Have you checked your Ears? A Test one should be serious...


Sep 15, 2008
Mumbai, India
Dear Members,

We are always on the look out for new products, be it upgrades or additional gadgets to create or enhance our audio-visual experience at home. But, are we really caring for our ears which is actually the most important part in our assignment, which we always tent to forget.

Here is a hearing test for all our beloved members. It is very simple, click on the link and follow the instructions. After you finish your test, please come back here and tell us till what frequency you are able to hear.

Link: Hearing Test

I am shocked to know that I can only hear upto 17Khz frequency. I would like to know the experience of our members after their tests. Pls post your comments and also the precautions one can adhere to protect our most priceless "Ear".

NB: You can either use your external computer speakers or headphones.

Next test is for "Eyes" coming soon...
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I'm screwed. 14 kH is all I can hear and I'm 49 years old. All those years of standing around bass bins has taken it's toll. :sad:

Very useful post, thanks.
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