ReBangalore DIY workshop?

Ok folks, let the expressions of interest keep rolling in-we are already now at 20 and counting! We will try our best to give you value for money( and time to reszach the venue through Bangalore traffic)..
Ok folks, let the expressions of interest keep rolling in-we are already now at 20 and counting!
Going by the DIYers who have expressed their interest to participate, guess we can have workshops on:
  • Speaker Building
  • Amplifier Building

Just a suggestion, feel free to add.
me too.
can we also have some demos of speakers made by the diyers. and maybe some gyaan on what they were looking for and how they arrived at a particular design.
Going by the DIYers who have expressed their interest to participate, guess we can have workshops on:
  • Speaker Building
  • Amplifier Building

Just a suggestion, feel free to add.

Here are a few things I would be keen on:

* Restoring old working amplifiers (not repair):
- Recapping
- Re-soldering
- Cleaning old motherboards (not sure if my favorite method of placing motherboards under a running tap and then drying them using a hair dryer is a good idea :) )

* Converting 110v equipment to 220v.

* Some tips on restoring wood panels used in older audio gear (both speakers and amps).
A little bit of theory on speakers, wave theory, psychoacoustics, amplification, valve amplification etc.
Thanks Raghu

Let's see how many sign up/ express interest, then we can get a better idea about how many will be there.


Dates are going to be sometime in November, we can firm it up by consensus-probably one of the Sundays, right? Nov 6 ,13, 20 or 27th are the four Sundays in Nov. We will start working on the agenda next week, to see how many presentations/sessions we can have and what topics we can cover, and what level of complexity we can go to, for this introduction to diy audio.
Hi George,

Though many a times i was encouraged and Supported by Goldy.

I still have some fear in me to start my IWAI drivers 5.1 Diy system.

I really want to sign up for this.Please add me also into this.

Eager to meet all you gurus and make use of this session to and put an end to fear of DIY.

My recommendation of topics on agenda:
- TS Parameters & how they affect driver behaviour & box design
- Port design, tuning & placement.
- Box design, bracing techniques resonance arresting techniques etc.
What do you folks think about a series of workshops held periodically?

We choose one topic and cover it end to end ... have some demonstrations, hands-on learning etc. If the topic is too large, we can break it down further. This way we can have more focus and actually have a complete (atleast the theory aspect) idea about something rather than little info across various topics.

Just thinking aloud. Your thoughts?
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