Sony W450 series 40 or 46?


New Member
Feb 25, 2009
Hi All,

I live in UK and planning to gift a LCD to my brother. I have narrow downed to Sony W450 series. I am little confused whether to take a 40 or 46 inch. The distance of viewing is 6.3 Feet. I see in site that 40 inch is available and 46 isn't.. do you guyz know when is the 46 inch gonna be in market? and wats the best price that i can get for 40 inch as well as 46 inch? any other models that u can recommend apart from W series?

Thanks a bunch.
As you are in England, why dont you go to few retailers and look around for the TVs and see which ones looks better for the input sources.

I personally would go for a 42inch for 6 ft viewing distance unless your bro is going to be watching HD broadcast and DVD when I would go for 50 inches.

Hi All,

I live in UK and planning to gift a LCD to my brother. I have narrow downed to Sony W450 series. I am little confused whether to take a 40 or 46 inch. The distance of viewing is 6.3 Feet. I see in site that 40 inch is available and 46 isn't.. do you guyz know when is the 46 inch gonna be in market? and wats the best price that i can get for 40 inch as well as 46 inch? any other models that u can recommend apart from W series?

Thanks a bunch.
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