The What Hi Fi Show 2013!

Ozzy, thoroughly enjoyed the event as well, but really shocked to hear about your '500 rupees 'ncident' :eek: No wonder you wanted to go there & hear the 800D's whilst I wasn't so keen to go back & see/be seen by the 'big shots' of AVI lest I be given some 'special treatment' as well :cool:

Denom, thanks for the company and the gyan. B & W incident forgotten. That's life. On the second day I dressed up a li'l more "posh", just in
This is a 'big' post;
I am sorry.
I was just loosing track of what I had posted & what was O/S
So I decided to upload all the pics @ 1 shot.
Therefore this is very huge.
I am sorry.
Hope you guys like it.


Thanks a lot MBJ! Appreciate your efforts :clapping: I feel I do not need to upload pics taken by me since some of the pics I clicked are almost eerily similar to ones posted by you :p
A word on Bhagwan AKA MBJ AKA Shanti AKA Mazhar

1 has to admire his efforts at the show, right from the attention to detail paid by him for his attire (matching socks & other items!) to his personal 'touch' / camaraderie with the exhibitors / FM's, which was something really unique. The fact that he had a bath / changed his clothes/socks for the evening after show parties shows that he goes to some really 'audiophile' lengths alrite :D

Learnt a lot from him for sure ;)
What Hifi Show report...sort of

I am putting up the Part 1 of my report.
I just started writing from memory and some notes and I think I have written 6-7 pages in all so please feel free to skip to the section which interests you.
This is mostly from memory and that too from 4 days ago so please forgive me wherever I have missed details on equipment and otherwise.
This is more a narration of my visit to the show, what i heard and how i heard it. Its completely in layman terms. And its my personal opinion not a reflection on anyone else.
All the people participating and carefully listening at the show were more experienced than me in the audio world and I completely respect that.
So please don't get offended at anything i have to say.
Sadly i dont have pictures.

I will post part 2 shortly after this.

Part1. (10th Floor, Trident-BKC, 18th Oct 2013)


I began my day after catching up with Denom , in one of the rooms of Pro Fx.
The room had Kef R900 (~3L), Cabasse actives (11L) and Polk audio lsi705 (~2L) with all Chord electronics (Pre 3.5L, Pro 5.5L, Cdp 2.5L).

The room acoustics did not let anything but Polk Shine. Cabasse was booming as it was placed too close the bathroom glass wall,
The kef did not boom but was uninviting and flat. Polk had a small soundstage comparatively, could be again due to the placement but it sounded the most balanced.

Legacy Audio
Then we moved on to legacy audio who had their Focus (~6.75 L) and Aeris (~13 L).
The room killed the speakers, booming and awful. The sound stage seemed missing, placement seemed off to me.
Even in the center I felt I could only hear the sound from one speaker. The owner also admitted that the room had killed his system.
I just think they were too huge to control in the space given. I guess later the setup became slightly better as some FMs seemed to like it a lot but when I went right in the morning, it was bad.
Not much to comment except my ears started hurting after 3 minutes or so.

Focal Stella
Then down the hall there was Focal occupying at least two rooms.
One had their Chorus line and the other room had the Stella (60 L!) and the Scala (25L!). When I went in with Denom, the Stella was setup.
Just by the looks of it, for me it was by far the best looking speaker in the show. The finish, the design and sheer presence amazing!
I dont really remember the electronics it was paired with only that the power amplifier was an alien looking thing, huge and fascinating (name started with H?, someone fill in)
and there was DSP in place for room correction, I think Anti-mode 2.0?

The gentlemen in the room started the demo and immediately atleast I liked it, I wouldnt say I loved it but I liked it.
It was smooth and good separation and very soothing, one that we could go on listening to for a while. Yet it seemed very controlled, missing the wow factor.
Next Denom gave them his test cd and asked them to play a demanding electronic-techno track, and the speakers did so quite well with all the separation and the stage and
image but somewhat still missed the wow for me. Later in the day after another brief listen to the Stellas senior FM Prem and Denom
commented that though the speakers were nice (they should be for 60L!) the setup was not optimal and I take them for their word of course they know their stuff better than most.
But my 2 cents, when I listen to a system thats so expensive, as an audio-layman realistically I expect to be transported to a live concert venue or have the feeling that the artist is in the room irrespective of what the setup is.
That just did not happen.
We just paced through the Chorus room as there were a lot of people, but from the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of their Bird speakers, the medium sized ones, they looked very nice and much bigger than on the internet.
Sadly they were not setup otherwise I would have loved to listen.

Klipsch, Jamo, OPPO 103, Denon
Moving on we entered the next room and it had a display of James loudspeakers (looked nice), Computer speakers/Monitors by Studiomaster and some other stuff.
I forget the name of the Distributor company but in the adjacent room they had an HT setup. The electronics were Denon (I think) and the source was Oppo 103.
Two sets of speakers were setup Klipsch RF 8-II and Jamo C803. We requested them to be played in stereo as we really dint care much about HT.
We stayed there for just 2 minutes quickly realizing that though the presentation was clear, the separation was terrible, everything felt as if it was stuck together.
I think there was too much going on in the room and there was a lot of dead equipment.

We then tried to get in to the Dynaudio room setup by Mazher (Bhagwan) but there was no room. So popular!
We decided to come back later. I think i managed to get a listen only in my third attempt shortly before leaving the building.

Revel, Nad, Levinson
Next we met with the gentlemen from Lakozy (Harish, i think) and he directed us towards his first room which had Revel Ultima Salon 2, Stack of NAD electronics
(M51 DAC and other stuff from the same series) and a Levinson Power amp and again the DSP Antimode 2.0 The total setup was around 32L.
This room was setup by Mr. Grattin who was known to Denom and genuinely seemed to care about his work.
He gave us a nice long demo. The music was controlled from an Ipad that I think controlled a NAD Server/Streamer.
Mr. Grattin explained everything about the setup, the sound and the electronics.
I really liked the sound, very well balanced, just the right energy for me and very inviting.
I visited once more with Ozzie (Ozzstriker) later almost at the end of trip and it still sounded lovely.

JBL Synthesis, Lexicon, Oppo 103

Lakozy also had an HT room setup with fronts and center comprising of JBL Synthesis Array with accompanying duo of subwoofers, rear had Revel bookshelves,
electronics were Lexicon and the source was Oppo 103. We sat and had a small HT demo with blu-ray of Gijoe2 playing.
I was moved, amazing clarity, thump of air and earth shaking stuff. I dont know how to put it in words but there was a lot of air movement and earth movement but the sound was clear, balanced and beautiful.
There was no bhhoomm just a nice boom.
The gentleman explained that it took a long time and 8-mic apparatus to setup the room and I think it paid off handsomely.
Sadly we could not listen to the Arrays in Stereo mode, which would have been a treat as well. The total system cost around ~45 L approx including speakers. The pair of Arrays alone was 10L.

Lakozy had another room with PSB T2s but unfortunately I missed that somehow.
I regret doing that because I really wanted to listen to what the T2s can do as they are quite raved about online.
Anyhow I need to visit Lakozy in person next time I am in Mumbai.

This is around the time I realized how important cracking the setup is.
It really doesnt matter if you have a crazy expensive system if you dont set it up right.
I think atleast I spend a lot of time looking at specs and prices and reviews online but in reality not much of that matters.
Audition and even better a home audition is the only way to go about buying speakers.
And if you can buy from someone who will gladly help you set it up, nothing like it.

PMC , AVM and Khusroo Jilla.
That brings me to my favorite room and host. Nexus Audio Vision room by KJ.
All this while I was wondering who really buys all this expensive stuff, who is this exhibition really for?
Is it really for end consumers or is it for appointing and informing dealers? I think its for the latter primarily or at least thats how I felt initially.
Denom introduced me to KJ and then I later informed him about a common friend whose setup he had fine tuned and KJ immediately connected the dots.
He sat me down in the room which was oriented and setup slightly differently than the others. It was a minimalist setup. As Prem sir commented on the thread, most in tune with todays generation and spaces.
It had an AVM all-in-one (3.75L) connected to PMC Twenty.23 speakers (3.25L) , thats all.
The demo started with some soft rock and instantly I thought this is it, I came all the way from Jaipur to experience this.
I thought I was bonkers because I had found the cheapest system I heard till now, the best. But as other people confirmed my opinion I knew I was right.
We then moved to Bhimsen Joshi just because I wanted to get the idea of male hindi vocals, and I was not disappointed at all.
Overall the most balanced, simple and synergistic system of them all and by far.
I was then offered cold beer by KJ which I thought was very nice of him given that he had just met me.
Then I saw his bathtub full of beer and ice and KJ inviting just about everyone to listen and enjoy in his room.
I am mentioning this because I think that is what this hobby and passion is all about, enjoying the music with a beer.
Having a great time and forgetting everything else. The setup and atmosphere created by KJ made him a winner.
If I ever spend big bucks on a system ill surely seek out his advice.

Just then I asked KJ if these tiny PMCs with 5 woofers could do techno any justice.
He laughed at me, took Denoms cd and played the same track we had earlier played on the Focal Stellas.
And I think it was pretty much up there with the Stellas at a fraction of the cost. Stella had more scale but the overall sound of the PMC is just amazing, so smooth.
The only caveat with the PMCs is that I dont think they can go very loud, I cant quantify that because I did not try but thats what I feel and would like to try that out in my next audition.

It is here that i first came across Bhagwan, hurrying around meeting people and rushing to his room I guess.
We got introduced but did not get a chance to interact. He was most impeccably dressed out of everyone there.

Tannoy Turnberry with ST200 supertweeter, Bel Canto electronics.
In the room across from PMC was Jignesh Bhais setup from Surat.
The day I went he had the Tannoy Turnberry (~4L) setup with class-D all Bel Canto electronics (I think 14L for all?). On the top of the Turnberry's was the ST200 (1.25L).
I was utterly surprised at the combination of Turnberry with Bel Canto. But it worked. The turnberry look soo pretty, its like having a piece of Victorian England in your living room.
I think I could live with them forever, but my tastes include a fair bit of techno and electronic, somehow I would feel ashamed to play that on the Turnberry.
I am not saying they cant but I just felt rude asking them to even try.
We heard a bit of soft rock stuff and it was all very very good. One of the Top sounds for me but my decision is biased by the looks and the finish of the speakers.
Jignesh Bhai like KJ had minimized the room interference quite successfully.
Next day they were swapped for the Joseph Audio alas I was not there to listen.

I was happy drinking beer and thinking I had heard enough but then Denom reminded me that there was a whole other floor and we moved down to check it out.
Unfortunately we got trapped in the fire exit from the outside and had to be bailed out by KJ only after setting off some kind of a buzzer alarm to call a security guard.
Haha, that was funny.

More in Part 2.
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Part 2 of my report.

The 9th floor had only a few rooms.
I am going to write only a few lines about this as by this time I was almost drained and registered just some of the details.

B&W Nautilus
We entered the B&W Nautilus room by AVI.
I did not get the fuss about them at all. I dont think the snails look too pretty.
They sounded good but did not have the wow factor for me. I forgot to ask the price.
Maybe they could have been setup better or maybe the room was too small for them. Some people on the other hand loved them.

B&W 800s, PM-1 and Jeff Rowland
The other room by AVI had the 800s on display, the tiny PM-1 on stands all supported by latest Jeff Rowland electronics including the new Aeries DAC.
When I demoed it the PM-1s (~2L) were hooked up. And I was surprisingly pleased by the sound, the depth and the stage they managed being so tiny.
I dont know if it's because of the Jeff Rowland backend or not but I was seriously impressed by the PM-1s.
If they can manage that much presence with moderate electronics more suitable to their price then definitely they are winners.
Anybody looking for bookshelves in that price range should most definitely consider.
On display were also Goldern Ear Tritions and the higher end of NuForce electronics. They were not setup to play at the moment.

I am very happy that AVI came out with so much gear but given they represent so many brands I was left wanting for more.
It would have been particularly nice to see the tiny NuForce DDA-110 in action and also maybe the mini Maggie system.
Well I think its definitely worth visiting their showroom for more, specially since the owner (Mr. Cooper) mentioned they have 8 lovely demo rooms.

Jbl Monitors 4312, Marrantz
Then there was a room hosted by Sahil International who had on display JBL 4312 Monitors with Marrantz gear in stereo mode. I think they were cheapest speakers that I demoed overall at 60k.
I am sure they are good in their own right and they have been mentioned on our forum a couple of times as well but in that room they were terrible.
They were sitting directly on a glass top table and the vibrations were killing them.
I have no knowledge of how to setup a system yet I know you can't place speakers directly on hollow glass tables.
We were there a total of two minutes and decided they were not worth the little energy we had left.
It's a pity because I have heard so much about JBL monitors that I really wanted to like them. Maybe in a different setting they will justify their 60k price.

I was ruing the complete lack of Indian manufacturers. There was no Rethm, no Cadence, no Lithos or anyone else with a Made-in-India tag or at least I did not see any.
Finally then there were three rooms or was it four small interconnected rooms filled with new goodies from Sonodyne.
Impressed, Proud and Happy.
Moreover there was a board outside which welcomed HFV members for a special preview with snacks from 5-7pm.
I had to leave much before that so without waiting Denom and I walked in. By this time we were also joined by Ozzstriker (Ozzie).

On seeing Denom, the promoter of Sonodyne (Anindya, right?) quipped about the thread on Sonodyne in our forum where Denom and others have commented on the lack of enthusiasm and new products by the company.
There was a lot of new stuff around and ill right about what we managed to hear.
Sonodyne is making a big push into Powered/Active Hi-fi market. About time!
I am just going to refer to them as Active speakers as they are all bi-amped/tri-amped but I really don't know if they are truly Active.

First off was the new flagship the Opus 3200 (~3+) floorstanding speakers which have two 8" kevlar woofers, a 4" kevlar mid range driver and a 1" silk dome tweeter each.
Each tower is Tri-amped and has 450 W class AB total power. There is bunch of stuff about DSP and software tuned ports written in the brochure which i dont understand.
Most importantly to us it seemed very flat and boring and highly centered to a tiny sweet spot.
Denom and Ozzie reckoned it was a fresh set and not broken in. So overall disappointing first listen. But an interesting product.

There was also a new DAC in the chain also by Sonodyne, it seemed to work well but any further details about the chip used and other technical details were not known to the sales guy.
Next up I had a go at the new SRP series monitors, specifically the SRP 600 (~90-98k, dont remmeber exactly).
I was very impressed by it and the only drawback was the size, its huge for a 6.5" monitor.
There was a 5" one as well which sounded pretty much the same with a little less bottom end and overall authority.
Then there were a lot of tiny models also and the sales person kept switching between them they all sounded pretty decent.
I dont know the pricing for these but the tiny ones and the 5" one would make good computer speakers if they are priced right.
I was happy with the build quality and the finish of the monitors.

Then the three of us got to the next Sonodyne room with had Active bookshelves the Opus 2200 (1.2L) from the new Hi-fi range.
It was setup with the same DAC and a cd player (Don't remember the brand). We got a demo and it impressed us much more than the floorstanders.
The sound was clean, non fatiguing and they seemed to go pretty loud to me. I seriously would have thought of buying these if they were available for under 1L.
I think they present immense value and a great option for anyone wanting to setup a system for 1L. At 1.2L they seemed a bit over priced, as mentioned by other FMs in this thread before.
It would make for a interesting comparison with the latest AVI 9 RS model.

Also have to note that the red and aluminum finish with a big grill though modern looked a little industrial to me and
I would personally prefer an all red or all black lacquered piano finish with a minimalist grill that does away with the aluminum completely. After all they are Hi-fi speakers.

After happily demoing the 2200s we moved to go out on our way crossing yet another room of small speakers finished in total red or total white,
they were playing something but we did not stop to listen. I would assume they were Active Desktop speakers but don't know for certain.

Overall I am glad Sonodyne is coming out with so many products for the Indian Market.
Hope they are a success.

Dali Epicon 6, Fazon, Arcam
The three of us on Denom's behest went on to listen to the Dali Epicon 6 (7.5L) it was attached to Arcam gear.
Also attached was the Fazon (~2.5L) speakers and one could switch between them.
We started with the Epicon 6 and they were a very very good surprise, I am not familiar with Dali but I was very impressed.
To my ears, They produced a little warm but a very enjoyable sound. Definitely should be on the audition list of people looking for speakers in that range.
One of the top sounds for me certainly and I really did not expect it to come from Dali. The Fazon however were a total disappointment in comparison, only a lifestyle product and nothing more.
The sound coming from Fazon was muddled and irritating.
We switched back to the Epicon 6 and Ozzie used his phone to play a pop track wirelessly through the Arcam rBlink and the Epicon still sounded really nice and smooth.

Triangle, Quadral, Clear Audio, Project
Ozzie, Denom and me headed to one of the last few remaining rooms. These two rooms had been taken by the same company and the only ones that I came across that used TTs as source.
The first was a Clear audio table setup with Quadral (Montan Aurum?) , Cambridge audio phono stage and Primare amplification.
I did not get any of the prices. Just that it was not special in any way.
I could not really make out the difference the TT was making or how it sounded different.
Maybe I was too tired or mostly because my ears are not trained enough.

Right across in the other room was a Triangle Magellan setup with Project TT being demoed by an elderly and very nice gentleman.
He explained the system to me and Ozzie and played a rendition of the classic Summertime. It was an enjoyable experience specially because of the gentleman.
The gear was also good.
I still have to listen to more TTs to really understand them, I even have a Garrard lying at home - out of order, :(.
But what i listen to mostly is really new stuff and its near impossible to get records for them.

Anyways, It was past my time to leave and I headed back to the rooms where PMC and Tannoys were there.
There I met with Prem sir and Denom again in the Tannoy Turnberry room and a another quick listen. Classic.
They really are take home speakers for a lot of reasons. With them I headed back into the PMC, listened for one last time to confirm that for the price it really was the best system there.
There is no doubt about that in my mind.

Finally on my way out I caught hold of Bhagwan for a few seconds and spoke to him, exchanged a few pleasantries and sat down to listen to the Dynaudios.
The bookshelves were playing with Parasound (?) electronics and they were really good.
This is the only time I got to hear a slow bollywood number being played during the entire day and it was a really nice feeling.
The dynaudios were nicely setup and provided the needed warmth to the song.
I am sure Dynaudio had some winners in the same price range as the Tannoy and the PMC but i could not stay and listen to them.
Another audition is a must to decide on that. Or someone who listened to the Dynaudios at length at the show can comment?

Before leaving I wanted to say my thanks and goodbye to Denom. So I caught up with him and Prem sir auditioning MBL.
It was the MBL Crona standmounter (~7-7.5L) mated with all MBL electronics but from the much more expensive Classic line.
To my ears the sound was good, the vocals specially had something special about them that I cannot put words to.
I would like to say 3D or at least once I felt that the lady singer was present in the room. But it was too short a time to make judgments but over all I loved it.

With the lady's voice still ringing in my head I left the show very happy, satisfied, informed and better prepared for any of my next auditions.
Overall, my trip from Jaipur was totally worth it. I would like to do it again.

Biggest regret was the lack of time, if I had another day I could have really done so much more and would have been able to listen more carefully as well.
I really need to audition most of the things more properly. I also had to skip all the booths across the street that included Genelecs, which I really wanted to audition.

1. Most importantly, My sincerest thanks to Denom for letting me tag along, for encouraging me to listen, for making me sit in the sweet spot all the time.
Thank you and I really look forward to doing this again with you.

2. Great effort to put up such a nice show. Good job and kudos to the organizers.

3. Two things I really missed were Desktop/Pc setups and more DACs. I think the youth today, me included, only use a PC for music.
Mainstream Hi-fi dealers and brands should address those needs in better ways.

4. More budget oriented setups would have also been nice, though I understand its good marketing to bring your best and wow the crowd.

5. Some dealers did not take time to optimize their setups maybe because they thought people would not be "audiophile" enough to notice.
I think they will realize that they made a big mistake. Good setups made all the difference irrespective of the gear. Even a novice like me got that.

7. Avenue Sound had a pair of Pioneer FS52! (Finally) - Dont know the price but this is good news!

9. Regret the Lack of Indian Speaker manufacturers in the Rooms Section.
I don't know why they were absent but would have really liked them to be there.

8. If I have hurt anyone through my commentary, I sincerely apologize.

Best system of the show (sound and vfm) - PMC & AVM - total of around ~7L

Best Speakers
Best under 3L - 1. Sonodyne Opus2200 2. B&W PM-1
Best from 3-5L - 1. PMC Twenty.23 2. Tannoy Turnberry
Best from 5- 8L - 1. MBL Crona 2. Dali Epicon 6

Special Mention : Revel Ultima Salon 2 - I dont know the price but would definitely be the top pick in its range.
Jbl Synthesis Array : Top sound in HT Configuration

*I was not able to audition a lot of speakers including Martin Logan, PSB T2s, some Dynaudios and many more so this is purely from what I have heard.

I hope this was not boring for all of you. I had a blast attending the show, Hi-fi attracts a lot of nice people and I am happy to be the tinniest part of the group.
Once again it was great to meet all FMs and other people. I learned a lot

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Thanks a lot MBJ! Appreciate your efforts :clapping: I feel I do not need to upload pics taken by me since some of the pics I clicked are almost eerily similar to ones posted by you :p
A word on Bhagwan AKA *** AKA Shanti AKA *****

1 has to admire his efforts at the show, right from the attention to detail paid by him for his attire (matching socks & other items!) to his personal 'touch' / camaraderie with the exhibitors / FM's, which was something really unique. The fact that he had a bath / changed his clothes/socks for the evening after show parties shows that he goes to some really 'audiophile' lengths alrite :D

Learnt a lot from him for sure ;)

I prefer to be called 'bhagwan' on this and any other forum.
Shall appreciate.
Please keep all other names out.
The effect of visiting this exhibition - I bought a NAD DAC amplifier. I was initially planning a rotel RA11/RA12. I wasn't aware that NAD has a DAC amplifier. Lakozy guys enlightened me on this. I immediately visited their showroom after coming back. It burned a hole in my pocket :eek:hyeah:. Read more in the amplifiers section.
Well written Arhantd, it was structured well and easy to follow by any user.

+100 to heliumflights comment. Arhant, you are getting there ... FAST!!! :clapping:

I prefer to be called 'bhagwan' on this and any other forum.
Shall appreciate.
Please keep all other names out.

Noted ;) Was just having some fun, no offense meant! After all God is God :eek:

The effect of visiting this exhibition - I bought a NAD DAC amplifier. I was initially planning a rotel RA11/RA12. I wasn't aware that NAD has a DAC amplifier. Lakozy guys enlightened me on this. I immediately visited their showroom after coming back. It burned a hole in my pocket :eek:hyeah:. Read more in the amplifiers section.

Congrats! Now enjoy your set-up for a while :p
Thanks a ton! Means a lot coming from you. I hope i havent made to many errors in my recollection of the day.

No, you've pretty much covered everything in the right manner, so kudos to you for remembering everything well :lol:
Sanjiv Chona profiles | LinkedIn
The link says that he is Chairman & Founder at Audio Vision India Pvt.
Dont expect such a moment if he is Founder(?).
I liked the approach of senior Gentleman in Primare + Triangle room.
He just shared his music knowledge and did not deny any setup request.He even set Cambridge audio streamer immediately even it was not planned for Demo.:clapping:

AVI have always been snobs. Thankfully AVI Delhi has closed down... !!!:clapping:
Hello All !

The Show got 'covered' in 'print'
The Latest issue of the What Hi Fi Magazine has a few pages that are dedicated to the audio show in Mumbai - BKC - Trident.
Some of you may want to take a look. 20 pages of it.:clapping:

I liked seeing my pic in it - thank you - Haymarket, it is here :- :yahoo:

Download What Hi-Fi Sound and Vision India – November 2013 - PDF Magazine

[I hope the link works]
From the What Hi Fi India site (emphasis mine):

The very essence of What Hi Fi? is great audio and video and the best way to experience this is to see the pages of our magazine come to life!

What Hi FI? (India) is reviving the concept of a high-end Hi-Fi show in the country, complete with its expertise in the field and as a prominent body in the consumer electronics and Hi-Fi industry.

The What Hi Fi? Show will showcase the absolute cutting edge of audio/video technology in a format that will allow keen enthusiasts a chance to see and listen to some of the finest hometheatre and stereo gear available in the country.

The exhibitors, again from the site.
Buy from India's official online dealer!