Dune HD Max

FLac files play back is of excellent quality. I am using my Dune max to play flac files through my Onkyo amp and Klipsch speaker.
FLac files play back is of excellent quality. I am using my Dune max to play flac files through my Onkyo amp and Klipsch speaker.

Hows the bluray playback on Dune HD max? are you doing the HD decoding in your Dune or the Onkyo? Do you find any difference in the two? I have an older Denon 1906 which has no Hd decoding so I take the 5.1 analogue out from the Dune to the Denon.
Bluray playback is excellent on dune hd max. its decoding is top class though i do it on my yamaha receiver. I really don't find any big difference between the decoding abilities.
Hi docd and kannan,
I am using my Onkyo TXNR 3007 amp for decoding audio. But the Dunes decoding is also is very good.
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