Use plain english


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
Some users are using sms type english which is very irritating to read on. Abbreviations for long sentences are acceptable. But what is the need for sms like typing when there is enough space? Express your views please!
most of the time i browse with my mobile ,its easy for me to type some words in sms format ,now too I am from my mobile only.i mostly use u,pls,ex,etc....
I dont think these words disturb u,these words are simple and hope it is acceptable.
I forgot those browsing from mobile phones. As i mentioned commonly used abbreviations are welcome. But too much use of sms style that include combination of letter and numbers like gr8 will make the posting unattractive. As for me, i will simply skip those threads.:)
Please refer to and follow the following rules:

All publicly displayed messages are limited to the English language. This includes posts, titles, signatures, and any attachments or other forms of public display.

Do not post text in ALL UPPER CASE. The internet community considers this to be SHOUTING and therefore discourteous.

Avoid using txt speak. There is plenty of capacity for creating eloquent, correctly punctuated posts. Txt speak will not get a good response from forum members and is likely to be deleted by moderators.

If you find it difficult to type normal words from cellphone then wait till you get home/ office to post from PC. In that case you can use cellphone to just read new messages and keep yourself updated:)
If you find it difficult to type normal words from cellphone then wait till you get home/ office to post from PC. In that case you can use cellphone to just read new messages and keep yourself updated:)

One of the most sensible suggestions I have ever come across.

Please refer to and follow the following rules:

Do not post text in ALL UPPER CASE. The internet community considers this to be SHOUTING and therefore discourteous.


i think the same "Internet Community" will in the days to come discourage the use of the meaningless, inane, vapid and vacuous..'cheers'
..but given the conservative nature of the arbiters they will probably wait for the "internet community" to make that call..

I have seen. I was curious if he wants to use something else as seems very cross with "Cheers".

i am not cross with cheers. ..however i just realized how meaningless it was especially when one terminates a post ..( " i am closing the thread ...cheers.".)..that ' cheers' sounded more than hollow and sounded almost sadistic...
They have a saying in management lessons - 'look at even a negative step with a positive attitude.'

HFV is just a forum for discussing AV. It is not life and death. So, I am sure we can take every post with a positive attitude.

Cheers (Again?)
Please do not take topic offroad.
Even i agree that sms langauge to some extend is ok but if compltely written than we need to repeatedly ask the user what he wants to convey."what the use if enter a hindi cd and dialouges comes in chinese langauge."
Even i agree that sms langauge to some extend is ok.

I am sorry. If you read the rules, you will understand we do not encourage or allow SMS language, or texting. You have no space restriction, and you are expected to write in full.

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most of the time i browse with my mobile ,its easy for me to type some words in sms format ,now too I am from my mobile only.i mostly use u,pls,ex,etc....
I dont think these words disturb u,these words are simple and hope it is acceptable.
Almost every mobile nowadays has the option of predictive text input, which makes writing the complete and proper word more easy than the short or abbreviated word, if you are using plain English. It is matter of habit to use the short or abbreviated words.
It is matter of habit to use the short or abbreviated words. Regards

I agree. I would request all members to take a little time and form their words, sentences, and replies properly. There is no hurry. The often repeated statements that, 'as long as the message is sent, it is ok', is being lazy and maybe, even, rude. English, like most languages, need to be spelt correct and sentences need to be formed properly for the message to be transferred properly. Unlike Indian languages, English sentences could take a different meaning if not written properly. Many times, I have seen members being very rude without even knowing it. And frankly, sentences without capitalization, spaces, punctuation, and correct spelling sound rude.

We are like a club of like minded people. Let us work together to make HFV a place we are all proud of.

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Dear all Greetings, I would fully agree that not every one who can speak a good english would be able to bring that in to their written language. Any how they can bring that as far as possible to a descent presentation. I am also fully of the opinion that all these abbreviations are for live chatting and character constrained messages. When we can sustain or improve upon our written language why to spoil it. Also note, further in my opinion any message ending with 'Thanks and Regards' carries a lot than any other way of completing a post. So let us all make this forum also place for polite and a graded place to interact with.

Thanks and Regards.
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