

New Member
Aug 21, 2009
I'm an ethnic Indian born and bred in Singapore, been to India only twice, the last time 19 years ago...:)

I'm a music and home theatre enthusiast who participate fairly regularly in local forums. But be warned: my knowledge of either is extremely limited. My interest is strictly as consumer!

I listen to both English and Tamil music. My interest and knowledge of Hindi music has not developed since Bobby and Yaadon Ki Baarat, sorry! But I love the Hindi gals...;)

I dont really watch Tamil movies, save for the occasional Kamalhasan movies. But I have a fair number of English movies. I'm into blu-ray too now.

I stumbled onto this forum during a google search and, frankly, I was really surprised. Forgive me, I do not mean to offend but I never thought hi-fidelity music was of much interest in India. Silly me.

I can see now you guys really know your stuff. I'm hoping to participate and learn from you guys in time. Especially about tamil music and movies.
welcome to the forum dada (we are bongs so...)

Can't help much wrt to tamil music/movies but anything in between from cars to politics to hi-fi thrown in - we are game, but we will redline at the hi-fi stuff only :clapping:
I'm an ethnic Indian born and bred in Singapore, been to India only twice, the last time 19 years ago...:)

I'm a music and home theatre enthusiast who participate fairly regularly in local forums. But be warned: my knowledge of either is extremely limited. My interest is strictly as consumer!

I listen to both English and Tamil music. My interest and knowledge of Hindi music has not developed since Bobby and Yaadon Ki Baarat, sorry! But I love the Hindi gals...;)

I dont really watch Tamil movies, save for the occasional Kamalhasan movies. But I have a fair number of English movies. I'm into blu-ray too now.

I stumbled onto this forum during a google search and, frankly, I was really surprised. Forgive me, I do not mean to offend but I never thought hi-fidelity music was of much interest in India. Silly me.

I can see now you guys really know your stuff. I'm hoping to participate and learn from you guys in time. Especially about tamil music and movies.

hai BJ,

Varuga varuga

N Murali
.... My interest and knowledge of Hindi music has not developed since Bobby and Yaadon Ki Baarat, sorry! But I love the Hindi gals...;)

Those gals are old now and are taken over by a younger crowd.

Anyway welcome to the forum and hope you receive and share good quality info.
Anubu mikka bj


Throw you questions here and members here are game enough!

Have a nice stay!

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