and get into the rip world.

I had been earlier downloading rips in 720p, which i saw to it were in the range of 5/7gb, if there were such rips in 2/3gb, related i never got into it. It is nice to know that you are saying that the picture quality is alt east 70% fine compared to a disc, which shall mean that you are also trying to say that it is way above 70% too.

About the HD audio, not being there in rips, could not be entirely true, there are rips available in 40gb too, by which you can get HD audio and by the way, many of our receivers may not support such audio, so it may be no big deal to have such audio, and we can be fine with DTS and related.

It is a major factor that often before the movies are released here, the rips are already available, what else can one ask for, that too in excellent prints. Indeed we will be free of rentals and buying costs but there are always so many in-direct costs, in my and many of we people's case we have realized long ago that rips is the way to go forward, irrespective of how others divert our discovery of rips.

Indeed if we follow the established up loaders, we are on a good wicket.


hi vinay

kind of getting this thread back into action

am sure most of you guys wouldnt agree here

i did advice vinay not to compromise on the quality and -------etc etc

i have now recently taken vinays route of downloading and for the quality thats on offer am in serious doubt ,there is a diffrence, yes ,but then its hard to tell or pin point unless its a side by side comparision
what i noticed with PQ of a file size of 5-7gb is on par (@ least 70:/: ) with an original BD source
HD audio is not there but there is DTS or DD and then think of it you have a new release within days or before its theatrical release and that too of great quality and all free of rentals and buying costs

so i guess if you follow the professional trackers then this is the new economical route for me
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at the time v met in bangalore i failed to understand you or rather ignored the fact about the quality factor of the D/L's ,was in the opinion how the bloody hell a file size of 5-7GB ever be compared to an original BD size of 30-40GB
but having experienced on my own i totally agree with you the d/l rips are equally good, the key here is to select the right file

about HD audio in the D/l's i think it may not be practical to D/L a file size as large as 30-40gb as it would take a long time

i also noticed the audio in the D/l file With Dts or DD is in fact very very good, i would say better than a reg1 dvd9

vinay ,let us know how does the D/L rips fare on your 1080P PJ as mine is 720


I too had ignored completely the download factor among reasons you mentioned, but the member who bought me into this, was very clear that dl is the way to go forward, as he had been doing so for quite some time and he took me through the whole process how it is done, because of such good members we are in a much better poistion to watch movies in a better way. It is like when we need to invest in mutual funds the gurus say that one should not put money in more then 4 funds, but i can beat them black and blue on their wrong thought, i am investing at any given time in more then 20 funds, and can even go upto 50 funds, without a issue.

It is very true that too download a 40gb file, just for the HD audio sake is not practical, keeping in mind that with movies our relation is like with a thermocal glass, use and throw, in cases where we have liked the movie too much, or we know it is going to be a good one, we can always go for a 40GB file or disc.

The picture quality in 1080P projector is good compared to a 720P, earlier i used to download a 720P, now i dl only 1080P, provided the file on a average is 10GB.

I know very clearly that when i had a 720P projector, then too the picture quality was excellent with the 720 rips in 4/5GB file. In other words you should stay put with the 720P projector, as you have not used much.


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Re: DL

keeping in mind that with movies our relation is like with a thermocal glass, use and throw, in cases where we have liked the movie too much, or we know it is going to be a good one, we can always go for a 40GB file or disc.

The picture quality in 1080P projector is good compared to a 720P, earlier i used to download a 720P, now i dl only 1080P, provided the file on a average is 10GB.

I know very clearly that when i had a 720P projector, then too the picture quality was excellent with the 720 rips in 4/5GB file. In other words you should stay put with the 720P projector, as you have not used much.



Right and Very well said by Vinay, the repeat value is all that counts, during the VCD era i purchased hundreds of them now all are eating dust in my store room.

I have purchased only a few DVD's and took Bigflix membership continuously for 4 years to fulfill hunger for movies.

BR rips is the way to go now man for shure as bluray disc's are still too costly.

yup, 720p PJ is sufficient as majority of the BR rips are in 720p. I also wonder if downloading is the way to go for most of us then these expensive BR disc players that we have purchased will feel jealous of our Media players:), now i feel i shouldn't have purchased my expensive BR disc player and should have experimented with media players first.
Re: DL

Right and Very well said by Vinay, the repeat value is all that counts, during the VCD era i purchased hundreds of them now all are eating dust in my store room.

I have purchased only a few DVD's and took Bigflix membership continuously for 4 years to fulfill hunger for movies.

BR rips is the way to go now man for shure as bluray disc's are still too costly.

yup, 720p PJ is sufficient as majority of the BR rips are in 720p. I also wonder if downloading is the way to go for most of us then these expensive BR disc players that we have purchased will feel jealous of our Media players:), now i feel i shouldn't have purchased my expensive BR disc player and should have experimented with media players first.

same story here too

i have 2 BD players an expensive Pioneer LX52 and a cheaper Philips BD3000
for reg A and C + an LG BD writer , all of which havent been used since the xtreamer and Asus mini arrived a couple of months back

wish the media players had come before the BDplayers

yup i do suppose the 720P PJ is more than sufficient to get close to 70:/: of all the effects of an original BD
My story is the opposite.

I was one of the early adopters with a NMT HD media player way back in Oct 2008.
I Have enjoyed 100's of movies in 720/ 1080p since then.

But since Jan 2011, I have gone for BD Player to enjoy the highest qualities that Video & Audio can offer today. I didn't want to compromise anymore. The movies have so much more depth and clarity and the HD sound so crisp and so involving. I am thrilled and lucky to enjoy the best technology as of date. :)
Disc - Rip

Well once you see a good rip then you can take a call if the quality is okay or no, there is no doubt that the disc is going to be better, but look at the cost and other issues. In spite of this rip is excellent, the evidence to that is Subhash and other movie freak are finding difficulty in seeing much picture quality difference between a rip and disc.

You have seen a 20gb & 35gb disc, and you are saying that the quality difference is there, but movies are different, so the quality often can not be the same due to a different seller, type of recording, etc. :)

If one watches movie in a 42 inch tv from 8/10 feet, will he find difficulty in seeing the quality difference between a rip and disc? Please advice. :licklips:


Sorry, yes that's what I meant.

I use benq w6000 on 100" screen from 14 feet. I have not compared/seen any of these internet rips, but I have seen the difference between a 20gig blu-ray vs 35gig blu-ray (e.g. Batman Begins vs Dark Knight). The Batman Begins picture is definitely softer/less detailed. So a 10gig rip should be easily beaten by a 35gig blu-ray in pq.
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My story is the opposite.

I was one of the early adopters with a NMT HD media player way back in Oct 2008.
I Have enjoyed 100's of movies in 720/ 1080p since then.

But since Jan 2011, I have gone for BD Player to enjoy the highest qualities that Video & Audio can offer today. I didn't want to compromise anymore. The movies have so much more depth and clarity and the HD sound so crisp and so involving. I am thrilled and lucky to enjoy the best technology as of date. :)

Reju, Good to see you enjoyed the both end and also know the well place to settle. Seeing the rips is for only convenience placing in a single storage, that makes a lot of people to stay there.
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