Why People hate Bose


Please send a copy of this thread to Dr Amal Gopal Bose , poor fellow will definetly have a heart attack at this old age.........
Hey Gobble,

Can you please share your experience for your audition with Bose speakers? I mean what are the major shortcomings that stuck you.


Now, You know why no one asks Gobble questions like this?? :D :eek:hyeah:
Ever sat in a Rickshaw where the backseat space has been taken up by two huge wooden speaker boxes
OMG!!! Gobble Don't tell me you traveled by Bablu's rickshaw (Bablu - the Bass Blaster) ??? Those woofers are what propels the rickshaw in forward motion. :eek:hyeah:
His inbox is filled with much wilder criticisms I am sure.
Bose people don't 'listen' to criticisms. :D
This is precisely why a new thread will start(perhaps by the OP :rolleyes:) reading " W I H G " (WHY I HATE GOBBLE) :lol::D:eek:hyeah:

@ GG,

Seriously, you have way too much free f@#King time at your disposal. Make good use of it by writing some goobledygook action/hi-fi/space/alien/drama novel / script for a movie. What say HFV'ians???:rolleyes:

Bambaiyaa Hindi mein bole toh isse kehte hai 'Dimag Ki Maa Ch*dna' :mad:

Yes bro you are right. I was thinking logic of gobbles post..and many of his so called funny posts I do not find ANY relation with the simple query asked..about his experience of auditioning bose vis a vis other audiophile/normal speakers..
You must be smoking some heavy stuff man.. and that is why you assume 5% rejection rate or 10% rejection rate is STANDARD in industry.
I am referring your post in denoms GO thread Marantz CD6003 Group Buy
Oh I don't "sample" I let others do it under my "supervision" :D
I may be "elsewhere" :rolleyes: hence you won't see me frequently here :)
But we are going OT.
I had a question about the group buy -
1. Since this "vendor" is buying a carton exclusively for you how will he handle warranty replacement? He will sell ALL his gear after getting confirmed order for the set number of pieces, and he cannot afford to acquire the carton if the numbers fall short. So how will he replace one or two defective lemons? In a bundle of 20, at least one or two are bound to be lemons going by probability.
Aaah ... the game of Russian Roulette begins ... I am having a front row seat and enjoying it only :eek:hyeah:

What probability you are talking man? ONE IN TWENTY DEFEcTIvE????Which industry has this kind of tolerance rateor it is your delivary standard ???Sorry if anyone in electronics delivering this kind of quality HE DESERVE TO BE CHUCKED OUT OF MARKET. I worked on some really bad products but quality was NEVER SO LOW. In fact anyone expecting such low standard is actually showing his lack of knowledge or his low acceptance level.
Really @ 5% rejection rate the company will cease to exist as margin in electronics are low.And sir expert we are talking about marantz a high end manufacturer.
But gobble wanted to play a spoilsport ,wanted to plant a doubt with baseless facts .Buy why? for no reason .or he wanted to enjoy the fact he can spoil a thread.
BTW look of the threads he starts ,it that he maintains all his seriousness. Nothing against humour ( In fact many times I try to crack (cheap) jokes. But his answer given to one simple query was not at all funny IMHO.
Gobble sometimes I feel you are lonely and have lot of free time. Have a life man,,,life is beyond hfV AND ELECTRONICS,. Look at life in positive manner and life will smile at you.
That was harsh and uncalled for!

it was bit harsh... but i empathise with hemant's feeling and intent of posting...

it is easy to ridicule someone... and not every question needs to be trvialised and the poster made to feel dumb just because he/she feels that a product like BOSE is ok for him/her...

a joke is appreciated once in a while. but, as hemant rightly pointed out most of Gobble's posts are (extremely well written) useless gibberish.

and it would be great if he shared a serious insight along with the joke.
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Yes bro you are right. I was thinking logic of gobbles post..and many of his so called funny posts I do not find ANY relation with the simple query asked..about his experience of auditioning bose vis a vis other audiophile/normal speakers..

Your problem is that you try to think man .. when you should rather be just chilling off!! :eek:hyeah:

You must be smoking some heavy stuff man.. and that is why you assume 5% rejection rate or 10% rejection rate is STANDARD in industry.
I am referring your post in denoms GO thread Marantz CD6003 Group Buy
What probability you are talking man? ONE IN TWENTY DEFEcTIvE????Which industry has this kind of tolerance rateor it is your delivary standard ???Sorry if anyone in electronics delivering this kind of quality HE DESERVE TO BE CHUCKED OUT OF MARKET. I worked on some really bad products but quality was NEVER SO LOW.

Shows your intellectual caliber. Some access to purportedly factual knowledge that others did not chance upon makes you feel so inflated and superior?!!! Shows you are not capable of any deep thought, understanding and wisdom that goes beyond mere superficial acquisition of some little facts and tidbits. Why did you not make an informed and educated post on that thread supplanting your perspective with some data and references? Or is your empirical data just another set of assumptions that helps self-label yourself as one with magical insights and superior understanding?!! Hints of narcissistic self-inflation here ?? :D

In fact anyone expecting such low standard is actually showing his lack of knowledge or his low acceptance level.

A personal attack driven by a sense of being aggrieved about another individual who has never interfered in your life? I would recommend you introspect on your childhood and upbringing to find out the root cause of such a mindset and throw it out. You will become a much happier individual for sure. :)

Really @ 5% rejection rate the company will cease to exist as margin in electronics are low.And sir expert we are talking about marantz a high end manufacturer.

Data please? Do You have any reports from the consumer electronics and manufacturing Industry?
But gobble wanted to play a spoilsport ,wanted to plant a doubt with baseless facts .Buy why? for no reason .or he wanted to enjoy the fact he can spoil a thread.

I didn't see any subsequent posts where a member backed off from the group buy because of this anxiety and fear - after my post. Or did you simply imagine and assume it and decide to portray me as a villain so you could be some kind of hero to other members in this community? The question I raised was a valid one (never mind the malicious looking smileys). What will happen if one out of the twenty happens to be a lemon? Did anyone try to answer that?

When I asked about replacing my WF 9.2 on delivery about a minor scratch, the dealer was not only speaking in an agitated and rude manner, but told me it would take 3 to 4 months for replacement to arrive and he would keep my speakers until the replacement arrived. Imagine that happening to your CDP when you are all excited and just starting out in the HiFi journey after shelling out what is deemed an "outrageous" amount when one is used to seeing 5K DVDPs? When taking a leap of faith in the purported qualities of an audiophile CDP "that does nothing but plays CDs for up to 20K"?!! Did you even make an attempt to address any ones fears with your "superior" insights and knowledge in the industry - on that thread? All I see is this little rant here about your latest enemy that you so desperately want to vanquish :)

BTW look of the threads he starts ,it that he maintains all his seriousness. Nothing against humour ( In fact many times I try to crack (cheap) jokes. But his answer given to one simple query was not at all funny IMHO.

Sometimes people don't get the joke or are not in the mood for it. Whatever.. :) The above could have been a sidebar in your posts when you participate seriously in a thread and find such humor distracting. After all everyone has a right to free speech. But the motivation for this post here is plain negativity.

You will notice in all the threads that those who have something genuine to contribute are not at all distracted by my posts and simply make their point ignoring my post without a grudge :) (bringing some sanity back ... to my own relief ;)).

Gobble sometimes I feel you are lonely and have lot of free time. Have a life man,,,life is beyond hfV AND ELECTRONICS,. Look at life in positive manner and life will smile at you.

But my dear man .. This is my life!! ;) One can pretend one is going places in life by having somber and serious conversations while he rides the same potholes, past the same gutters and smells the same sewage, day after day on his daily commute from home to office and back (While I travel in my spaceship, visit the nearest black hole and come back to the comfort of my house with ease :D).

Then again one can also spend may be 10 hours a week or more in front of the idiot box and then delude oneself into believing he is well informed and growing intellectually and going places in life :rolleyes: Or that doesn't count as wasting your life does it? Perhaps you call it "quality time" with family :eek:hyeah: With ZERO hours in front of the TV per week, it costs me nothing to surf the net and have a good time. The question is - Which option is going to give you a better life? Your trashy TV programming or the Internet? :eek:hyeah: It is just a matter of a slight variation in bad tastes ... is it not? ;)

An analogy for this conduct would be like standing knee deep in the gutter and shouting expletives at others about how dirty they are, like the beggar and madman!! :eek:hyeah: :clapping:

For those who genuinely wonder - I never know what I am going to type when I hit the reply button. All I have (at most times) is a joke impulse and I will even claim the the humor is in my fingertips as I type (those that play the Guitar or any musical instrument will understand about the memory being in the fingertips and playing without conscious thinking). Unlike what this less talented poster might imagine - It takes me absolute no effort to think Gobbledygook and attempt wacky jokes!! Beyond the biological energy it takes to type i.e. While I can very well imagine it may be a whole days labor for his type :eek:hyeah:

I also make no pretenses to being knowledgeable and only a hideously prejudiced mind will perceive this as a cover-up for lack of knowledge.
One may or may not recall a court jester when he follows my posts ...
It is an online persona and it is NOT me while still being driven by my impulses wholly. :)

I do have some leisure time and not ashamed of it. It is a privilege I choose to fritter away in my own way :) In case you didn't notice, I am not labor class that toils all day to earn my meal. ;) My privilege, and I see no need to pretend I am busy and therefore going places :)

My advice and verdict? Find some better challenges in life my man !! Something related to self-development not stamping others down :eek:hyeah:

Yours Truly
(The Forum Jester)
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I think you should put up a strong protest with the moderator for what is being written about you on this thread.

I had protested with the moderator, when crap was written towards my writing. The moderator had promptly deleted the post, i wish some warning should have been issued.

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I think you should put up a strong protest with the moderator for what is being written about you on this thread.

I had protested with the moderator, when crap was written towards my writing. The moderator had promptly deleted the post, i wish some warning should have been issued.


Thanks vinay ....Dave , Vinay and Manav thanks for the support.

Really want to answer but in a moving vehicle and going to by native place ...so with limited connectivity ..will answer all the allegations tom night or on monday. Till the time let others contribute and moderator take the call.

Feel sorry for the thread starter as his thread is butcheed and we know that some "audiophile " can take one brands audition by listening other cheap brands in auto !!
Thanks vinay ....Dave , Vinay and Manav thanks for the support.

Really want to answer but in a moving vehicle and going to by native place ...so with limited connectivity ..will answer all the allegations tom night or on monday. Till the time let others contribute and moderator take the call.

Feel sorry for the thread starter as his thread is butcheed and we know that some "audiophile " can take one brands audition by listening other cheap brands in auto !!

yes - the thread starter - (and all participants) might now be hoping that this quicksand had not happened!

that said, - let me speak for both parties - if i may-

(1) the title of the thread is provocative- and if there are dismissive and derisive posts - they are to be expected (and ignored?)

(2)where "BOSE" in concerned - there will be 83.5% supporters - and 16.5% dissenters - because not many are interested in music that (audiophile) way-

(3) both hemanthwaghe and gobble are valued members of this forum - and we cannot afford a feud (arising from an inconsequential matter) between these two - our forum would be the lesser if this happened-

I am not wrong if I say that "I saw this comming"

I've been explict in my post earlier.
I too think the intervention of moderator is necessary. The post sounds nasty. High time to stop the missiles. Hemant and Gobble are too valuable members to let the healthy forum ambiance be spoilt.

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The thread was around emotions - why people hate "Bose" and not about "is bose value for money" or "how do bose speakers weigh on specs". With this kind of random post, gobble's response was apt.
Though some of guys may have some history of conflicts with gobble hence their reactions but reactions in this thread are totally uncalled for.

Why I hate Bose? Because when I had no clue about what hifi is about, I was pulled into a bose showroom and I was told that this is the best in audio, and priced correctly for being the BEST. I believed them. And later when people laughed at me for my ignorance, I felt cheated. Thereafter I started hating bose.
i agree with you, anm.

since i was in my teens and used to listen jagjit singh and bollywood of early nintees on my National Panasonic 2in1, i had a desire of a HiFi and Bose used to be my holy grail. i used to see the ads in Readers Digest and wonder how wonderful will be the moment when i would own one (not knowing that the ads were actually a large chunk of their costing model)! then, when i was capable of owning a 5.1 and time came for looking for one some 5 yrs back, i first got feedbacks about my holy grail and knowing its exorbitent price, i choked my throat! i settled for a Sony.

Today, again, when time came to replace the HTiB, my first preference was Bose! I started to gather info on the hi end systems, auditioned Onkyo, JBL (till that time, i had not heard of Jamos, or Wharfedales, or Dalis, or Polks) then I came accross this forum 3 months back and came to know that the grail i was so wishing to own, was actually an empty vessel which made just noises and held no substential water amongst the audiophiles. still, i wondered ''how could this be true!!!'' but after auditioning Bose along side other setups, i threw in the towel to the masters of the audiophile world and agreed that it was not worth it.

i do believe that people hate bose because of the value for money proposition and believe that at the same price, one could definately own a much much much better system.

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It is true some guys may have history of writing wrong things in form of insulting etc, hence the fair reactions from others are a must and warranted, there is nothing wrong in this, giving examples of wrong rubbing is surely in the right direction and is wisely called for.

It is like if someone continues with the wrong writings, could be very much fine for a few, but bringing in their adverse track record is not good.

I fully understand your reasons to hate Bose. There are events which make us hate and like some. In my case i truly hate a leading shop in Juhu area, who sells high end home theatre's and related, he tried to fleece me with a very high price for my fibre based screen, and for consultancy on acoustics, he may have the best of knowledge but his ethics are surely not in the right direction.


The thread was around emotions - why people hate "Bose" and not about "is bose value for money" or "how do bose speakers weigh on specs". With this kind of random post, gobble's response was apt.
Though some of guys may have some history of conflicts with gobble hence their reactions but reactions in this thread are totally uncalled for.

Why I hate Bose? Because when I had no clue about what hifi is about, I was pulled into a bose showroom and I was told that this is the best in audio, and priced correctly for being the BEST. I believed them. And later when people laughed at me for my ignorance, I felt cheated. Thereafter I started hating bose.
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For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!