Bangalore Hifi meet 2011?

FYI, I have started a thread on as well.

Sorry, I missed some of your suggested names, will include it in the next list.
Thanks Raghu, when numbers are so high, there are bound to be drop-outs, even last minute drop-outs. So, please keep adding interested members to your list..... something in the lines of Indian Railways - confirmed, RAC, WL etc:clapping:. I'll fill you on any interest members I get from and we'll freeze on the first 35 to 40 members.
Hi all,

I am confirming my participation for this event.

The following equipment/things I have:

Denon AVR 3803,
KEF floor standers (Which I cant cart, but if a fellow member has a car, I dont mind!)
Pioneer 686A DVD player
Philips Record player
Records:Sting, Michael Jackson Bad,Boney M
Portable CD player Technics
Panasonic TV 100 Hrtz progressive scanning TV but too heavy to cart!

Anybody thinks any of these would be useful for the event, I will bring it along!


Correction to my earlier post: Clarified with Raghu that the Anutone auditorium is actually ~9.8x4.3 m and not 60ft x 40ft that I had wrongly heard over my telephonic conversation with Raghu.

Spoke to Odyssey(Sridhar) of ARN Systems to check if he would be able to attend along with some equipment. As always, he was positive but we could our conversation was non-conclusive because of the wrong room size. Need to call him again with the correct dimensions.

Also called Sumit of Lakozy(Delhi) to check. He too assured to send some stuff from his Bangalore dealers once he knows the room dimensions.

Contacted Mridul's office and left a message as I have never interacted with him before.

From the Member's side, spoke to gvenu who has kindly volunteered to bring his Acoustic Portrait monoblocks and AP preamp:cheers:
So with Nagesh, Naren and my four names, and Stevie out, we are at about 38 as on date. I think if a few more also come in we can have a few standees at the back of the room. Plus as Santhosh said, a few people may be unable to make it on that day, for unexpected reasons.
Anilva has indicated that he will be back from a trip, by then, and would like to join us. He is, as some of you already know, a highly experienced and knowledgeable person and we will be lucky to have him among us.
Hi George plz confirm me incase there is any drop out....No equipments to flaunt..:sad:(student) will build a system later this year.... i dont mind even if its standing space
I missed this thread for long.
I would love to join. I dont mind standing outside and peeping thru any of the windows!

My interests will be listening/appreciating/honouring the DIYers.
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